Trailer Mounted Weather Stations

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Mike Canter, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Who makes the best trailer mounted weather base station and why. Looking for a good one that transmits updated weather data either to a cell phone or a pager.
  2. craig moss

    craig moss Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    Damn Mike I think this is the first question you have ever asked !! I have no Idea but you have answered sooooo many questions it cought me off guard!! Thank's for all the input all these years!! Craig
  3. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Lol, this is the new humble me.:eek:
  4. SoDak

    SoDak Active Member

    Dec 29, 2006
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    What is the advantage of having a trailer mounted vs handheld station? Seems like you should know the air at the track, not at the trailer although there is probably little difference.
  5. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    trailer units

    Mike; the hard part of my solution is finding pocket T-shirts nowadays, but when you find one, you simply drop a Kestral 4150 in it, and save about $2500.00 to learn the same thing..;)

    Bob Meyer
    Meyer Race Cars / San Diego
    2010 Our 45th Anniversary
  6. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Bob, I have a hand held Computech Raceair Pro unit now. The problem with a hand held is the constant changing weather between what is seen in the pits, then what is seen in the staging lanes and then what is seen at the starting line. If it gets in the sun it reads one setting, if you put it in your pocket your body heats it up and you have to let it cool down and stabilize before you get another reading. So what really does the motor see? I find it hard to get consistancy. I have held the weather station out the tow car window in the breeze while towing the car to the staging lanes and get a reading totally different to what is read in the staging lanes while waiting. These differences can be up to 500ft so which one is correct? It seems to me a reading from stationary sensors on a mast away from all this is the way to go. I track the weather between rounds for planning for the next run and the heat from the generator or the reflection of the sun off the trailer next to us changes it or I will lay it down and now the sun is on it and heating it up. I had the use of one on top of a mast on the trailer at the last race and it was stable and didn't change much and gave me the weather on the pager when up in the staging lanes. It was great. They cost right at $1500 and some will feed the weather right into the Racepak Datalink program for records plus give you trends on the laptop.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2012
  7. jody stroud

    jody stroud ZOMBIE Top Dragster

    Sep 3, 2007
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    I like the Kesrtal also, really like the water grains reading. It's cheap enough and it works.
  8. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    It isn't a question of how good a Kestral or a Raceair Pro is. They both read the air where you are physically standing just fine. Read my previous post above as to what the problem is. The performance of our Promod changes with a 500ft error in Density Altitude. Many of a race was decided by time in the 100ths and 1000ths of a second and that can be as a result of a 500ft error in DA. We ran against a fast group of nitrous and blower cars in ADRL legal PM and down in the Snowbirds at Bradenton. The error on the DA is not as bad in cooler weather or when there is a stiff breeze blowing but there wasn't much cool air this last summer.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012
  9. jody stroud

    jody stroud ZOMBIE Top Dragster

    Sep 3, 2007
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    I read your other post again Mike, we just take the krestral to the lanes with us and read the air a couple of runs before ours at the starting line and tune to that reading. That is where thr Krestal really shines...portability. But to answer your question I've heard alot of good things about the Attalab units with the pager. Paul Romine used one and liked it.
  10. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    Mike; I've found that that little fan does work ! It brings in fresh air to read, which means even your HOT body or laying on the hot or cold workbench means nothing to the unit. With alky DA, the number in your head will be .001 per 100 feet. It works!

    Bob Meyer
    Meyer Race Cars / San Diego
    2010 Our 45th Anniversary
  11. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    The Raceair Pro has a fan in it also but still have inconsistent readings depending on where in the track I am. Try it sometime before a race starts. Get the Day in the pits, then in the staging area then drive the golf cart down the track while reading average Day. I use the .001.
  12. mightymouse

    mightymouse Member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    I have used portatree for years, even back in the super pro bracket days. it reads temps inside and outside in sun temps, water grains, wind speed ect. use it now with jetsize and works great. at 600 without pager and 1300 with pager its still budget friendly.
  13. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
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    May 6, 2003
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    I agree with you on the trailer mount vs mobile.

    I have had good luck with Altalab pager unit.

    I have worked with a couple of teams that had a Krestal, I was not a fan of how quickly the weather changes from walking from one location to the other.

    I use a Computech handheld with Foster's car, and I have a set location in the pit/shade I read from and try to find shade under the FC body in the lanes to make my call.

    The only thing to watch for with the trailer mount deal is you need to make sure you take it down in heavy rain. It may take it longer to air out than it takes to dry the track...
  14. Chris Demke

    Chris Demke Super Comp

    Aug 6, 2003
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    I have been using the Altalab AltaCom II with pager for 4 or 5 years now. I really like the direct link to the RacePak application. It calculates Grains of Water, and it's Density Altitude value is very close to what JetSize comes up with. Be sure to mount your mast away from your generator exhaust :) My pager failed a year ago. I called AltaLab, provided the code off the back of the pager and a credit card number and had another pager in my hands a few days later. I used a Gorr weather station before the AltaLab so I do not have experience using another pager based solution to compare it to. So far it has been reliable and consistent. I like that replacing the pager went smoothly.

  15. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Thanks Will and Chris. I agree the Altalab is the best one I have found so far. The weather should not be changing as much as the handheld units show. I have found the weather in the shade next to the trailer to be very different from what I read in the final part of the staging area. It also makes a difference if you are pitted on grass or asphalt. I guess the best thing to do is mount a temp probe on the hat and record the temperature going down the track and then find which reading before the run is closest and use that. Will at least with a FC you have a shade from the body. I will try that with Adam's new Funny Car. Like I said before the temperature difference seems to be magnified more when it is real hot with lots of sun. If overcast then it is not so much of a problem. When I get the trailer mounted unit I am going to do some comparisons with the hand held unit and see what the differences are in different types of weather. I will let you know what I find out.
  16. kylewurtzel

    kylewurtzel TA/FC

    Feb 8, 2005
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    i have a used traieler mount altalab with pager for sale. check out the parting out a top fuel add.
  17. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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  18. blownapex

    blownapex Member

    May 25, 2006
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    so mike what your finding is in bad air and no brease you may be high by 500 ft and be .005 rich on a jet
    i use computech/jetsize and i always run slower when the air gets worse and susect i need to be leaner than what jetsize/computech said. this 500 ft off may be my problem also
    example 1500 we ran 3.700 204
    next morning 3800 ft ran 3.75 202
    or we may just need to test more in hot weather
    ps ive talked to you at adrl this year blue px camaro
    thanks duane rister
  19. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Hi Doug. The car will always slow down as the DA gets higher or what we call worse air. There is no way around it. I am surprised you only slowed down .05 seconds with a 1800ft change. That is pretty good. What I am saying is I don't know what the correct weather is because it changes so much depending where you take the reading and where the hand held weather station had been laying. It maybe 500 ft or it may be less or it may more. The important thing is to not lay the weather station in the sun or in your pocket or on the ground and to always try and do it the same way every time. Will Hanna has the best deal on bringing his shade with him under the open FC body.
  20. BUTCH

    BUTCH Member

    Sep 11, 2005
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    weather station

    Mike, Just wanted to see what weather station you ended up getting, pros and cons?



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