car getting loose on shift

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by 37hemi, Feb 19, 2012.

  1. 37hemi

    37hemi New Member

    Oct 17, 2010
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    Have a 2600lb with driver 4 link door car. 1200hp BBC with 2 speed glide, 5800 convertor. 1.8 first gear. 34.5/17/16 hoosier running 6.5psi. Car leaves nice and straight with 1500-1580 wheel speed at .25. I couldnt be happier with how the car is working till the shift. On the shift it seems to be unloading the tyres slihtly. It dosnt go up in smoke but just makes the car loose 8/10 passes. Just seems to float side to side. If I try to drive through it, it seems to get looser and looser. If it dosnt get loose on the shift it goes down the track like it is on rails. On the logger it dosnt have any great big wheel speed spikes but it is a bit wavie. From memory my IC 52 and 7. I really have no idea why. I would love some of your help.
  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    One problem is way too much tire pressure. Wow 6.5 is high for a 2600 lb car. Drop them down to 5.75 and see what happens. The other thing is to have a retard come on for a second right at the shift and ramp back out. What does your driveshaft RPM trace look like on the data logger at the shift? does it hump way up? If so then first see if bring the tire pressure down reduces the hump and if that doesn't work then bring on some retard at the shift until that driveshaft hump becames a small hump.
  3. 37hemi

    37hemi New Member

    Oct 17, 2010
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    Thanks. The drive shaft dosnt spike to much but there is just a little spike. Thanks for the idea on the tyres. Could you explain why it would make it get loose on the shift. I thought that a higher pressure ment more grip. I wont to learn?
  4. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    If the tyres have too much pressure then the car is riding on the middle so less traction. If the tyres are too low in pressure then the car is riding on the outer edges. For the weight of your car the best traction with those size tyres is right around 6.0 psi BUT that maybe too much traction and can cause paddling/basketballing on launch and keep the driveshaft rpm too low so you have to change depending on the track. I would try 5.75 psi and see what happens.The other thing is the compression side of the shocks maybe too loose so the rear of the car is dropping on the shift and unloading the tyres or the rear springs maybe too light causing the same thing.
  5. 37hemi

    37hemi New Member

    Oct 17, 2010
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    That makes sence. I have strange shocks. They have 4 clicks from memorie on compresssion, any way i no that the are set in the the middle.
  6. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Try tightening up the compression side of the shocks and drop that tire pressure down to 5.75 and give it a run and see what happens. Are you sure of where your IC is? Is that a guess or is that measured?
  7. HensonRacing

    HensonRacing Member

    May 24, 2011
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    This is a good thread, I'm having the same issue, 2800 lb. was 6.75 lbs, IC at 56" and up 7.5, I had my rebound set full tight and compression about halfway, Mike Canter. This looks bad huh ?
  8. 37hemi

    37hemi New Member

    Oct 17, 2010
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    Checked the car today. It is actually in click 1 of 4 in the compression, all the way anticlockwise then 1 click clockwise. Which im positive with strange is soft. That is the actuall Ic but i remeasured today and will put it in the program tonite.
  9. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    If you compression is that soft then that maybe a contributor to the problem along with the tyre pressures being way too high.

    Let me explain how I understand the rebound (extension) and the compression sides of the shocks work for a blower car.

    The rebound's main function is to control the initial hit on the tires at launch. It works on Sir Isaac Newton's Third Law for every motion there is an equal and opposite motion. Right at launch probably just before the car actually moves when the tires feel that first hit the frame attempts to rise up away from the rear axle. The frame rising does an equal and opposite reaction of pushing down on the rear tires and planting them. If the rebound is too loose then the initial hit is too hard and it crushes and distorts the tires so you get immediate tire shake. If the rebound is too tight then you get no frame/axle separation and there is no planting of the tires so you blow the tires off right on launch. The other factors that come into play here is both the amount of power and if the car has a clutch or a converter.

    Then you have the conpression side. This normally needs to be as tight as the track conditions allow so the car will not squat right after launch or at the shifts. If the car squats it takes weight off the rear tires. If the compression is too tight and the track is not smooth the car will start bouncing in second and third gear and will remove weight from the rear tires on and off. You will see this on the driveshaft trace as a series of humps. You can also hear it as chirping from the tires as the car is going down track. If this occurs then you need to back off on the compression one click at a time until you can tolerate it and the driveshaft trace smoothes out.

    There are some other factors involved here but this is a top level explanation
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2012
  10. 37hemi

    37hemi New Member

    Oct 17, 2010
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    thanks Mike. I re checked the IC and it is 52 1/4 out and 7 1/4 up. I really need to get a handle on this rear end is it is hard to go rounds when you are fighting the car more times than not

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