housier 34.5 slicks rollout

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by blownapex, Feb 18, 2012.

  1. blownapex

    blownapex Member

    May 25, 2006
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    ok my old tires were 108 and 108 1/8
    the new housiers are 107 and 108
    i measured 3 times
    i had 6 lbs in them then i aired the new ones to 12 psi then back
    to 6psiand still 107 and 108
    1 inch is bad in my book
    i bought them at martin adrl of the housier truck
    what do you guys think i should do
  2. ibaddlizzard@aol.com

    Jul 1, 2003
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    call bruce at hoosier in springfield he should take care of it for you did for me DOC
  3. underby6

    underby6 Active Member

    Sep 28, 2006
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    I'll put around 30psi in it when there's a discrepency. If that doesn't do the trick after thirty mins or so, I'll take that tire at 30psi and set it in the sun for 10 mins or so. I've only had one pair (out of many many many pairs) that was off after doing the aforementioned; and it was off like 5".

    Brandon Booher
    NHRA TAD #34
  4. alt 6153

    alt 6153 Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    Brandons trick works. I've also done it. The biggest thing is get them as close as possible before you run them. I didn't check a set last year (to many things on my mind and forgot). The car made a hard right turn every time I hit the throttle. Tried 2 Passes before we checked Rollout, (Ya ya I know, my dumb ass) They were 1" off also. We aired up the short 1 and put it in the sun, several times. Even took a plastic dead blow type hammer to it when it was pressured up. We finally got it close, but was never perfect. I've been told that after they are run, its a pain to get them to change. Actually had to run 1/4 lbs more in short tire for a couple races. Now time for an other set. You can bet your a** I'm going to check this set before we run them.

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