ratio help?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by hotrod200, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. hotrod200

    hotrod200 Member

    Mar 30, 2011
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    HI just been looking at putting a lenco into my altered that i am building, i have no idea of what ratio may be suitable, im looking at running a pedal clutch , and a two speed. maybe a rear end ratio of 4:11 and a 34.5 tire, blown alcohol 443 early hemi, not looking to make a heap of power maybe 1200 or so, i want to run 7.60 and maybe limit it to about 8000, any ideas will be greatly appreciated, thanks.
    i came across a coarse spline 35% two speed would that be ok?
  2. Fuel Cars

    Fuel Cars AA/AM

    Aug 20, 2003
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    Sounds like what I'm building, an NE1 car with a 7.60 index, and if you are, I wouldn't go with the a clutch setup, go with a powerglide for consistency and less maintenance.
  3. hotrod200

    hotrod200 Member

    Mar 30, 2011
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    it is pretty much what im doing though im not really fixed on a time 7.60 was just a ball park time i think will be fast enough for the car, and me to start i have never driven anything this quick, and i have a 103 inch wheelbase, as im trying to stay as true to the nostalgia deal as i can. i have a powerglide in the car now. but now after help out a few guys with clutches, i think it may be better. and cheaper.....as i can change my stall just by side stepping it at whatever rpm i can choose on the day,
    im still tosing up between the two to be honest though at the moment.
  4. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    FYI, When we built The Italian Way BB/A Back in 1973/4 We had a 392 early hemi in it,it ran alright, but the cyl Walls would go egg shape after a few runs, it was bored out .030, when i bored it to replace a cracked cyl wall i found that the cyl.after it was bored .030 only had .090 left in the wall, so we switched to a 354 block and heads, The rest is history, that car went 7.67@ 184 MPH, with only 26 in the mag and 3 teeth over on the blower.It set the NHRA the national record 7 times, in the 4 years we ran it, We had a crowerglide clutch and a 3 speed lenco, 2.24 first gear, 513 rear gear, What I'm trying to tell you is get rid of the 392 block and get a 354 block & heads save yourself a lot of time, the 354 ran quicker and faster than the 392.pm me and ill tell you all the specks on the 354. if you want. Gene Terenzio Sr.

  5. hotrod200

    hotrod200 Member

    Mar 30, 2011
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    Thanks for the info I'd really love to here more about it! I have actually gone to an aftermarket alloy block, and billet crank I have a few iron blocks and thought they looked a little weak even though some people have had great success with them I didn't want to risk it, thanks again
  6. 23T Hemmee

    23T Hemmee Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    I'm thinking a 1.35 2-speed with a pedal clutch is going to be taking a pretty big chunk out of it on the hit. It would probably work with a Crowerglide but I believe a pedal clutch is going to need a 3-speed.

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