Mike Strasburg in Vegas

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Will Hanna, Apr 2, 2011.

  1. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Just got a note tonight from someone close to the situation. They wanted to express on behalf of the Strasburg family that he did not fail a drug test, but failed to meet the time requirement for testing. This was on a weekend where he was not only working on his own car, but assisting several other cars.

    I agree with the party who sent me the email tonight; there should be no tolerance for alcohol or drugs in racing.

    However, you will have to search hard to find a better family in racing than the Strasburgs. Hopefully something will come of this besides a one year suspension.
  2. tafccrewguy

    tafccrewguy New Member

    Jul 11, 2008
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    When I read that ,it blew me away. I thought NHRA needed these racers more than thay need them. I hope NHRA suffers from it more than him.

    LUTHER New Member

    May 16, 2007
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    But last year you could FAIL a test and get a one race suspension??:confused:
    Yeah lets ban Mike for a year that's smart.:mad:
  4. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Is this posted on the web/net? if so where? Is their a link?
  5. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    I agree with will the family is outstanding for the sport, but Mike does know the protocal. He has done it before (piss in a cup that is)

    The one year suspension deal is the incentive to not forget and to take it seriously. Because Mike does not drink and and I assume does not do any illegal drugs, it is a ten minute turnarund to go down to the end of the track kto take a pee.
    As far as the suspension for Allen Johnson last year, He took the test which complied to the requirement and for his transgression he got the penalty that is mandated.

    The two issues are not the same.

    I am really sad Mike did not do what was required in time, especially since he appears to be a very straight up guy.

  6. Nancy Matter

    Nancy Matter Member

    Aug 17, 2010
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  7. alt 6153

    alt 6153 Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    Holy Crap!!!!!! NHRA really needs to try to work with the racers that are still left. What kind of testing do they do that 1 sample isn't enough. Mike is a great guy, I've knowen him for years, always willing to help out anyone and everyone, even when he is busy with his own car. This kind of thing really makes a guy think that NHRA has too much power. I guarantee Mike is "Clean" and its not like he just didn't go do it. This Sucks
  8. racefan721

    racefan721 New Member

    Apr 4, 2011
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    Support for Mike

    Look for those who think Mike is a Typical pro driver that lounges around in his trailer all day long waiting for time to make his passes down the track you are completely mistaken. He not only helps all the Alcohol cars with their transmissions at this race he was assisting another alcohol car tune. I think its absurd that they close testing at 6 pm on a Friday?!?! He was served the paper work in the afternoon right before his run. After the run he had to go help tune and assist an alcohol dragster team. Once he was finished with that he went over and they were closed. In the morning he was helping various teams trying to get ready to run including his on TF car. I am not making excuses for him but to get a 1 year suspension and a 2500 fine, WOW!! This suspension means that he cant even be at the track to help with his own customers with the transmissions he sold them. This could ruin his business. Its to bad that a Big time pro like Alan Johnson gets a slap on the wrist when he fails a Breathalyzer. But Mike a hard working family owned team that can only compete at a certain amount of races as it is gets the boot for a year. Tarnish his good name because they wanted two vials. Split the one vial that was produced. Mike completed the Breathalyzer with flying colors. He produced one vial of urine that should have been adequate. Any nay Sayer's do not know Mike and have not worked with him. A 1 year suspension and cant be at the track and a 2500 dollar fine is ludicrous. From what I have heard its going to cost him 2500 to pay the fine and 4000 to fight this and appeal. The team does not have unlimited funding like most teams. Most of the time they have to put in long hours at their personal business to help fund races themselves. I hope NHRA feels good for destroying Mike and the family race team. This is about NHRA and bending the rules for specific teams. I will no longer assist NHRA in race events watching them on the television I am done with NHRA. In closing I would like to thank those who stand up and stand beside Mike Strasburg.

    Signed an unhappy ex participant.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2011
  9. JustinatAce

    JustinatAce Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I thought it seemed odd that you'd have to produce 2 cups. Protocol is protocol, but anybody who has busted their ass in 80+ degree weather knows that you can drink gallons of water in a day and not have to pee once since you sweat it all out. And we all know Mike was busting his ass, he always does!

    I HOPE common sense prevails here in the appeals process, and reading the article should further tell anyone who doesn't know him, what type of guy Mike really is. He's not laying all the blame on NHRA like a lot of others would. This type of issue would effect most alcohol drivers too as a very healthy majority bust their ass on their own cars.
  10. racefan721

    racefan721 New Member

    Apr 4, 2011
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    I know what you are saying JustinatAce. I have worked for both TAD and TF teams and in that kind of weather you could drink a gallon an hour and still not have to pee.
  11. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    My crew and I all commented on how much water we drank and how none of us were using the head in LV last weekend. When we did it was very little no matter how much we drank. No way could anyone fill two vials in one sitting after following Mike around all day no matter how much they drank.

    Funny how someone mentioned a driver or two from some of the high profile sponsored cars that have a reputation for partying but never get the call, while the family guys and working business people driving their own race cars get called just about every time.
  12. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Wow, Thats incredible, At that age even if you had to piss,
    It takes 1/2 an hour to get it all out.
    I guess when your the only game in town.
    You are at there mercy, and they have none!:p :mad:
    Give some people an inch and they think their a Ruler.
  13. Izzy

    Izzy New Member

    Feb 15, 2004
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    As a long time personal friend to the Strasburg family this is ridiculous! Any one that knows Mike knows he doesn't even drink. It was in the low 90's all weekend and he was working his butt off! I'm sure he was fairly dehydrated.

    If they really wanted to test him get a freakin needle and draw blood!!!

    Of course if your name is Tom Compton you can get a DUI and its not a big deal but if you can't pee in 2 cups in 10 minutes you're banned!!!
  14. Ed Arcuri

    Ed Arcuri Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    It appears Mike did what he could. Apparently, the rule does not consider whether compliance is possible. Hot, dry weather will dry a guy up.
    That said, I have made the point elsewhere, and repeat here: the penalty is ludicrous.
    We can ensure safety without destroying all a man has built.
    Appeal this Mike, you will be helping the whole sport.
  15. kylewurtzel

    kylewurtzel TA/FC

    Feb 8, 2005
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    He can go to NHRA events and tune/work on cars just can't drive right now.
  16. racefan721

    racefan721 New Member

    Apr 4, 2011
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  17. letsjustrace

    letsjustrace New Member

    Jan 1, 2009
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    Stupid NHRA

    Just on a side note, I served the the USAF for 6 years and I get randomly drugged tested. I only need to fill one vial (about 4-8oz) yes its odd because someone has to watch your urine come out of your body into your cup and you have to carry the bottle over your head the hole time until they seal the bottle. I feel if the US military only needs one vial to test from A-Z for drugs and alcohol, why does nhra need more than one?


    I would like to see how many times the force/Schumacher camp gets tested and how long it takes for them to comply along with all the test results..
  18. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    You know its great that Mike has all the fans that are supporting him here. It proves that he is a great guy. I think so too. But unfortunately you can't defend his decision to leave it until the end of the 24hr. period. If he was there late on Friday night get there at 8:00am in the morning Saturday.

    Here is a link on the Classic Funny Car board from Jeff Arend. He will enlighten those of you who think they single out the part timers.

    Also You pee in one cup and they then put the pee into two vials.

    Read the posts from Jeff, they will enlighten many of you. His posts are on page 4 and 5 (the link below starts on page 4)



    WANNABE New Member

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Total garbage. Mike offered blood and hair- (The other two allowed in the rulebook) But they said no.
    And for them to smear his name around by a full press release saying that he failed a drug test and will be suspended, rather than just tell the truth is downright WRONG!
    The NHRA seeks to an all new low on this one.

    But I just have to ask; if it said MOPAR on the side of his car, would it be one week? Or would have they given more time that evening? According to eye witnesses, Mike said he could fill the other bottle if given ten more minutes. Ten minutes, and they pulled the plug and sent out the press release.
  20. noelmanton

    noelmanton Authorized Merchant

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Hair____do the hair

    NHRA ----- I think NHRA should go for the hair.

    It will tell the story back several months. With Mike they will find, if they are willing to learn the truth, he does not drink, be around groups that PARTY, and never will.

    Common sense should apply with every action a government passes to the governed.

    Test the Government Staff every morning. They do have the time to leave their post for an hour or so? That fits the term Common Sense.

    Dale Carnegie said: "If you want honey don't kick over the bee hive."

    Who is kicking over the bee hive???????

    Last edited: Apr 5, 2011

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