Racers Headed to Brainerd...Heads up!!

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Ghost - Kevin, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. Ghost - Kevin

    Ghost - Kevin Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    We were made aware of this at Seattle by the NHRA: If you think the education mentioned in the article is going to be free...I would think again....


    The Minnesota State Patrol along with the Minnesota Department of Transportation will be conducting a commercial vehicle inspection saturation Aug. 15-16 in the Brainerd area in conjunction with Brainerd International Raceway’s annual summer race event. The focus of the saturation will be compliance to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations by the racing industry.

    “Many individuals involved in the racing industry may not be aware of the fact that, depending on their circumstances, they may be required to follow federal guidelines related to driver, vehicle and safety equipment,” said State Patrol Lt. Tom Nelson. “The intent of the saturation is to educate these individuals on these issues to ensure safe travel for all motorists on Minnesota’s roadways.”


    This is exactly why we went the commercial route. It is a little more work but it's better having all the information and all the proper paperwork and preparation done before they come for you like in this instance.

    If you have a big rig and are going to claim the RV deal, study up on what that includes and where your weaknesses are ( length, weight, license, etc). Hazmat for RV's is different than commercial. I would not be carrying a bunch of racing fuel, acetylene, brake-clean, etc.

    I would get a log book and fill it out. If they consider you commercial and you don't have one you will be parked for atleast 24 hours. If you have one they most likely will let you go on your way if most everything else is in order and you have paid your other fines.

    Make sure your tires are rated for the weight you are carrying. We have been checked on that 3 times this year rolling across the scales.

    You might call a friend with a commercial licence and pay their way to go racing with you this weekend. Lots of folks last year got parked on that one.

    Print out an MSDS for every chemical you have in your trailer and have it in a nice organized book. Most companies (including ours, gripperclean.com) have them for download and printing.

    Have your insurance papers with you...and it better be a nice big policy. Commericial insurance to meet DOT regulations for us was a cool 1 million dollar policy.

    Good luck....

    Last edited: Aug 15, 2012
  2. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    The log book saved my butt a few years ago. CHP officer on the 10 freeway coming back from Phoenix told me he's pulled over a lot of toterhomes and said "You're the first guy to give me a log book and one of the first to actually have a commercial license and medical card."

    Also, I used to own the Columbia Freightliner twin screw toter that Dwayne Shields currently has. I noticed that from the factory the front tires weren't rated high enough. As I recall the front tires were rated at 7,250# for a total 14,500# but the front axle weighed almost 15,000#. I ran around the pits and noticed almost all the toters had insufficient tires on the front from the factory. As luck would have it, after changing out the front tires for the correct capacity, the very next race we went to Larry Miner was driving my rig up to Seattle and took it through the scales. The red light came on, the officer ran up to the truck, read the front tires, ran back in the scale house and turned the green light back on. WHEW!

    Thanks for taking time to post this, Kevin.

  3. Dan Parker

    Dan Parker TAFC

    Oct 17, 2003
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    Fuel & oil

    Fuel must be in jugs no larger than 5 gal, no drums or 1/2 drums & be taged with specs.
    Oil is the same way.
    Going commerical saved us plenty of time, money well spent.

    Good racing.
    Dan Parker
    Parkerteck Racing
  4. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    And don't forget to vote in November.
  5. Ghost - Kevin

    Ghost - Kevin Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    The "School" was set up on 371 at the welcome center. And boy did they welcome a few. One professional trailer was ticked for not having reflective tape on the trailer. (must be at least 50% of the trailer, and it must have the DOT approved # on it!)

    Everyone over 10,000 lbs GVW was pulled over and the stories keep coming in on the tickets issued for weight, length, license, etc.

    Folks, if you haven't already done so, look into getting your program Federal DOT legal. They are not playing around any more. Many states are broke and are sending their people out to find the violators.

    I believe the NHRA should hire a full time DOT representative that can help racers get and stay legal. The costs are not that high if you have equipment that is not "out of this world" long or heavy. some of the rigs are just going to have to be sold because the states just won't let these monsters rome any longer.

    good luck and know your laws!

  6. wildman

    wildman Member

    Jun 24, 2009
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    Definitely would like to know some of the stories. I know my 40' MH with toad and 26' trailer tips the length well over the "legal limit".
  7. Slayer

    Slayer Member

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Part of a big problem is the states all have their own DOT laws that may differ from the federal laws. It's hard to know what you should do or have from state to state. What may be legal in one state may be illegal in another.
  8. aj481x

    aj481x Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    Right, but stuff a lot of racers try to do ain't legal nowhere. ;)
  9. mightymouse

    mightymouse Member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    390.3 rule?

    I allways thought the exceptions under 390.3..you would get you past them if your not taking racing on your taxes. here is the Exceptions rule 21 in the DOT.

    Question 21: Does the exemption in §390.3(f)(3) for the ‘‘occasional transportation of personal property by individuals not for compensation nor in the furtherance of a commercial enterprise’’ apply to persons who occasionally use CMVs to transport cars, boats, horses, etc., to races, tournaments, shows or similar events, even if prize money is offered at these events?
    Guidance: The exemption would apply to this kind of transportation, provided: (1) The underlying activities are not undertaken for profit, i.e., (a) prize money is declared as ordinary income for tax purposes, and (b) the cost of the underlying activities is not deducted as a business expense for tax purposes; and, where relevant; (2) corporate sponsorship is not involved. Drivers must confer with their State of licensure to determine the licensing provisions to which they are subject.
  10. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    My experience has been that most LEO's don't know the laws when if comes to race rig enforcement. Several years ago I actually went to a couple CHP offices to clarify the laws regarding my rig along with pictures of it. Several looked over what I brought in and no one had a clue. It's pretty much the same story on the side of the road when your having a "discussion" with them.

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