Trailer Setup

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Mac, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. Mac

    Mac Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    I'm just getting going on setting up my new gooseneck with d-rings,cabinets,oil,racks,ect,ect. I'm wondering on car placment in the trailer. I've always strapped my cars at the back of the trailer with a quad in front. I'm thinking of putting the car it first and have the quad or golf cart in the very back and maybe even turning it sideways. Any of you guys do it that way? Trailer tow better with the weight forward.

    I'm hauling a 125"wb altered/funny car with a 38' gooseneck(30' on floor),triple axle

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Its a balancing act,...too much weight forward puts too much tongue weight on the rear of truck causing the front end suspension to be unloaded and the steering wheel will get light, also going down long grades or hills it will start sashaying causing an accident.
    Try and calculate what weighs what, obviously cabnets and tool boxes, generator etc,. will be up front. put everything in there and look at the truck and trailers stance, if the tongue of the trailer is nose diving but the rear of the truck is not get a taller hitch to get the tongue and bottom of the trailer up and parrallel with the ground, other wise if the truck rear is dropped down with the trailer tongue that is too much weight forward, like I said it is a balancing act get you hard stuff that will be fixed up front then figure placement for car and golf cart to where the two units look equal tailgate to front bumper,..another adjustment you can make is after you are driving the rig if the front end still feels bouncy move the car or golf cart back about 10 inches or untill the ride smoothes out,..if its really rigid the weight is already too far back, can make it a smooth operator by adjusting the car forwards or backwards....hope this helps.

  3. Peacemaker AFC

    Peacemaker AFC New Member

    Mar 30, 2011
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    Rule of thumb put the heaviest weight centered over the axles. On a tag trailer you could load the car in backwards and it makes it pull like a dream. On a goose it doesnt matter either forward or backwards. We had a 48 foot goose and hauled a funny car and small pickup like an S-10 in the back of the trailer and it rode fine.

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