Thoughts on Billy from Oddys

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Wild Bill, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. Wild Bill

    Wild Bill Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    He freshened a motor for me the beginning of the year it has two quarter mile and two eighth mile runs oil filter had more than i wanted to really see i've heard nothin but bad about the guy lately oil pressure is good was gonna look at the filter again Ive started it a few times with new oil in it any thoughts I'd like to run the citrus race but i hate to blow it up. it's in a Top dragster it's a 540 chevrolet
  2. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    Seriously? Assuming the worst based on hearsay? Not logical.
    Open it up and look.
  3. aj481x

    aj481x Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    Isn't that what web forums are for? ;)
  4. Mark Leigh

    Mark Leigh Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Why not drop the pan and take a look yourself ?? What is it that you are finding in the filter exactly ?
  5. Wild Bill

    Wild Bill Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    thoughts on billy from oddy's

    Well ,I guess I,m tryin to kid myself,I know in my heart it needs to be looked at just pisses me off after all that money but it is what it is. The material in the filter seems more aluminum than steel really cant pick it up with a magnet.
  6. SoDak

    SoDak Active Member

    Dec 29, 2006
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    I don't know Billy nor have I done business with that company, but keep in mind that stuff in the filter might come from the rear main, but that problem is actually behind the engine (clutch, tranny, etc) and I have definitely had stuff in my filter because of clutch problems.
  7. Wild Bill

    Wild Bill Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    thoughts on billy from oddy's

    we run a powerglide but i understand what your saying
  8. smashm

    smashm Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    when i picked up my motor from mike stawicki last season,he told me something i always remember. "everything in the motor is new & is getting to know each other.some junk in the filter is normal & should be expected." i take this to heart & also use common sense.i also pull the pan after every weekend of racing.this a blown 526 hemi.we also found junk in the filters of our naturally aspirated top dragster big deal,it is to be expected.just to remember to use common sense when applying this.
  9. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    I am not sure i would buy into this stuff in the filter, if everything is right i don't think there should be anything in the pan or filter. if we find stuff in the oil we go to great lengths to find out what it is and why and make sure it goes away either with better parts or better fit/ assembly methods, i agree there might be a something from walls and rings seating when it is brand new but not pieces, i remember looking for something that was making 4 or 5 orange specks until i found where they painted the stripe on the valve springs was breaking into little pieces and getting into the oil
  10. Bennett

    Bennett New Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    Im not trying to be a pain . But dropping the pan is just part of it. We check bearings after every weekend. whether it's 4 hits or 10 hits. And we check the filter every pass. Good Luck!
  11. Policy Peddler

    Oct 12, 2005
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    Billy & your oil filter

    Two directions, regarding your engine and the oil filter, why not call Billy and explain what you are seeing, he finally is in the new shop, his health is better, gave up on Verizon and has a new shop office phone company & number 716-714-9630. He called me a couple weeks ago and told me my block repair was done, he met me at his shop on a Sunday when it was the only day I could get to his shop. His work was great as usual!

    His new shop is a nice place to work, his machines and assembly is in front of big windows giving a lot of natural light. He has another big room for other operations and storage. Now instead of having 6-7 or 8 rooms he has 3. His Dyno should be set up in a couple weeks. My other stuff should have the massaging done, and I can run my engines on the dyno.

    Regarding what you "saw" in your filter. Are you saying you made 4 runs then checked the filter?
    What are you seeing in the filter?
    With a new engine start and run it, maybe a run down the track, drain the oil, and check the filter for fun! That is unless you see something that is really a sign of catastrophic, put a new filter on and new oil and go run the motor, check the filter again. You will have filings coming off the cylinder bores from honing, I like the post above about the parts getting to know each other. One time I had a bolt back out of a windage tray so the rod hit it. When I checked the oil & filter it was clear there was an issue. You may have bits of silcone, maybe lint off rags or shop cloths.

    By the third filter change things should be pretty well gone.

    Biggest thing is CALL BILLY!

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