Want to step up our program, blower overdrive on SSI F HH 14-71, looking for sub 6.50

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by john barnes, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. john barnes

    john barnes Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Want to step up our program, 6.90 to sub 6.50, I recognize its not only blower overdrive but looking to get some ideas and thoughts.
    18 deg big chief, 548ci, Kb olds, 12:1, hogans, enderle 990, 10.8gal in motor @ 8000, blower set way back (8.5 snout), promag20, 30 deg in low, 26 in high, leaving at 4800 with air throttle, 34% OD 37lbs of boost, max reliable rpm 8500, 33x17x16, 4.10, PG 1.80 low, converter flashes to 6200 and slips about 3% in lights, quadstar injector, 1.02 60, 4.47@172, 6.902@204
    Blower is a SSI F HH, I bought new, just sent back to SSI to be freshened and "updated", it has a shoe with a 9.5 opening now.
    OK, questions, what is the best OD to run this at with a max engine rpm of 8500? Would a rage or WRC pump be a worthwhile upgrade to make so I can run more pressure? What percentage should be hat vs port? How many gallons should I aim for with this cranked up? Timing? Thank you in advance! Looking forward to bearing ideas.
  2. James D

    James D New Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    what is it in? 1.02 is weak if dragster or altered.
  3. jody stroud

    jody stroud ZOMBIE Top Dragster

    Sep 3, 2007
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    Man you've got a problem somewhere.... maybe the convertor or way too rich or something. With those parts you should be in the low 6.20s easy. I ran a setup close to that a few years ago and with no management other than one high speed and a flow jod from Gorr it ran 6.17 in the 1/4 and 3.95 in the 1/8th. You need a custom convertor and you need to send your fuel system to Rage Fuel Systems and get it flowed and set , you will also need a bigger pump at some point, I ran a 1100 enderle until I switched to a MBR Hemi. Then I went to a Rage pump.
  4. john barnes

    john barnes Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    It's in a 2750lb steel body 69 camaro. I agree we should be quicker.
  5. overkill69

    overkill69 Member

    May 17, 2005
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    It can run a lot better...We went 1.03 4.19 173mph @2900 lbs with about the same stuff.
    You should be lean. In good air we had a stout 990 pump with a blank jet. k9 superman at 43% made about 40 psi @8000 rpm.
    The 4.10 gear is a little tall. When you fix that it will get meaner on the hit and you'll have to dump more timing.
    After a bunch of years running a chevy even with a screw I think the ratios and converter are a huge deal since you have to make it happen at low rpm. If you want to run 1/4 the glide is a big compromise.
    Most Chevys that run hard are using a 3 spd. There is a 2650lb roots car on the west coast that goes 3's and very low 6's with stuff not much tricker than what you have.
  6. john barnes

    john barnes Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I've been following your conversion to a "caveman" motor on YB and ITA and your insights into a chevy based deal have been informative. I've been around enough late models to say they toss rods out the side too and break rocker arms occasionally, along with burning up the tips of pushrods, LOL but they go to 10k fairly reliably so.... Did you have a flowmeter or you just put everything in the motor the 990 had? Thanks
  7. nitrowannabe

    nitrowannabe Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    What kind of air do you see James ? Don't some parts of the country see 5000' and go uphill from there ? Jody is waiting for that below sea level air in April.
  8. nitrowannabe

    nitrowannabe Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    Ooops. Meant to address my comment to John. Small screen. Old eyes.
  9. overkill69

    overkill69 Member

    May 17, 2005
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    The best thing I can say about a BAE is it must be inherently reliable because morons are going fast with them and smart guys are going extremely fast. You find a guy that runs hard with a chevy and he will know how he got there..lol.
    Our flowmeter was a wreck back then but I think our 990 was 15.1 gpm and it ate the whole thing with frosty plugs in 600ft air.
    Our roots deal in the heavy car really ran better than the screw in our new car and I blame the trans/converter. Chance is selling used converters cheap. I'd call Marty for that but I don't know why you're not burning more fuel.
    To run a 1.02 and 172mph with only a 4.47 et the car is a dead turd in the middle. I'd guess it falls on it's face at the shift?
    We ran 440's with a glide and 4.56 with 34.5 tire but a 172 low bruno 3 spd really woke the car up and put it in 4 teens.
  10. john barnes

    john barnes Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    About the best air we see on in the summer is 2600 and a hot humid August day might be over 5000, corrected. And yes the accel graph g's are pretty lame after shift, in fact we fought tire shake after shift until we raised shift rpm (in shitty air), converter stator will be changed, the one now is a 9 blade steep angle, will probably go to 13 with a shallower angle to raise stall and torque multiplication. Thanks for your input. How close are you to running the new combo?
  11. overkill69

    overkill69 Member

    May 17, 2005
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    Regardless of the air 172 mph is no slouch.blip the timing around the shift and keep shake away.180 to 1-1 is painful and even worse with a tall rear ratio.
    We're a ways out on our stuff. I always like to bite off more than I can chew every winter with upgrades.lol.

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