Bruno Advice Needed

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by The Dark Side, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. The Dark Side

    The Dark Side New Member

    Nov 15, 2010
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    Who out there can service and set up a Bruno Transmission ? Someone who knows of any tricks that will improve performance. I have heard that they are simple to service but I am looking for any experienced person that will know how to set up and use.

    Thanks 304-546-1018
  2. mike R

    mike R New Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    give rod a call at specrite !
  3. overkill69

    overkill69 Member

    May 17, 2005
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    Bruno will walk you through the overhaul. It's easy. The mods are only needed for the 1.25 input shaft. Wolfe racecraft and Grant Macrary do them but good luck getting anything out of those guys.
    I'm running mine stock with the big pan and it works good but runs really hot.
  4. The Dark Side

    The Dark Side New Member

    Nov 15, 2010
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    Are you saying the only modification is changing it from a turbo 400 shaft to a 1.25 ? I heard there are pressure monifications that can be made to increase performance.
  5. Mac

    Mac Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    Great Guy!!!
  6. 23T Hemmee

    23T Hemmee Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    Not really sure what there is to modify. The fluid pressure is adjusted by a spring/allen set-screw right next to the guage on the top left side, that controls how hard the covertor hits so that is set by preference for your setup. Starting point is 150psi at idle, according to Bruno Sr. All the unit consists of is the housing, shaft/drum assembly, the apply piston/band and air solenoid and poppet/shaft solenoid to close off the system to apply the transbrake. When installing a new band, run the two allen head retention bolts all the way in, then back off 1 1/2 turns. Make sure the apply piston pushrod is seated completely inside the detent on the other end of the band, sometimes the detent won't be centered when you look inside the threaded hole where the piston screws in, band will apply a few times before it burns up one side, don't ask me how I When adjusting the release solenoid, turn your air side off, loosen the locknut and back it off a few turns. Apply 12v and slowly screw solenoid in. When the teflon poppet makes contact with the seat, watch the locknut and turn solenoid in 1 more flat, then lock in place, again according to Bruno Sr. the reasoning is a solenoid is at its strongest when it is fully extended. FWIW my biggest problem with the Bruno is the solenoid getting out of adjustment ( or at least that's what I perceived it to be...) at the most inconvenient times (like in the staging lanes...) talked with Sr. a couple of weeks ago, and think the problem may be that I need a stronger battery than the little fourwheeler battery that I presently run. The solenoid would close but wouldn't seal consistently, losing a lot of air after each run, or sometimes just fluttering. When you consider that the solenoid/poppet has to hold over 200psi, it makes sense that it needs enough battery to operate properly, so I'm hoping that cures my problems with the unit. Other than that, I've been pretty happy with it when everything is working right.
  7. The Dark Side

    The Dark Side New Member

    Nov 15, 2010
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    Thanks for the help guys. Sounds like a simple unit to work on. No rocket science needed.

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