Donovan 417 hemi build

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by hotrod200, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. hotrod200

    hotrod200 Member

    Mar 30, 2011
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    HI guys.
    The time has come for me to for fill the childhood dream of having a blown methanol altered. im building a Donovan hemi, if anyone has any advise or experience with these engines that they would like to share it would be much clearances, oil pressure, wt of oil, etc etc etc..any info or tips? i'll fire away with what i have so far.....enderle bird hat, 110 pump, danakas 6:71, alan johnson 6 bolt manifold, hemi hot heads, titan rockers, solid roller cam, 4.250 bore venolia pistons 10.5.1 comp, an old set of howard rods that i wont use looking at a set of R&R or BME, a velasco std/std 3.90 stroke crank, a titan oil pump, RCD gear drive and crank support oh and a mallory super mag2 i think that sort of covers it, im not out to try and ring its neck and lean on it to be the quickest guy out there i never will be, i just want it as reliable as possible so i don't hurt parts and the wallet. if anyone can help please fir away or post your number and i'll give you a call,
    Regards Shayne
  2. Moparious Maximus

    Feb 23, 2009
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    What hp, et range are you building? Overdrive %?
  3. hotrod200

    hotrod200 Member

    Mar 30, 2011
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    Im thinking of around 1000, id like to get it around a 7.90 and around 10% over maybe? still early days in the build. Thanks for the response

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