TOB question, return spring or no?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Comax Racing, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Comax Racing

    Comax Racing Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I am in the process of redoing my TOB system in the car and I am deciding what type of carrier to use on my TOB. From what I have seen there are 2 main types, 1 has a metal retainer on it that goes around the fork at basically attaches the two together, the other type has no clips but has a loop for a return spring to keep the fork and the carrier together.

    I like the idea of using a return spring to keep the levers on the clutch from getting worn as well as the bearing but the spring is going to get in the way of my input shaft sensor.

    What is everybody using?
  2. JustinatAce

    JustinatAce Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    We don't use a spring, but when I see springs used now I see more on the pedal linkage itself, not inside the can.

    Lever wear really only happens when you have your foot on it and the bearing is seized up.
  3. Comax Racing

    Comax Racing Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I was thinking about a spring on the external linkage but I never really liked the look or function on that type of deal. I'll just have to remember to make a conscious effort to not rest my foot on the clutch pedal and keep an eye on the bearing as far a wear.

    That makes it alot easier thanks

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