Tuning problems from a few changes

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by evil, May 20, 2012.

  1. evil

    evil New Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Old set up. Kb hemi, old cragar cast aluminum intake, 1471 hh @ 32%, birdcatcher, 3 inch spacer with 62"s, run hat nozzles only and super mag 3.
    New set up on Kb hemi. sheetmetal intake, 38% on HH, Geradot hat (5 1/4 butterflies) with 68's, run hat nozzles only with a 5 up 5 forward spacer and super mag 5.

    It's making 30 lbs of boost, egt 1000-1070 but is only turning around 6400 to 6800. Having trouble with it stumbling, blubbering, banging, not for sure of correct word to use to describe it. I run 200 to 250 sand/dirt track. My old set up worked fairly well, ran good but I was just trying to upgrade and get a little more out of it.It is leaving the line just will not come on after about 50 ft or so. I tried holding low gear farther down track but still acts the same. I'm not for sure if it's in the fuel system or if the mag is breaking down. Any ideals?
  2. SoDak

    SoDak Active Member

    Dec 29, 2006
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    Check valve spring pressures.
    Close spark plug gap to around .016".
    Is it banging the blower, breaking the studs or raw fuel coming out the exhaust here or there?
    Could be a bad distributor cap or you need to go to the large cap so it doesn't cross fire.

    Are 5 and 7 plug wires switched around?

    Some easy things to check, its usually something simple...
  3. evil

    evil New Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I will check that. I just had new springs put on heads. Its not banging the blower or blowing raw fuel. I have another mag, gonna give that a try. Thanks for your help.

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