Regional series failure

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Blown Chances, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    And u race your $125,000 pro mod for $1200 to win. Full 1/4 mile. Against a 4 cylinder super mod door car running 9s at 150mph. Comp guys don't want AA/AM, AA/PM in their class. Running a car like that the full 1/4 mile costs what, $1000/pass. To get beat by that 4 cylinder car?

    Trust me, i worked a full season with a top 10 comp car. .7 under turbo guys drove off a bunch of the naturally aspirated guys.

    Quadrple the winners $ from what comp guys get and that's a pretty good reason to me...

  2. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    I'm not proposing changing alcohol at all! Just getting them more national events. All with TV exposure.

    Right now, the divisionals are all trying to get rid of us. If u want a race car that doesn't have a class, just keep your seat on the titanic and ride her to the bottom.

    If u think NHRA will change scheduling of Divisionals from being back to back with nationals to give us better spectator turnout is going to happen, think again.

    4 of our 6 regionals in the west are back to back with nationals. Promote all you want, no one is going to chose to watch Whitely vs. Demke over Courtney and John Force.

    Send me an email.

    I want to elevate the alcohol classes while creating a place to race at the divisionals which doesn't involve a breakout. The IHRA FC guys will tell u, it would be better to have at least something they could do with their cars, this class is that something.

  3. Ed Arcuri

    Ed Arcuri Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    Regional series failure?

    The concerns expressed really hit home for me. My son and I wanted to race a funny car, haven't the resources to run TAFC as serious contenders and found no place in the NHRA - Top Dragster all open wheel. Top Dragster requires doors.
    So, we embarked on our own to set up a place to race. We haven't attracted other funny cars but have found countless blown and injected nitro racers who were looking for a home. We run a modified Chicago style deal. All run two rounds, the two cars closest to our 7.50 index go to the final. It's not perfect but it works to provide a good show, control costs, and give real racers a real chance.
    I'm of the opinion that Will has nailed the essential problem: back gate dependence. The latest National Dragster ran several pages on throttle stop carburetors. If you want to run spectators away, throttle stops are more effective than gunfire. Why the emphasis on the throttle stop classes? Entry fees.
    I am pulling for PSA's success. I truly hope that what we are doing at the Rocky Mountain Superchargers is helping the effort, even if we just provide a place for you to sell your older stuff as you improve your effort.
  4. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    I applaud your efforts.

    You're exactly right that there is NO PLACE in NHRA for the cars this class is targeted at. Your class has a 7.50 index to keep costs down. Very similar to what Cifca out west was. This idea shortens the track length to reduce costs. It's guys like u that want and need a place at the NHRA division level.

    Send me your email. I'd like the opinion of someone who's trying new things like yourself.

  5. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    track length

    1/8 mile racing out west isn't all that popular with promoters or racers. Almost all Pro Mod, PSCA, Nostalgia, etc., racing in the west is ran 1/4 mile.
  6. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    The NHRA has created a great set of safety standards for Alcohol cars. We all complain about having to spend the $$$ each time something new is required, but in the end it's worth our time and investment if just one trip to the hospital is avoided. (Next year i hear all crew members will have to wear shin guards at the starting line... JK! Haha)

    The reason alcohol cars haven't run in the state of Idaho for the last 10 years is because Boise's shut down area isn't long enough to get a 270mph car stopped. If the track were shortened, the speeds would be reduced, and the shutdown area would be lengthened. Alcohol cars would once again have a place at that Divisional.

    I just had a conversation with a gentleman running an outlaw fuel altered. They race to the 1/8th mile. Speeds are near 200 MPH, and according to him, the crowds really enjoy the show.

  7. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    Boise and Alcohol Cars

    Cody, you are not really correct regarding Boise. The News hated the Alcohol cars for years and finally were able to raise enough fuss that theirs became the first div race in the country to run w/o the alcohol cars and still call it a divisional rather than a national open.
    At the final event in 2002 Federlin won over Hentges with a 5.67 @ 248. Bucky won in funny car over our car with a 5.99 @ 239 to our 6.07 @ 231. At that event I have to say that we were treated about as badly as one could be treated at an event & if you want to stop by our pit at Vegas I'll fill in some details in person.
    I am not saying that the track is overly long but that has nothing to do with the demise of Alcohol cars at Boise.
  8. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    My Boise Experience


    We raced our TAD there 10+ years ago. We pitted next to a very small tag trailer. Over the course of the weekend this racer unloaded his TAD, bolted the front half to the back half, and one time pulled to the starting line for a qualifying pass. Launched, shut off, collected his $600, loaded up the car, and was a no show for first round. Then he explained that he and the rest of the family were really only there to get in for free so they could watch their son run Stock.

    I can understand how the New family would have a bad taste in their mouth after dealing with crap like that. However, NHRA allowing that track to simply choose not to have alcohol was the begining of this predicament.

  9. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    By what you describe, I know who built that car and who was running it at the event you mention.
    I am not going to get into it here but as I said we can talk @ Vegas. There is much more to the point I made re this venue. I just thought the context of what you had written, which I responded to, needed some balance and so I spoke from only a tiny bit of my own personal experience.
  10. Ed Arcuri

    Ed Arcuri Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    Just to be clear, Will, the Rocky Mountain Superchargers run on the quarter mile. We did run one round at one track on an 1/8 because of safety concerns expressed by racers owing to wind conditions.
    Of course, 1/8 mile racing has its adherents. We are set up to build the fan base, make money for the tracks, and ensure that our racers have fun, get financially rewarded for their efforts, and everyone stays safe.
    So far it has worked well because we are blessed with a great bunch of racers, loyal fans, and smart, friendly track operators. Knowing how well that combination works is the principal reason I am so optimistic about what you are doing for the best racing in the NHRA: Top Alcohol!
  11. Cap Racing

    Cap Racing New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    Hah! the Utah race is not going to have top alcohol? I read the press release and it sounded like it was going to be this big deal and an improvement over IHRA. I guess not.

    Sheeze Ed, maybe I should move to Colorado and race with you guys.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2012
  12. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    Thats all I can say about the lack of interest in bringing alcohol in with a divisional event.

    At $18,000, if each car makes 4 runs (average) and we only fill the fields (16 cars) that's $350 per pass. Good luck finding another show that even compares for that much. And we aren't even figuring on extra tickets we buy, etc.

    But if NHRA isn't selling us to their tracks, it doesn't matter how good a show we put on. Something has to change quick.

  13. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    The failure of the regional deal is epic in my opinion. They give the events tot he tracks that want them that is good, but the only require three races. Most TA teams have enough of a budget to travel a couple long hauls a year. and many teams from Oregon north on the west coast don't get a chance to play until May or June (in 2013). So what do they do, they race in the south to start the season. I am being selfish here, but The West regoinal's first race in Div 6 is at Mission the end of May or beginning of June. It is arguably the Best non national event track in North America. There has already been a couple regionals in the South and there are a couple more in July through September. When you only need three regional races for the National points chase what is the incentive for teams to travel to Mission for their race. There is no incentive. Why the requirement had to drop to 3 only and seven nationals is beyond me. They aready got rid of the track that did not want the class, then they say you only need three. It is udder bullshit.
    Bring back five regoinals and make it 12 races in total if you have to have seven nationals.
    We have four tracks that want Alcohol cars up here, let them all have them what is wrong with seven races in a region.

    Fix the problems NHRA

    Dean Murdoch
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2012
  14. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    Canadian Races

    Dean, I personally love coming up to race in Mission. And you are absolutely right- it is a wonderful track. I also agree that there should be more Div 6 Top Alcohol events. Cody is also right- 350$ a run doesn't even come close to paying the bills. But (you knew there had to be a 'but'). There are two problems with racing in Canada, one is the unleaded fuel ban. Makes it tough for all the classes that run gas. Amazes me that private airplanes in Canada are allowed leaded fuel but not race cars? Maybe I am wrong about those regulations? But the other problem is even more serious. Getting across the border has become a major pain for some racers. A DUI that a person has paid their dues for and is in the past by years and years still keeps people from crossing the border. It seems like there are all sorts of reasons the border guards use to keep Americans from crossing the border. Not to mention the passport thing. Jeez- it's not like we are trying to get into East Germany. Maybe if Canada itself was more friendly to the racers? Between the fuel ban and the outright ban on some of the racers and crew the end result is only one race in Canada and that one is hanging on by a thread. I can say one thing for sure- you put on more races and I will be there. But maybe if it wasn't so tough for other racers more of them could say the same thing? Dave Germain
  15. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Actually Dave there is no unleaded fuel ban in Canada, the rules for unleaded are the same on both sides of the border.

    As far as the Border issues, that goes both ways as well. The Amercian side was the first to introduce mandatory passports and Canada adopted the same rules. DUI's or other miner offences can cause hassles either North or South, but those can be taken care of with proper paper work. Major felonies are not even considered either way. The Canadian border guards much like the American's can be huge d..cks and are power hungry. Have all ducks in a row and be pleasant that there are no issues either way.

  16. Rob harrison

    Rob harrison New Member

    Nov 24, 2011
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    Comp and Alcohol Status


    And u race your $125,000 pro mod for $1200 to win. Full 1/4 mile. Against a 4 cylinder super mod door car running 9s at 150mph. Comp guys don't want AA/AM, AA/PM in their class. Running a car like that the full 1/4 mile costs what, $1000/pass. To get beat by that 4 cylinder car?

    Trust me, i worked a full season with a top 10 comp car. .7 under turbo guys drove off a bunch of the naturally aspirated guys.

    Reading this thread has made me realize that Alcohol cars did not get the respect they deserve with the Regional series . The fact that I quoted here , running with Comp , blown class cars are allowed but they usually are testing (Pro Mod for instance) . Comp has always considered Alcohol cars as Pro's , we're just crazy over here in Comp (running inline 6's from hell ) we share engineering with you guy's , but that's it . I can't imagine what it cost to run an Alcohol car , but the series payout should reflect that.......running with Comp is never going to get that done , we might of had 4 full fields all year and our payout is from 10 years ago....not good.....

    Quadrple the winners $ from what comp guys get and that's a pretty good reason to me...

  17. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    I am sure Tom and the boy's compensation is from 10 years ago too...:eek:
  18. Steve Gasparrelli

    Apr 18, 2005
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    Major felonies are not even considered either way... This is not true...I can think of a few teams that had crew members absent the last two years at Mission for even "simple" felony charges that were very old...
  19. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Steve there are legal ways to try and get any older charges waived. One is a waiver deal. We have them crossing to your side and I think your side has them coming into Canada as weel. There is paperwork invovled and fees and to many it is not worth the headache.

    One of the Pro Mod guys in Washington gets a Border pack that has this type of document in it.

    "One of the things that makes it a little easier at the crossing is if the event produces a border packet (letter) saying the holder of this document is participating in an event at this location on this date, etc.(there for racing only)."

    I don't know all the paper wrok involved but many have had success.

  20. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    Shoot me an email.

    If a few comp guys would step up, altered guys dust off their cars that don't have anywhere to compete, top dragster guys step up, alcohol guys fall in, and the misc. Pro mod cars that can't keep up with the rapidly escalating costs of ADRL or NHRA and there's a new headlining class at the Divisional Series...


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