Phasing Mag44 with EFI

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by 95mmrenegade, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. 95mmrenegade

    95mmrenegade New Member

    Nov 12, 2011
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    Still learning how to setup the big cap promag44, what to make sure I am phasing it right.

    - I fired the motor up and on the internal mag trigger, turned the mag until the internal trigger showed 25 degrees of timing on the timing light
    - Switched over to the EFI trigger, set timing to fixed 25 degrees and changed the internal settings until it shows 25 degrees btdc
    - Roll the motor over until #1 is on compression stroke
    right now my timing is set to 15 degrees down track @ 40psi
    - roll the motor to 15 degrees BTDC, rotate the cap until #1 is rotor tip the just touching the #1 terminal

    Is there anything wrong with this?

    Going from gas to methanol and msd8 to promag44, I had to take out almost 9 degrees of timing from my timing map

    On the MSD8 I had 30 degrees of timing at idle and egts were 650-700
    Changing over to the promag44, at 30 degrees of timing egts were 950-1000
    dropped timing by 1-2 degrees until I got to 25 and now the egts are back to 650-700

    On staging MSD8 liked 32 degrees of timing getting up on boost, promag would just lug at 3500, dropped timing and it started responding at 26, at 24 it pulled very cleanly.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012
  2. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    im confused

    what efi do you have ?

    ok so you set the mag internal trigger at 25 by rotating the mag to get to this point,

    you then set your crank trigger to read 25 also

    you then set your efi refference to 25

    ok so far

    so why did you then phase the mag to 15 and upset the internal trigger ? there was no point at all to your first step,

    with the mag at 25 your crank trigger at 25 and the EFI referenced to 25 to get 15 you just tell the efi to run down the track with your ignition map, A big cap 44 will have zero problems handeling 10 degree retard especialy if its correctly phased between the highest and lowest value you will be using,

    whats the motor? 15 seems real low
  3. 95mmrenegade

    95mmrenegade New Member

    Nov 12, 2011
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    Replied above...
  4. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    ok when you phased the rotor you just rotated the cap and not the mag body itself to get the phasing spot on at 15 degrees right?? makes more sense and i should have reading lessons ;)
    but how did you move the cap alone without removing the rotor and loosening or repositioning the 3 small screws inside...or did you do that?

    it wont hurt at all to be phased spot on for where you run it hardest but if you ever have to run 30/35 degrees you may need to rephase it nearer the middle

    you then set your efi reference to 25
    I believe the magnet/wheel on the MSD crank trigger is set to 50 degrees BTDC, the sensor is lined up at 50 degrees

    i set my crank trigger at 40 but as long as the BS3 knows where it is to start with it can make its own adjustments

    you certainly haven't done anything wrong and as you gain experience with setting the 44 it will get easier
    how hot are your egts when your going down track?
    having just come from a blower car the egts are crazy compared to whats normal on a blower car
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012
  5. 95mmrenegade

    95mmrenegade New Member

    Nov 12, 2011
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    Replied above and below...

    I am taking the car to the track this weekend, I know the EGTs were very hot at idle and on staging comparing it to what I have heard it should be. With 30-32 degrees of timing, egts were 950-1000 at idle and 1050-1100 staging, it labored staging.

    Right now I've got the VE tuned so the fuel is:
    4.6:1 at idle in gear
    4.2:1 staging
    3.4:1 down track
  6. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    well it seems like you have all the answers and you know what you need to do...

    i dont see why going from a msd8 to a 44 should make a dramatic change to the timing required but the fuel will for sure,
    running the timing at 15 degrees will increase your egts downtrack
    cant comment on your fueling its different to mine but so is the whole set up exept we both run bs3 mag 44 and are turbocharged
    i ran mine for 2 years like this never burnt it or banged a bearing and went prety quick and fast we just changed from a clutch/lenco to a rossler 400
  7. 95mmrenegade

    95mmrenegade New Member

    Nov 12, 2011
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    Thanks for the help. I'm not new to turbos but methanol and the mag yes.

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