What generator to get

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by hotrodharlkey, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    I will be needing to buy a generator sometime before 2013 race season;;never owned one and know nothing about them so don't know where to start looking...was at a local parts store and they had a 7500 disel generator for only $700.00 i'm sure it was some kind of China made one but don't know..
    anyway;;just getting started..picking up my first enclosed car trailer this weekend..has one roof AC unit..will have air compressor[not a big one..thinking a 110volt just to air tires and maybe change flat on side of road on trailer or truck]that be only time used for air tools//battery charger///inside lights and 3 outside work lights;;maybe down the road i'll have the small fridge[like you buy from wal mart for campers]like i said..don't know what i need
    what would be a good generator[size] to operate the above items can i get by with[low budget//most likly i'm going to try and find a parted out rv to get one out of if will work that is]..what size and what fuel[gas or disel//pro and cons]what i've been hearing and reading is noise is a big factor..not wanting to piss off everyone around me because i buy a harbor freight[a example i don't know if theres is or not] generator that everyone within a 5 block area can hear


    Apr 18, 2005
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    charge me

    hey, don goto the honda website for generators, its got tons of info on adding up what you have. also, think about buying a welder that already has a generator on it, that way you dont have to carry both, and sometimes they are real cheap. for what youll be doing probably 2-4 outside halogen lights, inside trailer lighting, a small air compressor- no air tools, etc. , power for a computer and a battery charger, 2 blower fans for the car, and maybe a crew fan. the ac unit is the biggest hog, so check the kw use of it. thats probably a good list to start from. i doubt youll need anything above a 6.5 kw .i dont know about the fridge, they seem to start a lot of fires.the quiet series are great, we had to buy a special 500 yard extension cord for the last generator, so loud you couldnt hear the engine of the car above it. dan
  3. TADHemiracer

    TADHemiracer Member

    Dec 9, 2010
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    I use a 15KW Onan 4 cyl gas that runs at 1,800 RPM. I have it mounted behind the cab of the kenworth. You can stand next to it and talk while it is running. It is the quietest generator at the track. I bought it used on Ebay for $1,000.
  4. GTPerf

    GTPerf Member

    Oct 22, 2006
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    What you have to look for is the duty cycle on all of them some will say 7500 but that's peak, and it's continues is only 4000. your air compressor is what will give you the most trouble you will burn the motor up on it if your gen. can't handle the start up load with all your other things running. and remember heat! in the summer time when its 100 deg out side a 7500 may only put out 6000 give or take depending on how good it is. I think a small HP compressor that will wire 220 to split up the load works best. I think a real 8000 or bigger is where you will want to be if you don't want to have any problems or have to sale it next winter to get a better one. something that will not give you problems will not be cheap.
    Just my 2 cents
  5. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    what makes some generators loader then others?is it the exhaust?if so couldn't a person build himself a exhaust with a pass car muffler or even a smaller motorcycle muffler to make it quait?finding a lot on craigslist but how is a person going know how load it is..can't really go to everyone find and compare them so is there a trick or just a big guess if going be load or not.....is there a way to make a noisy one quick?
  6. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    found a coleman 6580kw max and 5000kw normal;;;;;;also found a ONAN 4.0 Generator can get either for $300.00;;;whats think;;to small;;;too noisy...
  7. GTPerf

    GTPerf Member

    Oct 22, 2006
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    they would be close the air compressor will be hard on them, the other thing is the exhaust noise is easy to get rid of. BUT the engine noise on alot of gas gen. is 3 times lowder than the exhaust and that is what is hard to get rid of. start them up if you can't stand next to it and talk normal its to loud.
  8. tad1011

    tad1011 Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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    Look for a generator that runs at 1800 rpm not at 3600 rpm.Most rv generators run at 1800 rpm,and are very quiet due to noise restrictions in campgrounds.I have a powertech diesel in the toter and a 6.5 onan gas in the trailer that i bought 25 yrs ago from a burned out rv both are very quiet.NHRA needs to due something with generator noise, a lot of people are useing construction type generators that are cheap and loud.
  9. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    You can't go wrong on the older Onan Rv gensets gas or diesel!
    money no object get a new one!
  10. moldenhauerracing

    moldenhauerracing New Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    The biggest advantage of Onan is that the generator is excited every 45 degrees and the majority of the rest excite every 90 degrees.This is why Onan runs so much smoother and quieter.Just my 2 cents worth
  11. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    sounding like the ONAN generator is way to go this way i'm more sure not to be to loud;;i've found a 4.0 onan;;;said runs good..on craigslist for $300 or trade for about anything..didn't have anything to trade so ask what take for it with me having to travel 220 miles round trip to get it..he priced me at $175.00 told him if still runs and generates i'll take it and for him to call or text to see when best time to meet him and pick it up...now can't get text return and no answer phone...going keep trying...if i don't use a fridge and turn off AC when needing air compressor to adjust tire pressure[no air tools at this time...just want to race..can also upgrade 2014 if needed then;;;do you-all feel can get by with the onan 4000 kw???
  12. moldenhauerracing

    moldenhauerracing New Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    Dude if you can get an Onan for that $ buy it.If you had to put some $ in it ,its still worth it.You have the advantage to go and test it out before you buy.Onan is one of those companies that have parts no matter the year.Good luck to you and hope it works out for you.DAVE
  13. tad1011

    tad1011 Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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    Onan did make some 3600 rpm generators that where very noisey.The nametag will tell you everything.

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