Let's say they did go to nationals only plus a few 'regionals'..Pro Comp index class?

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Will Hanna, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Let me start off by saying I'd rather see a format for more regional/divisional races than just go to all nationals. The all national option is a double bladed sword. There are some real advantages, and there are some real disadvantages. I'm afraid over time we will lose alot of racers with the all national format. I'm afraid you'll see what happened to IHRA when they went from 16 car fields to 8 car fields with 10,000 to win. It was great for the top guys, and it became so tough for the lower funded local racers to crack the fields, they went elsewhere.

    So as I said, it's not my first vote, but I don't think anyone can deny it's a definite possibility in the next few years.

    If they do pull the alcohol cars from all or most of the divisionals, I'd like to see them give the local/low budget guys a better option than letting some run in TD or making a class in Comp.

    Maybe a 'bridge the gap' type class would be a "Pro Comp" index class based off your car type. 5.50 or 5.60 index for legal TAD, 5.80 for legal TAFC, 5.90 for legal TD. I think Australia has similar type classes for entry level Top Alcohol contestants. I would think you would make it a breakout class to really gear it towards the mid to low budget guys. If you made it an index heads up deal like Comp, it would have that heads up appeal, but you would still have the big bucks fast cars coming in and testing.

    You could add indexes for roots TAFC, altereds, even Nostalgia Nitro indexes under 6.00. Maybe 6.20 for door slammers...

    Let's say you hate the thought of index racing, and you're of the mindset of 'screw it, they do this, i'm selling out.' This would at least give you an 'out' to sell your car.

    Thoughts? On to something or have I driven through too much tireshake?
  2. Cap Racing

    Cap Racing New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    I'm all for bringing back Pro Comp. It was a great class in the 70's but here's how I think it should be run. Let's keep the top alcohol classes as is but if NHRA insists make it a National Event class and put Pro Comp at the division level only. Make it an 8 or a 16 car field if it takes off. Have a 6.0 index and limit it to blown and injected nitro cars only.
  3. 310TAD

    310TAD Top Alcohol

    May 11, 2003
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    Top Dragster is already there for 6.0 index racing. I don't think it's wise that we start saying we're OK with cutting out Top Alcohol Dragster and Funny Car races as long as you give us an index class we can run. I made the move to a life of no sleep and no money because I didn't want to index race anymore. In my opinion, our time is better spent figuring out how to save as much of our current class and system as we can.

    My opinions would include;
    - I would love to keep the Divisional plus National format stay, but I don't see it until we have full fields at at least 80% of all events.
    - If we can't keep the current divisional 35 race schedule, look at a cut down divisional 3 or 4 per division), or Regional format.
    - All Divisional events should only have 2 qualifying passes for the Alky classes. Also condense the show into 2 days. (Alot of you have pointed out several advantages to this)
    I had more thoughts but I lost them and have to get back to work. Keep brainstorming folks.
  4. MaineAlkyFan

    MaineAlkyFan Active Member

    Oct 8, 2006
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    From a fans POV, TAD & TAFC are the draw for a Divisional. I just attended the D1 race at NED, which was the first time I had ever seen Top Sportsman and Top Dragster. I watched one round of TS/TD qualifying, and a half round of eliminations before choosing to walk the pits instead.

    Something about watching a mountain motored blown or NOS car only go the same speed as a NA 500 inch Pro Stocker is just, well, boring. I'd rather watch Comp, SS, or Stock.

    I never feel that way about the alcohol classes.

    Chris Saulnier
    Gray, Maine
  5. backmotor

    backmotor Owner/Crewchief/Test Pilot

    Jan 1, 2004
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    Bring back Pro-Comp, or at least a more affordable version of it !! :cool: We'd be all over that w/ the rear engine funny car :D
  6. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    I agree with you 100%. I don't think we should put all of our eggs in the basket that there will be a divisional or regional option for us.

    So if we go all nationals and there is no alternative like a Pro Comp fast index or dial class...well, they might open up the rules to let a TAD/TAFC run TD, but good luck running against that 6.80 Mullis car with your clutch and no delay box.

    I think the indexes shouldn't be so soft there's completely no challenge to running them, or a standard 6.00 index where you have to back a TAD down so far it's just out of whack. 5.60 for a legal TAD is attainable for most but not so soft your average TD can get there. So your legal TD (roots) would run off 5.90. Maybe TAFC 5.80.


    To clarify, I would like to see us race at as many venues as we can fill car counts.

    I really think alcohol only divisionals would be an attractive option to a track, especially if I knew I was going to get full fields in both classes.
  7. Cap Racing

    Cap Racing New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    I don't want to see TAFC or TAD pulled from the division level BUT IF that's already the plan in place at least allow for there to be a replacement.

    OK don't have an index just put the class in place so we have something to run at the division level!
  8. wildbill

    wildbill New Member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    We are building a pro-comp type class down in FLA. and we run dragsters,funnycars and altereds with some simple basic rules, all ET safty rules apply and the basic rules are roots blowers and rear engine dragsters must use a convertor, no index heads up. It seems to work well and the fans at the track really dig the different cars.

    I have found keeping it simple works and this year at the Snowbird Nationals at Bradenton Motorsports Park Dec.2-4 OPEN OUTLAW will be top billing.

    Feb 14, 2005
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    I think you would be surprised at how many 5.90 cars come out of the wood-work.
    No boxes, no delays ,just the old Pro-comp days.
    I don't see the purse being large enough to afford to run a legal TAD OR TA/FC
    at it.
    I don't think you would see many ,if any, 5.70 cars
  10. Chuck Anderika

    Sep 13, 2005
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    If the purses are so small, Why limit anything? Why not have a good old fashioned DRAG RACE. You drag you your car up to the line and run it. Whatever weight, blower, fuel, trans, tires you want to race bring it up. It seems to me everyone wants to have rules that fits what they have and no more. Whatever rules you make someone will take it to the edge and push the cost right up. ( Nostalgia Funny Car )
  11. wildbill

    wildbill New Member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    The purse is what we are working to build but keep in mind you have to start somewere, tracks are not going to wright blank checks.You have to first put a product out there before you hold your hand out.

    In my opinion NHRA has put the alky classes in this hole by the cost, and in turn it makes it hard for your smaller tracks to affored an Alky show because the first thing you here from alot of racers is how much are you going to pay me ? When I here that I feel it's not about the fun and the sport its about money, now I would be full of B.S. if I said I'd do it for free but I'm happy to be able to cover some of the cost. But I would also race for a Cold Beer and a sandwich for the fun of pulling on the brake

    Feb 14, 2005
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    I agree with Chuck ! Heads-up.....Heads-up
    But we have to even the playing field or you will have a all dragster show like T/D !
    It is proven that f/c's & altereds can't run heads-up with dragsters !
    Nitro F/C's are 2 tenths slower then fuel dragsters
    Same goes for TA/FC and TAD and thats with about 75 less C.I.'s
    I think you will come up with a really good 5.80 group of cars.
  13. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    few things

    Keep in mind for this to work and have enough participation, legal/current Top Alcohol cars have to have a place just as much as the 'potential' new cars/converts from TD and older T/A cars. Just slapping a 5.90 all run index on it will alienate some of the faster cars.

    If you have a legal TAD, you have a car set up to run mid to low 5s. At the end of the day you would really have to make some combination changes to be competitive/consistent 5.90 car. A/F would be even harder.

    I don't think running an index class is really what anyone 'wants' to do, but it may be a much better alternative to either you run nationals or you don't run. A middle of the pack guy who may need to catch a few breaks to win in TAD/TAFC would now have a much more legit shot at winning.

    As a teenager growing up around the alcohol classes, the thought of bracket racing was barely a consideration, but it was all I could afford. After a few trips with my Camaro to the local track, I was hooked.

    As far as running heads up without an index, youre not really accomplishing much. You don't create a place for legal TAD/TAFC's to race and costs will quickly reach similar levels, if not higher than a competitive TAD/TAFC program. Heads up is always about cubic dollars, no matter what the rules.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2011
  14. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    Go to Drag Racing On Line to see what Jok Nicholson thinks about current NHRA events. The problem is not the Alcohol cars nor the show that they put on. Personally I am encouraged by his view of what "they" have brought the sport (and the televised version of it) to. It indicates that others are seeing the biweekly Force/Schumacher sitcom for what it is AND for what it has done to the sport.
    Jeff Johnsen

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