Effect of NHRA' new regional races

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by chassisbuilder, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. chassisbuilder

    Jun 23, 2004
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    I know alot of racers will be effected by the new regional races. Some of my customers simply will not travel as far as it will take to go to Iowa & Illinois. Most of the cars in Div.4 are A/F cars, so they sure won't be going to Bandimere. Having said that, they will run maybe five races total. Not sure that is enough to merit owning one of those cars.

    It goes even farther than the racers. I do feel the pain, discuss & resentment. My business was effected today as well. I lost an order for a new A/F car & full expect to loose another before the week is over.

    I don't really talk alot on an board. What I have to say usually would not make any difference anyway & won't today most likely.

    So, having said that, thanks NHRA. We lost alot of good track in my opinion brcause they would not stand up to the track owner.

    I am on suspension for what some think is & some think is not fair or right. As I sit and watch the Goodyear tires blow in the pro catagories I wonder who & when someone will be suspended for those decisions. I am not here to argue or complain about my situation, but to ask when will people start make decision on common sense & not pressure from others.

    Sorry for the rant & I am finished & you will not hear from me on this matter again.

    Joe Monden
  2. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    regional races

    Joe, I don't know anything much about the deal with your suspension but I do know that the words 'common sense' and the NHRA really don't ever belong in the same sentence. I remember when the division races in Div 7 had 16 car fields and they got a lot of cars. I also remember how the car counts took a dump when they changed to the 8 car fields. Seems dumb to not have as many cars running on sunday at noon for the first round if for no other reason than to give the fans a bigger show. Once they reduced the fields to 8 cars lots of guys just decided to not go rather than risk a DNQ. Now add to this scenario a 1300 mile drive. Unless I dig up a 5 pound gold nugget in my wife's flower bed I am not going to tow that far if there is a really good chance I won't qualify. It just isn't worth it. Are they trying to kill the class? There is absolutely nothing common about common sense in this situation. Dave Germain
  3. Kurt - Prostart Race Cars

    Dec 15, 2005
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    Joe, you are fortunate to have "rode the wave" as long as you did. I havn't built an F/C in way too long and never mind an Alcohol Dragster.
    I heard not only is Englishtown not running Alcohol at the points race, but NHRA does not even want them at the E-town Nationals anymore.

  4. tad2155

    tad2155 Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    amen joe

  5. bruce mullins

    bruce mullins Top Dragster

    Aug 2, 2003
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    i really hate to see this. I ran NHRA for several years, giving every ounce of blood and sweat i could to do what i dreamed of as a kid. Unfortunately I decided at the end of 2006 to get out. I hated the next couple years being out of it, but after seeing where the class and NHRA was headed I am now 100% sure the decision I made was the best. I wish all the best and will still pop in at a couple races to see old friends. but I ultimately see the demise of the class. 5 years max in my opinion. lets hope I'm wrong.
  6. Bill Naves

    Bill Naves Member

    Jun 25, 2003
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    and ??????

    Ok. There's the official announcement..now will they give us a hint on field size, payout,affect on grading points etc before the first race in Gainesville or will it be a "night before "surprise like last year?..I was led to believe all pay outs will be the same, but no official word yet.If the price of oil keeps going up, it will be nice to know if traveling is even an option based on payout figures before wasting recert money.Outlaw fuel altered is looking really good right now
  7. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    I've reread their announcement a couple of times. It does not actually say what will compose the "divisional" championship. It seems to indicate that you can take points at up to 7 divisional events and count 3 of those toward a National Championship. It does not say what will be required divisionally. Still minimum 3 in division races counted? Still 5 total counted? Still max of 2 out of division counted? Of the 3 for National tally do any or all have to be "in division"?
    I have done the mileage math for us....to run 7 divisional events which are the closest to home will be 12074 miles. (in that we would be @ Vegas national X 2 for no additional miles and Pomona 2 would add 500 miles). Averaging even 55 mph for 10 hours per day that is still 22 days driving. For 22 days at 55mph for 10 hours per day we get to retain 3 events for our National points total.............uh..........this is to get more cars to the events?
    In our entire new "region" there are only 5 National events for us. Vegas 1411 miles each way. Pomona 1366 each way. Seattle 150 miles each way. Then it's out of division to the next closest national events....Dallas or Houston about 2500 miles each way. Charlotte 2288 miles each way. Topeka 2022 miles each way. Chicago 2204 miles each way. Brainerd 1700 miles each way.
    This reminds me of one of the stupidest shows on TV, which I never watch because it is so pointless to run around the countryside looking for a ride, called something like "The Amazing Race"....too appropriate perhaps. We will just have to see if it all is still worth the time and $. Personally I'm questioning it's worth. I really would miss it though.
    Jeff Johnsen
  8. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    It's 5 of 7 on the regional championship. No clarification on out of region vs in region. If it was anything other than 8 cars it would have been in the announcement. As for the national deal it's 7 of your best 10 nationals combined with your best 3 of 6 regionals.

    I think they tried real hard to get this announcement out by Pomona. I'm sure there's a few details they are still trying to finalize.

    It's pretty clear this had nothing to do with car counts and everything to do with tracks trying to save money.
  9. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    As per the press relasase Jeff,

    "As part of the new Regional Championship program, NHRA will pay the Top Five drivers in the series point standings for each class in each of the four regions. Regional Lucas Oil Champions will be based on five of seven events.

    In addition to the change in points structure for the Regional Program, the Lucas Oil National Championship will change from the current points structure of the best five of eight both at the National and Divisional Event level to seven of 10 for National Events and three of five for Regional Events".

    Really surprised only three races in both div six and div seven.

    There should have been at least seven west races
  10. Hokes Racing

    Hokes Racing Moderator

    Oct 13, 2003
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    if you get 9 miles to gallon out of your rig that would be around $5100 in fuel if you pay $3.80 and you dont have any rain outs:mad:
  11. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    How about if you don't snot me off at any post I make?
    My post was clear. Again, I read the NHRA announcement thanks.
    I did not post anything about the payout for the div series; I'm not sure why you feel a need to lecture me on it in any case.
    What I said was that it is not stated what will be required to be counted for the best 5 of seven in the divisional championship regarding in division and out of division events elegible to be counted.
    Jeff Johnsen:mad:

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