k valve help

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by chutedragger, Jun 17, 2012.

  1. chutedragger

    chutedragger Member

    Dec 21, 2010
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    Just switched from a alky square valve on my blown deal...to (used) k valve on the injected nitro motor.

    As soon as i load the barrel valve with air pressure, to set the leakage (at 75 psi) the spool pushes to the inside, and binds up. I set the leakage and in ends up all over the place after I move the throttle. Doesnt return to 75.

    Do I need a different spring or something....it came of a aa/fc, do they run lower pressures, thus have a smaller spring? The barrel is notched for an Idle curcuit..that I am not using...does that have anything to do with it?

  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Maybe time for an oring kit in it. There is not much that can go bad inside except for the orings. Don't understand how you are not going to use that Vee notch for the idle and idle to stage transition.
  3. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    Sorry if this sounds insulting.
    is the air going in the inlet?
    Are the idle, secondary and any high speeds blocked off?
    Is the spool attached to the turnbuckle.?
    Is the spool clocked correctly?

    (spool springs are all the same)

    Dave Koehler
  4. chutedragger

    chutedragger Member

    Dec 21, 2010
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    No insult!

    It was early am....

    The "idle circuit" I am talking about is the little pilot hole (used for the secondary idle, for the big fuel systems) It shouldnt be effecting anything. Will try capping off the "run" circuit and pump saver. Im guessing that is what I did wrong.

    My blown alky small block was straight forward....no idle/run (all run!)...high speed at 80 lbs. No brain required!!

    Base start for my Injected Nitro rodeck/AJPE 392 (468 inch). 11.6 gpm pump, 75% Leak, 10 lb idle check, 15 lb. run nozzle, 80 lbs High side....whole pump to the motor (no high speed) Thoughts?

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