help with bell housing

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by rowalton, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. rowalton

    rowalton New Member

    Mar 14, 2011
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    thinking about going from bbc to hemi i have a glide with chevy pattern need to go to hemi pattern any ideas ? thanks
  2. Moparious Maximus

    Feb 23, 2009
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    J.W transmissions has bolt on belhousings to fit mopar stuff but their attachment method is not great, they just use the pump bolts.

    Ried has a better method but you would have to buy their case and bell, still a far better way to go IMO.
  3. sune

    sune Member

    Jun 20, 2009
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    it depends on your current transmission housing.

    I just went thru this issue on my car. My transmission has the ATI supercase,it is really nice as it has a removable bell housing, which is fastened to the main housing NOT via the pump bolt. but separate bolts and a machined register. really nice piece. part number of the bell housing is 200016M as far as i remember. I just called ATI, they where really helpful.
  4. 23T Hemmee

    23T Hemmee Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    An option, if you don't want or can't change from the Chevy bell pattern, S & W makes a 1/2" adapter plate that is 2' X 2" square, with crank spacer and all of the hardware for block mount and tranny studs. There are a few 3/8ths plates on the market but positively stay away from the 1/4" adapters, the tranny studs will pull through. I used an old motor plate and cut the pattern from it, and made the adapter into a motor plate. This would apply if you're running a tube chassis car ( altered, FED,RED) but if you're running a door car and already have a mid-plate, they also make a profiled version. As I said this is an option, I had to go this route as Bruno only makes a Chevy pattern bell. I know adapters aren't the preferred method anymore but I've run mine for 3 years with no problems.

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