Ideas for a new way to handle grade points

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Will Hanna, May 15, 2013.

  1. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    With less regional/divisional racing options available to Top Alcohol teams, I think it's time the grade point system gets revisited.

    I know this is leverage on NHRA's part to keep racers going to regional events, however with some parts of the country not having many races, a lot of racers in those parts are choosing to go to fewer regional races and just race more nationals.

    I think its a good thing that a new team should have to go to a regional event before racing a national...but a team or racer that has years of experience but hasn't raced in a few years shouldn't have to 'prove' themselves on the regional level.

    I've kicked this idea around...a veteran card if you will. Basically you pay a fee to get the same entry rights as a bronze card holder. You still have to pay entry just like a non gold/silver/bronze card holder would, but you can enter a race at any point in the year, regardless of what your grade point is.

    To be considered vetted or 'veteran' you would have to have attended "X" races in the last 5 years.

    Truthfully, is practicing at a regional really going to make a team ready for prime time? We all know there are plenty of teams that race quite often that still look like this is their first rodeo on the line. The teams that are prone to oil the track are going be prone whether or not they go to a divisional. The problem could also be mitigated by giving a new guy 2 runs on single.

    In a nutshell, it's buying grade points/status.

  2. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    How would that affect our new team,
    My brother as an owner has raced with Frank Shuster.
    for at least 5 years, dose that qualify us if I'm driveing the car.
    Gene Terenzio Sr.

  3. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    grade points

    The current system works where as an owner or driver, you add up the total amount of divisional/regionals you have raced at in the last 3 years, then divide by 3.

    Whichever is higher of that number or the number of races you raced at during the last year is your 'grade.'

    I think he should be able to be at least grade 1 as a car owner.

  4. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Ashley Sanford is trying to enter the Seattle National event but, at the moment, NHRA is not letting her run it until she runs a regional. Her mom and dad have a scheduled trip the weekend of Woodburn so she isn't able to run the only regional before Seattle. Her dad just bought Larry Meirch's operation, has sponsorship to race, and she ran Las Vegas under Larry's owner points when Larry still owned the car. She lost round one when her car shook against Chris Demke. She had an .025 light.

    Point is, here's a new team, has funding, has few regional opportunities before Seattle and this is the way it goes. Welcome to NHRA drag racing, now go home. I could see them pulling this on someone who has a history of blowing off regional events, but there needs to be a policy in place that allows new teams or teams returning after a few years off to be able to compete.

    Ashley ran a super comp style car and then her dad's top alcohol dragster in the sand running as fast in the sand to 300' as most of you run on the asphalt, so she's more than capable of driving and has already proven herself during the license process and Vegas. They should let her run.
    Last edited: May 15, 2013
  5. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    grade points

    The loop hole most arent aware of is a grade point from ANY category will do. Worst case if she found someone with a car that would pass tech in any sportsman class, it should give her a grade point. Fallon maybe?
  6. Alky_lover_and_drinker

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Maybe her parents could reschedule their "trip" instead of expecting everyone to change for them. Not trying to sound cold but its like, "Yeah they could go to a race the week before and do everything they need to do but theyre on vacation that weekend so god damn NHRA what a bunch of assholes!!!!"

  7. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    It would be a non-issue if there was a class at EVERY divisional that TADs and TAFCs fit into where people could race/practice and earn grade points...

    But what format class offers that?...

  8. planbmotorsports

    Jan 3, 2007
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    I am new to owning and driving a alcohol car but have been involved in the class for years crewing and I believe that the formation of the regions was not a positive move for the class and I do not believe that the tracks or NHRA are not all at fault as everyone keeps pointing fingers at. I am not going to the races for the pay out I am going to the races to race and try to be the one at the end with the trophy and if they throw me a bone for it then cool and if not hey I had a place to race and get away from reality for the weekend. The tracks are business's with lots of overhead just like anyone of the company's like lots of us racers own and they expect to make a profit for there work just like you and I. As far as advertising goes in most places you will not draw in a big crowd to watch alcohol racers and if anyone of you ever checked into what any kind of advertising spots cost you will know that it would take a lot of spectators to cover just the cost of that advertising. There is not a possible way a track is going to be able to pay back our costs or even close to our costs at a divisional but they can all give us a place to race our junk and enjoy a weekend. I would love to see the old format come back and make it easier for the lower funded teams to do more racing and have a chance at the divisional championship but this will never happen unless the racers give a little.

    Nick Januik
  9. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    grade point

    One idea discussed this weekend was to give one grade point with a new license for the first year. I think it has some merit as depending on where you live, there may be very limited opportunities to go to a regional.

    Going to the regional deal was never, ever, ever about increasing car counts. It was about letting the tracks get out from under the purse.

    There is growing discontent for the regional system because the majority of the cars are not chasing the points in-region.
  10. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Nice of you to throw the regional only tracks under the bus Will. Top Alcohol is very important to tracks that can't host a national. At least to the ones the NHRA allows to host them. Look at Woodburn for example. They not only have a divisional with alcohol, NHRA allowed them to host a second regional not on a divisional weekend but a regular race weekend. One other track up here would like a regional but they were told no because oh wow we have four already. It's bull shit! Hey Randy have your friends come up to Mission it is only 120 miles north of Seattle. (June 14-16 and at a better track than Seattle). Yes they need passports to cross into Canada like we need when we cross into the US of A.

    Nick I love your attitude, wish more were like that

  11. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    where's the bus?


    what are you talking about? I didn't throw anyone under the bus. The regional deal came up because a number of tracks simply didn't want the alcohol purse anymore dragging down their back gate event. the whole 'lets increase car counts' deal was just a way of sugar coating it. luckily there were enough tracks that did value us and we still have something.

    as far as racer sentiment, if less and less teams chase regional points, whether it's for championships or trying to make top 5, 10 whatever, it won't be what it once was. a portion of the class hitters are now focusing on national efforts. a portion of the class can't afford the travel to chase a regional deal, whether they want to or not. then some races are scheduled on top of each other so you have to choose one way or the other in some instances.

    that is why i have pushed so hard to get more races back on the schedule to mitigate the traveling problem and get more racers chasing the regional deal again.
  12. John Evanchuk

    Oct 1, 2005
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    You're absolutely right Will. The Regional format has made it difficult to travel to the Regional events, not only because of the travel costs but because of the time off required to attend one. I still own a business and it was difficult in 2012 to take 5-8 days off to travel to the southern events. Those being Phoenix, Vegas and Sonoma, so now earning Regional points is not a real priority anymore. When we had Divisions to race in, it was much easier to attend 4-5 weekend races, earn points and possibly a Silver or Bronze card, which also made entering National events much easier. I've held either a Silver or Bronze card from 2003 up until this year. Now with only 2 grade points I can't even register (early) for a National event I won last year, never mind Vegas or Pomona. I've been competing in the same class at National events for 15 years and now I'm not qualified to enter one until the last minute, if the quota hasn't been met. I do believe I still know what to do and how to respect the National event run schedules. I'm not sure that NHRA thought about the fact that a lot of us are still working people and to attend 4-5 Regional races that stretch from Mission to Phoenix requires a lot of time off from our jobs that also feed us. But we have to be able to do that just to attend 3 or 4 National events as well. I suppose it really is condusive now to someone who is retired.

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