Alcohol Drivers to be featured at National Events

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by 310TAD, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. 310TAD

    310TAD Top Alcohol

    May 11, 2003
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  2. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    Now that's a step in the right direction! Very cool guys.

  3. tad2155

    tad2155 Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    bout time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
  4. JustinatAce

    JustinatAce Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Autograph Session

    To be honest, I knew this was a step in the right direction, but wasn't sure how well it would be received by the fans at first..

    Now I can say I was officially impressed. For the first crack at it, there were fans lined up for a solid 45 minutes getting autographs from Jay Blake, Todd Veney, Randy Meyer, Chris Demke, Shane Westerfield, John Lombardo, Jim and Annie Whiteley, and Duane Shields.

    Ron Capps even volunteered to come over and see if he could help.

    It was a really fantastic thing to see, and done with the support of both Lucas and NHRA. Ray Drew did a great job getting this deal coordinated through the channels of Lucas and NHRA.

    Now Ray needs to get Hero Cards printed up so we hand out something with the Top Alcohol racing schedule. So please join up if you haven't already!! I'm sure we can also use some help keeping these things going across the country.

    The Lombardo crew helped by loaning their tables and chairs, and also put a little raffle together for the fans. Little things like this go a long way. Thanks to all who participated and I hope to rounding everyone up for the session in Topeka as well!
  5. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    Very Cool

    Great to see some proactive efforts coming out of the PSA! This is a great way to start getting the fans involved in who we are and what we do. I was listening to the live audiocast from the event and they mentioned the autograph session a couple times and encouraged the fans to check it out which is a big help. Getting the support of NHRA and the announcers is important and nice to have them telling the fans to stay I the stands and watch the alky cars instead of telling them to head to the pits to watch the pros work on their stuff. I think it's important that we acknowledge their support and encourage them to continue. We offer some exciting racing action and interesting personalities and need to continue anything we can to raise the awareness of the fans.

    Sure a lot of notable names missing on the PSA member list. Lets not give up on the association before we really give it a chance. Having Ray take charge is a positive step but we really need the support of the racers both financially by being members and through input as to creative ways to maximize exposure and awareness of what we do. The objective is to increase our fan base and make our "show" more of a value to track operators so we continue to have venues to race our cars. This is gonna take the input and effort of many of us not just a few. Displays prior to regional events to raise local awareness and help get fans in the stands would help a bunch. Handouts or something promoting upcoming regional events provided at National events is a way to let existing fans know where else they can see us where we are the "headliners". Maybe the tracks that have us at regionals could provide flyers with info and a discount or way to get some free tickets via the Internet or provide some free tickets to give away. A banner or posters displayed in some of the alky racers pits to promote upcoming area regionals? We need to be willing to do more to promote ourselves if we are to be successful, just sending in money and hoping someone else will do all the work won't get it done.

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