Towing a goose neck trailer

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by hotrodharlkey, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    I/m buying a 34ft goose neck car trailer from branden..going need to tow it roughly 400 miles..don't have goose neck ball in truck that i have to go get it with..had a person tell me i can take a drop hitch[reese hitch below bumper]and turn it upside down so it's a raise hitch and hook trailer to it..make it a bumper pull trailer then..can this be done and what's pro/cons on doing it this way?mainly would it be safe to do this way..does have trailer brakes and they will be hooked up and working..
  2. Mark Leigh

    Mark Leigh Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    You CANNOT do this . But if you do make sure and take a video !!! The weight on the gooseneck hitch is waaaayyy more than the tag hitch is rated to carry--------- just get your truck outfitted now instead of later or borrow one that is setup ..
  3. Senior moments

    May 4, 2010
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    for 400 miles - get a commercial trucker to haul it, or even a tow truck
  4. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    looks like i will keep looking for a truck to borrow with a goose neck ball in bed..i didn't think it was a smart ideal but..ha..a person told me it could be done so my thinking was to see if he was right or not..don't clam to know everything so when he told me that i got thinking..if he was right and would solve that issue..i checked already with a shipping company and even local towing company..not paying any $2000 to have it hauled 400 miles..they are stupid..guess if money was no object then that be easy thing to do..right them a check for a out of this world price and have it done..not rich so back to org deal..find a truck already set up and broow or rent it..or find someone that would bring it to me for $300.00 to $400.00....
    it sure sounded easy the way he said but not safe as i'm hearing from everyone..why i asked on here..knowed i'd get the right answer as to if it could[should]be done that way or not..
    thanks everyone.
  5. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    i know..i didn't think it was a smart way of doing it but thought...i don't know everything and just a slim chance if guy was right then bang towing sloved.....
    asked Brendan last night..he said if weather permitting he could get it as far as Reno[300 miles from me]do have a friend that lives in Carson City[18 miles from Reno]he said i can have him drop it there at his place as long as needed for free..that's most likly be what i'll do till can find truck to get it with..just thinking out loud if i could pull it then just go get it and bring all way home and be done with only going get worse before better..
  6. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    It's been mentioned already but why are you NOT getting your own truck outfitted with the right stuff? The ball over axle deal is a whole lot cheaper than all the other avenues you have looked at. You gotta have it sooner or later so why not sooner?

    Dave Koehler
  7. Mac

    Mac Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    I agree. You can buy a used hitch pretty cheap. I had my last one swapped into my new truck by Hitch Depot for $200 with all new bolts. I just saw a hitch and rails for $100 in a local classifieds
  8. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    Need trailer at home first so i can set it where it is level and see high high i'll need to mount ball inside my truck..have a 1 ton dulley that has a custom lowering kit on it..meaning the back has been droped 7" and front is droped 5"[a low rider]until i get trailer home i won't know how low trailer will seat inside bed ;;if i just mount hitch in stock way inside my truck and get to CA. there is a chance front of trailer may be to low and wouldn't be able to bring home..if i find a stock height truck to go get trailer then should hook right up and head back with no worries of nose of trailer digging into highway on dips in pavement..
  9. fed-west

    fed-west Member

    Dec 27, 2005
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    You adjust a Gooseneck trailer ride height by adjusting the neck on the trailer. Not the ball in the bed.

  10. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    yes at time he put ad on he could but now he has some other things going on i assume because his last e-mail [yesterday] to me stated he would only have time to take as far as Reno only if weather was ok only;;..otherwise [until yesterday] the plains was to have him bring all the way..
  11. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    talked to few others that has same chapperal trailer i'm getting[old one 1974] they don't think it has enough adjustment for a truck that has been lowered as much as to realize my truck is very low..shoulder high at top of cab;the floor of bed is max of 2ft off the ground if that;;just to pull a reg bumper pull trailer i have to turn a 6" drop hitch upsidedown to set car trailer level and to keep from draging tongue jack off wheen i hit a dip in road [thats with hitch on truck mounted flush with frame and coming out the custom rollpan that is higher then a stock bumper would be on the truck..580 miles to CA is way to far to go assuming the gooseneck may or may not adjust long enough to meet ball in bed.if it doesn't adjust enough then i'd have to make 2 trips to CA. SEE no reason to chance it when i get a stock truck and make 1 trip to get trailer..then when got trailer home i can check to see then if it will adjust enough or not..much easy to deal with that in my own driveway instead of finding out 580 miles away from home.
    if truck was a stock truck then wouldn't be a issue;;
  12. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    getting a little personal one needs any smart a#$ comments..keep them to yourself;;;if that is all you want to to is BASH anyother person on here then go on;;;they like this kind of stuff;;;
    WILL has a great site on here..all these years being on here you the first i/ve ran across beeing a total d#%@k with there comments...

    i'll remember this comment from you when i'm looking to buy anything on this site and you have it for sale..i'll just keep looking..
  13. Mac

    Mac Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    Is your dually static lowered or air bagged? I had a 98 Chev crew cab dually that I bought to pull my race car trailer. It was air bagged and had lots of adjustment but I still had troubles pulling into parking lots when hooked to the trailer. Double check your tires also mine had low profile tires that didn't have the proper weight rating for towing and I had to buy new ones. I built my hitch for the box and if I remember right I had it spaced up 6". I'll see if I can find a picture or the hitch.

    Not to be negative but I sold that truck because it towed like crap and dragged everywhere. It just had a unsafe feeling towing with it. It was a gas guzzler too....haha
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2012
  14. Reeves Racing

    Reeves Racing New Member

    Jul 12, 2010
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    I would like to say that I am sorry and ask that you accept that. I did delete the comment and I do understand that what I may see as common sense that others may not. I did in no way mean to offend you. GOD bless, Clayton Reeves :(
  15. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    all is good on this end..i also got out of hand on my comment back to you;;i accept yours and please accept mine to you also..this is a great site and this exactly is way it is a great site;;
  16. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    How about going to a used car/truck lot and take some measurements on a oem version? That should tell you what you need to get in the ball park. The trailer adjustment should do the rest.
  17. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    my truck is static lowered but i do have 5000 lb air bags in rear with the stand. stock 1 ton leaf springs still on it..with no load in rear of truck i can change ride height in rear almost 6" to 7" by putting more air in bags..i'm still running stock size dulley tires and ratings that came on it stock;;believe they are 8 ply or maybe even 10ply[i forgot] i stayed with them because i'm not stock under hood or trans...under hood is a industrial cummins disel out of a blue-bird buss[had to lean it over to keep turbo from hitting hood and had to cut and modified firewall back another 4" to clear rear rocker box and manifold]the trans is a 4 speed out of a 2 ton wreaker and then added a over/under US gear venders AUX TRANS BEHIND IT..PUT 3;55 GEARS IN REAR END TO KEEP RPM DOWN IN POWER CURVE RANGE OF THE ENGINE...then had turbo modified[they went with a smaller housing but added modifed rotors that has more fins then stock ones..brings boost in sooner and longer and runs cooler..have a EGT gauge that showed a 25 degree drop;;then had pump matched to turbo..last road trip i made towing i got 24.5 gpm;;that was pulling a 2200lb open car trailer with my pro/street el camino[heavy car]running average of 78mph;;
    forgot to mention i also fabicated heavy duty sway bars front and rear..towing that comb. it handle almost as good as my monte carlo SS. haven't tried it with enclosed trailer..sure going be some plain on building myself a wing[like use to see on top of semi trucks years back befor they went with the fiberglass wind deflectors now on them]and mount on top of cab to help deflect the air up and over trailer..think it will help..won't know till i tray it.
  18. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    great ideal;;thanks;;never thought of that;i'm still running the stock rim and tire combo that came on truck so should be able to measure stock bed floor height and then mine and just modify and add that differance to my mounts in bed then;;i'm running 5000lb air bags in rear with the stock leaf springs so ride height can be kept at same height as it is without trailer and load by putting more air in bags..
    thanks;;this could be my answer..get my truck ready to pull that trailer and pick up trailer at same time..

    i'm not affaird to ask for others ideals;;sometimes a person[i do anyways]gets so involved into a sitation they overlook the easy way of doing it..
  19. TAF 316

    TAF 316 Member

    Mar 26, 2004
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    haul trailer

    So are you still needing someone to haul trailer?
    might be able to help you out this week

  20. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    Sean;;thanks for the offer..yes i still need it hauled but will be couple more weeks before i can have it done..still need to finish paying for it in 2 weeks..

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