Oddys Dyno engines is Elma, N.Y.

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by beafraid, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. beafraid

    beafraid New Member

    Jun 19, 2012
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    I took my engine to Oddy's in Elma, N.Y. where Billy Leverentz said it would be completed by the 3rd week in March.
    It didn't happen nor did I get any part I paid for and my blower restraints are missing, he splayed a 505 bbc block for me and it looks like a bad job to me I'll soon know where a line bore will take care of the mess he left for me. This Clowns nothing but a "Liar". He'll look you in the eyes and lie to you! Below is what I'm going through please spread the word on this "CROOK" so no one else gets taken to the cleaners I got a attorney on his ass now.

    I took my race engine to Oddys in Elma, N.Y last September and dropped it off to be built from gas blown to alcohol blown and asked for it to be completed the 3rd week in March and Billy Leverentz the owner said no problem.

    I also took a 8-71 Weiand blower to have re-stripped $350.00 and the intake was to be drilled and tapped for injectors $350.00 which never got done.
    I picked it up around the middle of April when I bought the 14-71 blower off him and it didn't get stripped nor did the intake get drilled or tapped for the port injectors

    I bought a BDS big block chevy blower intake I didn't get,(which he swapped me for the re-stripping job that didn't get done on the 8-71 Weiand blower $350.00

    I bought a completely rebuilt BDS 14-71 blower with a belt guard and idler pully I didn't get and I paid him $3000.00

    I bought a injector hat that was left by a customer and I didn't get it.$600.00

    I didn't get my blower restraints I took and give to Billy when I dropped my blower off $320.00

    I bought a fuel pump I didn't get off Billy $500

    I give him a $1000.00 for a new aluminum rod set I didn't get,

    $200 for a new Jackson steel gear timing set I didn't get,

    a brand new MSD billet distributor which was with my engine I didn't get back $350

    a new set of taylor 8.5 red wires $140.00 set of wires

    a new MSD distributor cap $30.00

    engine stand I brought my engine in on I didn't get $75.00

    my old 2 bolt main caps he has I didn't get,

    Work and parts are a little over $7000.00

    Now there's a matter of running 4 times to his shop for my stuff and not getting it (just excuses) at $60 for gas and 4 hours of my time
    $240 gas and 16 hours at $10/hour, plus today 6 hours to Buffalo and back plus $85.00 gas and oil??

    Plus Attorneys costs and fees of $250 so far??
    If it goes to court it's another $2000.00
    All I want is my money back my $7000.00 so I can have Mike Janis finish completion on my engine.
  2. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Thers a "saying" screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice shame on me, screw me tryce, I'm an idiot, There's not one i know for the fourth time you went.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2012
  3. T-Wrecks

    T-Wrecks Member

    Feb 13, 2009
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    Sadly, that I was the one to recommend Noel take his stuff to Oddy's. I feel absolutely horrible for him. I can say with great certainty that Noels story is of one trying to believe in the inherent good we hope to find in people and should expect to find out of a shop such as Oddy's.

    I even tried to intervene, Billy said he needed to wait his turn, I agree with that but how many engines left his shop that arrived at Oddy's prior to september last year? If the backlog was that big, truly one would restaff to keep the work moving and the money flowing.

    Eli, shame on you for not being the great, compassionate, and understanding person you should be instead of condescending and mocking when obviously the man was trusting and was hurt.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2012
  4. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Evidently, you have no idea how hard it is to hire quilafied Race engine, builders, I wasen't mocking him, its just a fact that if someone thinks hes geting screwed, he would stop dealing with the 'screwer' Just saying. P/S hope he learned his lesson. sorry i ofended you/ him. By the way, I have a saying, The only people that can screw you are your friends and family, Why? Answer, Because you let them!:mad: Gene.
  5. h2b puller

    h2b puller Member

    Feb 8, 2008
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  6. bandit496

    bandit496 Member

    May 25, 2010
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    I heard last night second hand that Oddy's has gone bankrupt/bellyup and closed the doors. Cannot verify the source that gave it to the well known tuner whose shop I was in last evening. JW
  7. Slayer

    Slayer Member

    Jan 20, 2005
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    They have just moved and should be open for business by next week.
  8. aj481x

    aj481x Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    Address? Phone?


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