Modified converter stator

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by lucky devil, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. lucky devil

    lucky devil Member

    Apr 14, 2008
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    Has anyone modified their own stator ? I have herd about the fins on stators being drilled.....does anyone have any experience , just curious.

    Thanks Wayne
  2. underby6

    underby6 Active Member

    Sep 28, 2006
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    You'd cause more slip at lower converter rpm's. The fluid enters the converter then is flung by the pump to the turbine. The turbine throws it against the stator which then re-directs it to the pump halve and the cycle continues. By drilling holes in the stator more fluid would pass through it when it's not spinning at a high rpm; the launch and first 60' maybe. There is no way to be precise as most mfgrs. wouldn't recommend way to really tell aside from trial/error. I believe that because the converter is bolted to the flywheel, and the car reaches a high range of rpm so quickly, there not to be much benefit. Changing some geometry on the stator I believe would be far more beneficial.

    Brandon Booher
    NHRA TAD #323
    Torque MGMT. - Owner
  3. rb0804

    rb0804 Active Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    I have one two stators that are the same angle, but one has the holes drilled in it. It was my understanding that the holes were to assist in fluid flow during the sprag free wheel period. I was told that the holes would generate more heat if it were to be used in a sprag less converter. I run a sprag less so I never tried it with the one with the holes. My converter experience would tell me that the holes would tighten the converter a bit, as it would affect the stators ability to re-direct the fluid (the thing that causes the torque multiplication) but I am unsure what it would do during the coupling phase. What are you looking to do to your converter? Is it a bolt together?
  4. lucky devil

    lucky devil Member

    Apr 14, 2008
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    Thanks for the feedback , I have a bolt together converter. We run it behind a BAE in a door car.

    I have heard a couple of peopl talk about a stator with holes in to make the stall speed higher , Iam curious more than anything.

    I guess it depends on the current stall speed , the size of holes , where they are on each fin , and what is the end goal......I guess it's trial and error.

    More and more people are using converters with great results , I personally haven't used a clutch.

    Any more views / experience from anyone ??

    Thanks Wayne

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