New Century Blocks

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Vhodoo Racing, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. Vhodoo Racing

    Vhodoo Racing New Member

    Jan 5, 2011
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    I am in the market for a new block after cracking my Big M block from one end to the other through the crank and cam tunnel.... I want to move to an aluminium block as the weight savings on the front of my car would be an advatage. The New Century block is priced to fit into my budget and looks to be a very nice piece. I also like the extra support around the main bearing caps and the extra long head studs.
    Engine was looking around 1800hp capability with big chief heads and a Kobelco 14-71....

    I am interested in hearing opinions on the New Century block, also interested in opinions on water jacket or solid block.

    Please don't tell me to go hemi or billet as a good cast ali block is about my limit.... :cool:

    Cheers Pete
  2. Mac

    Mac Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    You shouldn't be cracking a Big M at 1800hp in my opinion. Sounds like detonation.....

    As for the the New Century they are very nice. A buddy of mine has one with 14 degree Big Cheifs that made 3000hp with a screw on it. The blocks are tough and I would go solid if it was me. A New Century is my next block purchase
  3. Vhodoo Racing

    Vhodoo Racing New Member

    Jan 5, 2011
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    Hello Mac...

    I have freinds who have Big M blocks making much more power that I do in classes that dictate an iron block so I know they will hold more power. We believe the cap bolts were bottoming out in the block and there was not enough clamping force on the caps which eventually led to the failure. I am not complaining about the Big M block, the fact it broke is the reason I am looking at a new block...

    Thanks for your opinion though I appreciate it

    Cheers Pete
  4. Ron C

    Ron C Jr. Dragster

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Several of us run them in our group of racers (Pacific ProComp). I really like mine and there good people to work with. Can't go wrong for the price and all the fixtures that go with it.

    Blessings........Ron Clevenger
  5. Vhodoo Racing

    Vhodoo Racing New Member

    Jan 5, 2011
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    Thanks Ron...

    I thought I remembered reading on a post that you run a New Century, I belive you have Big Chiefs as well? I also like what they include with the package. Do you run a solid block or water and what power level?

    Cheers Pete
  6. Ron C

    Ron C Jr. Dragster

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Yes, I do run the 18 degree Big Chiefs and also run a water block since I run a blown gas combination at 2000hp+ (gotta cool it down between rounds). Lowell is very good to work with, he also is a racer (boats) and they also run blown gas. We've had some interesting chats with that combination. Not a path to take unless your a tinkerer.

    Excellent quality and Lowell delivered exactly what I wanted. The only little bit of work I had to do was a little grinding to fit a .400 higher cam Jesel drive cover. And I think the problem was more on the Jesel cover than the block.

    Blessings.......Ron Clevenger
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2012
  7. LeWhite

    LeWhite BB/Alt

    Jan 23, 2008
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    What do you guys use for four corner oil restriction with the century.
  8. nmro2114

    nmro2114 Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    I have had one for 12 years.Arias was making them back then. Never had an issue. Mine is a solid block. I have Bac-Man heads on it with a 14/71 making 46 lbs of boost. Block was well worth the money
  9. BUTCH

    BUTCH Member

    Sep 11, 2005
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    :DPete, I Have been running the New Century Blocks for almost 10 years now and have to say that it is the only thing i have not had to up grade as i started to make more power on my combo, my first block is # 56 and to dated we have never had to line hone it, and it is still perfect, we are only running the dart 360 heads and a 206D blower, I also have several newer blocks that are even better!!!! we are running a few different tunes on the dragster now and we have had up to 65 psi of boast on it with NO problems!!
    I also Agree with Ron C, Lowell at New Century it a real good guy to deal with and the package deal he puts together with the block, gear drives, stubs ,ect. are a killer deal !!! If your going to be running blown akly i do not think you can go wrong.

    LeWhite- on the oil restrictor it really depends what you are doing with the motor and what kind of rpm's you are running, motor clearences,and oil you us? we were stacking a lot of oil in top of the motor and we ended up making the restricters and i have to check my build sheet but I am pertty sure we are only a 4-.030 restrictors.

    PM me if you need some more info or give me a call anytime

    good luck

    Butch Stroupe

    707 974 3185
  10. DQUES

    DQUES Member

    May 20, 2004
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    I also bought one when Arias was making them and it was a really nice piece . One of the only things you can wash and assemble without having to massage . I ordered mine with 1/2" head studs and later had the lifter bores machined to .904 lifters .
  11. teenracer

    teenracer Jr. Dragster

    Jun 22, 2005
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    Hey Pete

    What bore size do you run, we have a couple of Big M iron blocks

    We have a CN BBC billet block in the Funny car, come and have a look it's shiny like jewelry :)

    Pigfish Racing
  12. Vhodoo Racing

    Vhodoo Racing New Member

    Jan 5, 2011
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    Thanks to everyone for the input, I think I will be talking to Lowell soon....

    Hey Marc, I will have a chat to you soon as well

    Thanks all Pete
  13. LeWhite

    LeWhite BB/Alt

    Jan 23, 2008
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    Still dont understand why first main is only two bolt and all others are bolted all different kinds of ways.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2012
  14. LeWhite

    LeWhite BB/Alt

    Jan 23, 2008
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    Still dont understand why first main is only two bolt and all others are bolted all different kinds of ways.
  15. Vhodoo Racing

    Vhodoo Racing New Member

    Jan 5, 2011
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    I don't know the answer to that, maybe worth a call to Lowell as he seems to be developing the block further. After talking to him in the last week and hearing about some of his customers efforts including the guys that have replied here it seems that it should not be a problem espesially since most blown aplications would use a crank support in any case....

    Cheers Pete
  16. fasttimesracing

    Mar 21, 2006
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    ihave a new century block. an he told me about the front cap. but i cant remember why. but i also have a kb here an it isnt bolted at all.the blocks are super tuff. my main bearing look great . an we have no other problems with it. an thats with a whipple on it to

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