Regional series failure

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Blown Chances, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    Am I missing something in my math?

    Last Year:

    Divisional points series payouts:

    $8500 to win
    $4000 R/U
    $2500 3rd

    Total = $15,000

    $15,000 x 2 classes x 7 divisions = $210,000 (Thank you very much to the Lucas Family)

    This year... Regionals...

    $10,000 to win
    $5,000 R/U
    $3,000 3rd
    $2,000 4th
    $1,000 5th

    Total = $21,000

    $21,000 x 2 classes x 4 Regions = $168,000 (Still thank you to the Lucas family...)

    $42,000 pay cut for us.

    So, to whoever thought up this Regional deal, epic fail. Sorry, just my honest opinion.

  2. Tad117

    Tad117 Member

    Jul 28, 2003
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    lets see they saved money had 13 fewer races that didnt have a full field and if gold silver and bronze cards are given to the top five only then 15 cars that got into national events for free this year will have to pay next year. I am sure the powers to be dont see it the same way you do.
  3. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    It's my understanding some of the prize money went to rebates given to divisional fees to some of the tracks that were on the fence on booking the alcohol cars in.
  4. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    That means our Lucas oil purse money is going to the tracks like an entry fee?

    It's discouraging being a part of the Alcohol classes right now.

    Our track here in Utah is going back to NHRA next year. They're going to have a divisional at the end of Sept. They are NOT going to have alcohol cars.

    I would love to convince them that they should. However, since NHRA has given them the option to choose, the choice is of course to not incure the added expense.

    This Regional series is a slippery slope toward the elimination of this class completely.

    Alcohol racer attendance at Regionals this year vs. Divisionals last year is down 25%. I expect a similar trend next season.

    It's sad seeing this happen to a class I've been involved in for over half my life.

    I would love to help steer this ship in a new prosperous direction. One of growth and added exposure.

  5. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    I don't think there are many, if anyone out there that prefers the part about having less races available on the regional deal.

    Some racers may like the option of going to more nationals than regionals, but even those racers would probably like more options to race at.

    In reference to car counts, the economy hasn't got any better, so I don't think you can totally blame the entire drop in car counts on the regional format. There are certainly less cars that travel to some races and the biggest thing I saw is that most racers really didn't push hard to the finish. Again, economy has something to do with that.

    Before you just go and totally throw NHRA under the bus, there are some people in the NHRA that went to bat for us and the regional series was what they were able to salvage for us. If NHRA is to blame it's for allowing the 'culture' to develop where it was ok to just have a back gate event rather than promote a front gate event. Lucas shares some responsibility for that because they obviously didn't care too much either, as they have re-upped their sponsorship several times. Their major bang for the buck comes from the TV shows. Sponsoring the sportsman series gets that TV time. That's just my outside observation.

    Anyone who has promoted an event will tell you it takes a few years to develop a fan base. Subsequently when an event is not promoted, it kind of stays at ground zero.

    What we are trying to do with the Pro Sportsman Association is right the ship so to speak. We have made big gains on a number of fronts this year. We had no delusions we were going to fix everything in a year, but we have made progress. We have meetings set up with several of the divisions to talk with the LODRS track operators at the banquets to further build relationships and be of more assistance promoting our regional events in 2013. We hope to pick up a few races along the way.

    I know we may not agree on everything, but I'm sure we share the same passion for this category and want to see it continue and thrive. Trust me I've racked my brain, bounced ideas off people and what we're doing with the PSA is really our best plan of attack to dig in and turn this thing around.

    We only have 3 realistic options. 1. You quit. 2. You just keep showing up and accept the status quo. 3. You take the bull by the horns and try to turn the ship around.

    Our strategy with the PSA is to improve our marketability to tracks. This is not just to maintain and grow the number of regional events that schedule the alcohol classes at their events, but it is to maintain our viability at national events as well. I wouldn't say we are in imminent danger of being dropped at national events, but if we wait until that point, it may be too late. That is why we are focusing so much energy improving our media footprint. We have to build our following.

    This is the part where many people say, "well NHRA should be doing that." Ideally they would. However, they haven't in a number of years, and with the cutbacks NHRA has made over the past few years, they are not going to focus the effort we are on the Top Alcohol classes. IF WE DON'T REPRESENT OUR OWN INTERESTS, NO ONE WILL!

    Any notions of a racing circuit outside of NHRA just won't work. Too many racers race for the prestige of competing and trying to win an NHRA event or championship. A Pro Comp index class isn't going to work because alcohol racers like to race heads up.

    The PSA is on track to continue the mission in 2013. While I have had a prominent voice in what we have done, our organization is run by committee and we would certainly welcome your passion for our type of racing to the group. We would really like to see even more participation next year.

    Our cause is not hopeless. I truly think in the next five years, racers are going to look back at the formation and efforts of the PSA as a turning point in the history of the alcohol classes. We can and will reach our goals.
  6. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    Put me down for #3. Believing the status quo will be just fine is like voting for Obama next month. We know something has to change, you think my ideas are a bit radical, but I've heard from alot of people spending their money in the sport, who favor those changes.
    -More races an Alcohol car can compete at nationwide.
    -Larger purses.
    -Larger fields.
    -A place for "new blood" to race in NHRA where there isn't a breakout.

    (Side Note: Remember that "new blood" often buys their parts from "old blood" to get started. "Old blood" can then buy new parts and designs thus helping the manufacturers who are struggling right now as well.)

    Let's modify the 'culture.' Give the tracks a reasonable/promotable class that isn't so restrictive. If tomorrow 50 people decide to race TAFC, where are they going to get superchargers? TAD/TAFC is a fantastic class, but it has a place, and the Division level is no longer it's place. The Division level needs something different.

    Why can't we get someone at NHRA? Can we collectively employ someone that gets us, the Alcohol racers, support and recognition from the inside? Do I have to submit my resume?

    I've got some serious lack of wind in my sails with this Regional direction. I understand you're doing what you can while still tuning, building websites, and being pregnant all season... (come on that's funny...) I just wonder what a full time employee with access to contacts at Lucas, ESPN, the member tracks, etc. could accomplish?

  7. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    few things

    A few points:

    Todd Veney works for the Pro Sportsman Association on a near full time basis. He's contracted, not an employee. He contacts every track. To be an effective part of a track's promotions, we need to be making plans with tracks this offseason, which we didn't have the opportunity to last year. That is what we are doing this offseason.

    The PSA doesn't revolve around me. I am an acting board member along with Marty Thacker, Mark Billington, Ray Drew and Justin Jacobsen.

    Having Todd work for the PSA, he represents our interests. If someone were to work for NHRA, at the end of the day, they work for NHRA. If we the racers and businesses are going to put the money in to pay someone to promote us, I'd just as soon have them answer to us, not NHRA.

    I still think our best option is to promote Top Alcohol Dragster and Top Alcohol Funny Car - in the current configuration. We need to get more races back on the schedule, especially in some areas of the country that were hit hard. We have to build our value up to where tracks feel like we are a good investment.

    We have to keep the regional events around to give the new racers and the budget racers an opportunity to compete. Going to strictly national events will cause a lot of cars to drop out. They will either drop out because they don't have a chance to even qualify or it will further decrease the number of races it's feasible for them to attend to the point it's not worth owning a Top Alcohol car.

    I'd like to see the regional series get some more races back and have full stands at most races. That's what we're working towards.
  8. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    Regional races

    Will, I am just a low buck two bit TAFC guy. I truly realize my position in the great scheme of things. But there are two issues that have and will affect my racing schedule. Driving costs- I can't justify to myself or my checkbook driving to regional races in California or Nevada for 8 car fields. The idea of competing with 12 or 15 other TAFCs for an 8 car field isn't working for me. My idea and I am sure a lot of other guys is that if you are racing on sunday you have a chance. We have all seen the lower half of the field cars win races occasionally. Just get me qualified and I have a chance. The other issue is the gold/silver/bronze cards. With the regional format I now get to pay full boat for national event entries. Previously I always ended the year with a bronze card, it saved me a few bucks on entry fees at the national events. So now the regional format costs me more money in entry fees and driving to distant regional events that I have little chance of qualifying for. Two strikes- just waiting on the last pitch to see if I am still in play or sitting down spectating. Dave Germain
  9. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    Concerns from the West Coast

    It is all about # of events available, travel time and travel costs. No reasonably close races to go to equals no cars being owned.
    From here in the west, we need to get the Alcohol cars back to the National events at Phoenix and at Sonoma. For the same travel those would then both be double headers with the regional events. That would also offer the west folks a total of 7 National events instead of 5. Then the National series needs to return to best 5 of 7 Nationals and the Regional series stay at best 5 of 7 Regionals. This would help level the field out here vs the east coast. It would also help with low Regional car counts as more "National" players would be at the local events. Lets face it the local fans want to see full fields and the big names as well as the local heroes.
    In the North West we have at least 3 tracks that get crowds and book big events in as the show. How about a Regional Alcohol event at what is essentially a bracket race. We would be the show cars. Really we would only need the DD and one tech guy for inspection, weight and fuel checks. Minimal NHRA$25000 nut for the track? At $12.50 per ticket only 2000 fans over a 2 day event and they would be paying the show cars anyway. Add in off could be profitable for the tracks that have or want spectators.
    In the current model we seem to be oil and water with the sportsman cars. Perhaps separating us would not be a bad thing. Just a thought.
    Jeff J
  10. JustinatAce

    JustinatAce Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    As far as the pay cut, the regional purses all went from $16,000 to $18,000. As for a total purse, I'd be willing to bet that tracks paid out more in TA checks this year than they did for the same classes in 2011 at their divisional race.

    Some numbers I'd point out to you as far as attendance..

    I counted 39 divisionals in 2011 where Alcohol was contested.. There were full fields on Saturday/Sunday at 15 of those 39 races.. That is roughly 38.5% of the races contested had 16(8 & 8) cars racing in E1.

    I count 24 Regionals on the schedule. Fields have been short at only 8 of the 23 contested so far. 65% have had 8 & 8 running come E1... And if I have to guess Vegas will most likely have a full field in both classes, so call it 66% post-Vegas 2.

    15 x $16,000 < 15 x $18,000.

    So I ask you, are more races and classes really the answer? When we still had all the races, we still only filled the field 15 times.

    The classes essentially got a 12.5% RAISE when the regional format kicked in just by qualifying. Not to mention the payout increase at the regional championship level. And where is the magic source of money going to come from? Are there some private benefactors I'm not aware of looking to redistribute their wealth?

    Believe it or not, I'm in agreement with Will as far as what we need to be promoting. We need to show these tracks that Top Alcohol cars are a worthwhile investment to have at their facility. That we will work with them(as an organization and a class) and NHRA to promote their event and do our best to help them get asses in the seats. These are the things that also help the individual look better to a potential sponsor. The more popular the events means larger fan base and marketable audience to a non-racing related business. If tracks can build their crowds and make more money, you may actually see an increase in payouts if you can prove yourself a major part of their popularity and prosperity.

    The tracks and the spectators are NHRA's customers, not the racers.. Like it or not, racers are more like agents/employees/tenants of NHRA, and therefore the tracks and spectators as well. Without NHRA, Tracks or Spectators, you're not going to have a place to race. You all got into this game because it was fun, extremely challenging and exciting. While you're trying to constantly improve your own performance and setting/shattering goals, you have to remember you're actually just a part of someone's larger entertainment package they're selling to the public. And like any employee, you have to prove your worth in order to maintain or advance your position in the organization..
  11. JustinatAce

    JustinatAce Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Jeff, those are some really great ideas. The only thing I'd mention as a thought is that aren't we already supposedly the show cars at a bracket race (divisional/regional)? TAFC and TAD are typically the only heads up/non-index classes at a points race.
  12. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    separate events


    I have been a proponent of stand alone alcohol events for a while. Let the track put their full focus on a front gate event. Make it a show, quick turnarounds, more entertainment. One of the concerns that has been voiced is safety, so I think it would be necessary to have most of the divisional safety/track crew on site. I think the $25000 figure is still probably valid on the payout/expense side. Depending on the market you would probably need another 10-25k in advertising...some markets more, some less.

    While the back to back regional/nationals are good for the racer if you can stay between races, they are almost always not promoted. When you step out of the alcohol racer's shoes and put on the track owner/operator's shoes, why would you want to book in a $18,000 show within a week of a NHRA national event? It's just not good business sense for the track. You damn sure don't want to get fans out there before the national and spend their entertainment money and who has any money left after a national event? While it is an expense saver for the racer, it creates a situation where we are just a negative expense to the track against their divisional event revenue. If they are going to do back to back races, I'd rather see them couple them with tracks reasonably close...but not in the same market. An 'on the way' race rather than back to back at the same track.

    I think getting Sonoma national and Seattle regional would help the West/Northwest guys. Keep in mind NHRA is not going to increase the number of nationals from 16. So where do you cut?
  13. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    Justin, Dave, what are your emails?

    Justin, I don't know you personally. Do you have a car?

    I know Dave spends his money on racing. Attending events, buying parts, etc.

    The #s are simple. Last year approximately 550 divisionals were attended by alky cars that ran enough races to keep their points. (3 Divisionals) Its what you can access on the NHRAs points totals for 2011.

    This year, 412 assuming 12ish in each class at vegas. 412/550 is about a %25 decrease in event attendance.
  14. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    little guys


    I see where you are coming from and the little guys are one of the reasons why we are fighting so hard to make the regional deal work.

    We are trying real hard to justify our value at the current purse level. If we expand the regional events to 16 car fields, even at $250 to qualify, you just increased the purse $2,000 per class.

    As hard as it is to crack the 8 car field, if we go to a national only deal, cracking the 16 car field will be tougher.

    It's been a while since I raced but when I didn't have bronze card status, when I entered a race, it was $290 (I think it's 340 now?) but you got driver plus 3 crew I think. With the bronze card I could enter when I wanted and got free entry, but it was driver plus 1 crew. At a national it wasn't that big of a savings but now that some regional event's don't honor bronze and silver cards, it hits you there too.
  15. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    Btw Will,

    I like that the PSA is trying to gain more exposure for it's members. I just think the money and the race that you're trying to get the spectators to come see could be tweeked for the better.

    Dave, more opportunities to race your car. Higher payouts. Bigger fields at all the events. Expanded TV exposure....

    I just don't see the downside.

    Anyone else like the sound of those things, send me an email and I'll send u the proposal.

  16. bryanbrown

    bryanbrown Member

    Dec 21, 2003
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    But there were 40% less races, so entries per race were up
  17. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    By that logic we should only have one race. Everyone will have to show up for it. We'll have 50 cars for each class. And let's only have it be a 2 car field. $50,000 to win $10,000 R/U....

    Saves travel costs, lowers the tracks costs of having us at all the races, everyone wins!

    Obviously I'm being sarcastic...

    Send me an email.
  18. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    PSA & indexes

    I will let Cody send his proposal to those who are interested. I won't post it publicly - he has before and if he wants to post the latest version - it's up to him. There are some valid points, good ideas, some elements that are interesting, but at the end of the day, I don't think it will work. Basically it's a Pro Comp type of idea ran on indexes much like Comp on 1/8 mile.

    Even if the racers all got behind this and NHRA created it and the tracks signed up, there is no guarantee it would be at your suggested payout and that TV would pick it up.

    By nature Top Alcohol racers are not going to be into handicapped index racing. There are a whole slew of issues to boot with it. What about a mega budget team that class hops to find softer indexes. Even if you limited the amount of classes you could run, what happens when someone takes way too much stripe in good air and turns everyone's competitive TAFC and turns them into bottom half cars. Driving the big end will be necessary, especially over time to be competitive week in and week out. That's just not something most Top Alcohol racers want.

    More money, exposure, more places to race sound great. At the cost of index racing and 32 car fields....maybe not worth it.

    Now just because I disagree....I'm just one person. As you have stated, I have no car, I don't spend money racing, so maybe my viewpoint isn't as valid as someone who has a car's is. If you can get enough racers, tracks and sponsors to support what you are doing, then more power to you.
  19. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    Thanks for giving me your honest feedback. I understand it's not the ideal situation. But having run my car on a steamer mechanics budget, I looked for a way for the non-millionaires to still race with NO BREAKOUT at ALL the divisional events. It's still make your equipment run at it's peak and rewards those who think outside the box and work hard on their setup.

    I don't know how to post the entirety of the class and the conjoined Alcohol classes elevation to the next level. I'd work my butt off to make both of these classes successful. If that means parking my stuff and working for/with NHRA I will. It means that much to me to see the alcohol classes not just carry on, but grow and thrive.

    I'm with Dave on his point of liking to race rather than qualify. With 5 rounds, there's alot of racing without the Top Alcohol price per run issue.

    Finally one last point. Imagine the possibilities in these 64 different combos! A fuel funny car, Turbo dragsters, supercharged altereds, A fuel Pro Mod.... This is something the PSA could really promote.

  20. Chuck Anderika

    Sep 13, 2005
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    There already is a a class, comp eleminator AA/AM or AA/A , AA/AT, A/PM, AA/PM and many other classes with 32 cars and 5 rounds of elimination. Why would you want to turn Alcohol into comp eliminator. I don't see many flocking to that class.

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