crowerglide clutch???

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by ratchett13, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. ratchett13

    ratchett13 New Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    im thinking of running a crowerglide clutch in my "baby" pro mod 14-71blown 540 in a 2600lb car door slammer, ,my car isnt setup for a clutch pedal so i was thinking about running a 3-4 speed lenco with one of these clutches just wondering if anybody else has ran or tried this combo and what the results were.
  2. Comax Racing

    Comax Racing Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I just went through the same thing with my deal. I wanted to try a fully centrifual clutch. I pretty much came to the conclusion (as told to me by the clutch experts) that unless you plan to leave from an idle(like a fuel car) the glide clutch ins't the best. You can set stall on them but with an alcohol car you need quite high rpm on the line which means you have to slip the clutch on the line (alot)and it will cause you to burn the discs very quickly. I decided to go with a 3 disc pedal so you can launch at any RPM you want without damaging the clutch.

    There are guys on here that will explain things better but thats the reason I was told not to run the glide in a alcohol door car.
  3. TADHemiracer

    TADHemiracer Member

    Dec 9, 2010
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    Pedal or No Pedal for Crowerglide

    Maybe I read it wrong or something and I am not a glide clutch type of guy (I run a 3 disk Crower Pedal Clutch) but I thought the question paraphrased was "can I run a Crowerglide since I have no clutch pedal provision". Actually, I thought a person still needed a pedal to engage the glide enough to move the car through staging, burnout and backup without having to rev the engine enough to activate the glide by RPM. In your case, I'd suggest sticking with a convertor or install a pedal for a pedal clutch. I agree with Comax that a Glide is not very suitable for an alcohol car.
    That will be 2 Cents.
  4. ratchett13

    ratchett13 New Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    thanks for the help guys

    im gonna go with an ati superglide4 and that should do it.

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