Need Hauler Suggestions

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Shakedown, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. Shakedown

    Shakedown Jr. Dragster

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Needing opinions on either a Motor Home with a 30' tag are a Toter Home? Keeping in perspective this is a budget deal. To expensive we can't race to cheap we don't make it to the races.
  2. ratchett13

    ratchett13 New Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    I bought me a 26ft uhaul and built me a ramp door and put a set of rampovers in it added a side door and presto one good dependable and mostly cheap way to haul a car to the races .
  3. GumBGone

    GumBGone Member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Depends on many things - how many people, comfort level, size of trailer being pulled, budget?
    I have had 4 Motorhomes and 3 trailers. I finaly built a Toter, starting with a Peterbilt big rig. Now I feel very comfortable driving knowing that I can make it up hills with ease. To get a Motorhome with enough power and stability is expensive. My vote is Toter.
  4. vht

    vht Member

    Sep 14, 2011
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    Toter would be the best, but expensive. If it's just you, then you could do as suggested and build you something. If there is woman and kids involved, then it's going to be costly to build. I looked for awhile and run up on a 99 Coachman, no slides, 32 ft with a V-10. It had just been serviced and gone over with new tires just put on. It started at $18500, and I ended up getting it for $15000. I bought a used trailer toad and pull a 28 ft pace with no problems. I did beef the hitch up and added bracing on the frame for piece of mind. 7 to 8 mpg unless there is a head wind and then it's around 6 mpg. Wife loves it and we all know what that means.
  5. Shakedown

    Shakedown Jr. Dragster

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Suggestion plz keep them coming

    No wife but a 5 yr old son and whatever crew we can take the weekend of Pro Mod racing. Most toters I'm running into that I can afford all have DT 466 and everyone says they don't have enough power. I'm familiar with the motor but not in a toter pulling a trailer.

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