Need help with R980 Whipple

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Soldierboy0098, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Hi, I have a friend who just got a whipple R980 blower to run in outlaw pro mod on a BAE 5 motor and he is needing some help with hat and port nozzle sizes. If anyone is familiar with the R980 hipple in a drag racing application please contact me if you don't mind helping. Just need to get a safe starting point.

    Its a 526 cid Brad fathead 5 motor with 10.5:1 cpr and the whipple will be spun at 70% o.d. to make approx 50 lbs of boost. It will use 4 hat nozzles and a 21 gpm pump.

    Thanks for any and all help,
    Trevor Sherwood
  2. PROMOD63

    PROMOD63 Member

    Jun 6, 2008
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    hear that ? thats the same crickets i heard about two years ago when i asked the same question......and now many hours of trial and error and trips to the dyno and rods flying around the dyno room as well as several thousands of dollars i have a 2700lb 15 year old promod that runs 3.90 pretty easy at 8000 rpm and never hurts a part with a r980 on it at 70 % the first thing i can tell you for sure is it will have to have a couple of different rod lengths in it because of the way it pushes the air. I have a base line tune up eight in the hat and eight in the ports with a pump loop and two high speeds
  3. Mark Leigh

    Mark Leigh Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    He's asking to get a fuel system tuneup for free ----- there are several guys that advertise on this site that will supply one for a fee------- that fee will save alot of money in the long run------------If you can afford the car, you can afford the fee I say .:confused:
  4. ta455

    ta455 Member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    hes asking for a safe starting point and if anyone wants to share something its great, or.. its a tech forum you know.
  5. Blown5402

    Blown5402 Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    THANKS to anyone who has the knowledge and help!

    Many times, all of us ask for help and YES!, I know it is best to ask and pay for the best, but many do this for a hobby for us and the fun of it, and we are not professionals like some of the above who have unlimited budgets, and I would still stop and help him if he had a flat tire on the road. Many of us want to be nice and helpful to all! I will PRAY for him and hope that many do not have his attitude! I know that I am old, and grouchy, and draw Social Security now, but help all of the kids in the neighborhood and hope that our sport can carry on in the future for the younger gearheads. I have never charged anyone for help and never will, and just love our sport and many of us do need help for our cars and motors, but I do know in this case, that the professionals were asked and an offer was made to ask for help and pay for the services, but the Whipple is old technology and many have forgotten how to make one run or even remember their tune-up, but THANK YOU to those that have offered to help. We can sleep good at night and know we have done our best to honor the forum here and try to help people to keep or sport alive! THANKS! Jim from TN!! 931-580-8804 or anytime
  6. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Tune up help

    I want to say a few things after reading this. I have helped people on tune ups at no charge despite being a disabled vet with barely enough income to cover my bills, and that guy ended up stealing from me. I have fixed cars in physical pain at no charge for a 16 year kid because he didn't have the money to fix his truck again despite me having no money. These are just a few examples of many.

    I do these things because I like to help people and I believe that racers are a family. Most are good people and yes there are a few bad apples. Since I got involved in this business 16 years ago I have had tons of great people help me and teach me a lot, some of them world record holders and champions. I was 15 when I started with drag racing and had no money to build the car much less pay for advice. I help other racers if I can as a way of giving back what other great people gave me. I would pay them if I could and so would Jim, we both gave our health fighting for our country and that limits us to our income. I shouldn't even be trying to finish my car but its the only thing that has kept me going. 7 years of nightmares every night from Post Tramatic Stress Disorder and being broke and unable to find work has wore me down. I have managed to find some measure of peace in the racing world, That said I don't believe I was out of line asking for help for a friend on a website that was created with that intent in mind. I would never get mad at those who sell tuning services who do not want to give away free info as that is there bread and butter, someday I may even hire them. I plan on paying Mike Kopchick for a tuneup for my car when cash allows. The team I worked on paid Bob Newburry for tuning.

    Further more Jim Kyle is a man who served 38 years in the military and cared more for his troops then anyone else that I have ever met. I know him as both a friend and a soldier and posted this ad not asking for tuning secrets but a little help in an area that I don't know enough about. We were not even asking for a tune up just nozzle sizes to get us going. If people don't wan't to share thats fine but we don't need people on here speaking badly about people wanting to learn or help others. Will Hanna started this site as not just a place to sell parts and advertise services but also as a place to discuss problems and help other fellow racers.

    For what it's worth I have also spent 4 years in the military and volunteered to go back to Iraq despite being wounded in my first tour. To say that Jim is asking for anything for free is to spit in the face of a man who spent most of his life defending all of us and that includes the people on ITA rather you believe it or not. I would follow Jim into hell if he asked me to, that man earned my respect along time ago when he asked the second lowest rank in the army about how he could help protect his troops going into Iraq since I was there. I would happily give my life for that man.

    Jim and I appreciate those of you who contacted us with advice, if there is ever anything we can do in return please just ask. I have said it before and will happily say it again, Thanks to all of you who have helped out over the years and a special thanks to Will Hanna and the people of ITA. I also want to apologise to Will if this turns into a rant.

    Trevor Sherwood
  7. AFC357

    AFC357 New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    And I will add Trev has a heart of GOLD...would do anything for anybody (within his financial reach;) And he has PASSION for this sport....just not DEEP pockets....Ive done a lot for this VET and proud to say so!:D If someone can help him...your helping a good guy!
  8. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Thanks Uncle Tim, No relation......(figured it's been a while)

    I appreciate the support.

    Just a heads up I had the car nearly done and it would definately run 3.70s maybe even 3.60s until the parts theft and lack of payment for work performed.

  9. ta455

    ta455 Member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    "promod63" when you say two high speeds , do you take fuel away or richen it ?
  10. PROMOD63

    PROMOD63 Member

    Jun 6, 2008
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    we take fuel out with the high speeds but its too much for ours and leans it out so we left one turned around and just use the first one
  11. blown1969camaro

    Apr 18, 2010
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    Tune up

    here is a safe tune up

    1 70 2 70 3 72 4 72 5 80 6 82 7 78 8 78 all on 17lb
    two 80s in front of blower
    two 80 in middle on 17lb poppets
    use a 900 waterman
    and here is the
    highspeed blank
    high speed blank
    main jet blank

    this will get u up and running

    do the reasearch and fiugure out the difference in flow of the waterman 900 and the pump you have and take that difeerence away with a pump loop trev call me and ill help u do the math

    this system would be very safe and about 1 to 2 gallons safe (after u put a pumpo loop in it for your pump being larger than the wateran
  12. br22bob

    br22bob Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    Well said Trever !!!!!!!!!!!!! Bob

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