Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series Top Alcohol Regional Event Registration Website and Cham

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by News Editor, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. News Editor

    News Editor Administrator

    Jan 13, 2007
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    Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series Top Alcohol Regional Event Registration Website and Championship Points Guidelines

    During the 2011 Automobile Club of Southern California NHRA Finals in Pomona NHRA announced the 2012 Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series schedule which included a regional program for the Top Alcohol categories (LODRS Event Schedule). In NHRA’s continuing effort to elevate the regional program an online registration web site has been created for the Top Alcohol competitors attending a Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series regional event.

    Located under the Competition Tab on, competitors will be able to pre-register for a regional event (LODRS Regional Registration Website). When registering for a Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series regional event, competitors will only be required to enter which region they plan to attend, an event within the selected region, category of competition, drivers name, email address and car number. A competitor pre-entered into the event that is unable to attend is strongly encouraged to contact their Division Director.

    “Since the announcement of the Regional Program all of the Division Directors and Field Marketing have been exploring additional opportunities to elevate the program.” said Josh Peterson, vice president of racing administration, NHRA. “The creation of the registration website will not only help with on-site planning prior to the event but it will provide host facilities with a list of competitors attending to assist in marketing and promoting the event.”
    In addition to the announcement of the registration website below are the guidelines for competitors chasing either the Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series National or Regional Championship.

    National Championship
    Best 7 of 10 National Events and 3 of 5 Regional Events will count towards the Championship.
    Entry into a National Event will still be based on grade points earned at regional events.

    Regional Championship
    Best 5 of 7 Regional Events will count towards the Championship.
    Attendance at a minimum of 3 home region events required to validate year end points.
    Competitors may run out of region events, maximum of best 2 may count toward year end regional points total.
  2. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    Regional Points

    I notice that all alcohol competitors at the Florida regional race are shown on the National points screen as having run that race as "out of division". I am doubtful that that is the case but it caused me to search for the "Regional" points info. I could find none. The whole "Regional" system seems to be vapour as far as the NHRA web page and the divisional pages.
    I wonder what region those racers at that race elected? At Pomona we got no direction as to what should be entered on the division election part of the tech card; what will be the case at Phoenix? I assume "Division" on the tech card equals "Region"?
    Then where would one go to see the "Regional" points after each event?
    Jeff Johnsen
  3. JustinatAce

    JustinatAce Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I think it's going to take them some time to get everything setup online to reflect the regional system. Remember, we're "speshul" now and the current database system is setup for typical division classes still, and rightfully so, they're still at least 90% of the participants or more. They have to establish a whole new and separate database for TA racers on the regional side because we don't get classified by each division anymore. If they are using existing database classification, remember, that region would be Region 1 at a Division 2 race, so it will show OD.
  4. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    I know, I get it but it is frustrating. They have had 3 full months to get it organized. By the way they do not have numeric designations, the announcement says Eastern, Western, North Central and South Central regions. Do we have a Regional Director? I wonder what his phone number would be?
    If all cars at the Florida race were out of division then they must not be Eastern region cars and would now be ineligible for eastern regional points awards......wonder where they would have to tow to now?
    This should have been simple to set up over the winter, thats all.
    Jeff Johnsen
  5. Hokes Racing

    Hokes Racing Moderator

    Oct 13, 2003
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    the way NHRA is running things like this and every other thing they do it like 5 year olds are in charge

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