how big fuel cell

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by hotrodharlkey, Mar 31, 2011.

  1. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    ready to get my fuel cell for my door slammer..have 1 gal fuel cell up front[no room to put bigger one]so going to mount a fuel cell in rear of car to keep front tank full;spud miller flowed my fuel system and set me up with electric pump for rear tank to make sure i'll keep front tank full but don't know what size rear tank i'll need to make sure don't run out of fuel in a 1/4 mile run.roughly how many gallons of alcohol will i burn?.car specs below
    540bbc blown alcohol engine
    11.8 static comp.
    731/726 lift roller //114 lobe center //running dur 322--326//dur at .050 284--288
    brodix heads flowed to 372cfm on intake at 700 lift
    12-71 blower 25%OD
    big&ugly injector hat
    port nozzles
    990 pump
    fuel system flowed by spud miller

    trans;;pg with brake
    1;80 straight cut gears
    10 disc high gear

    4;30 gears
    car estimated at 2800 lbs
    32x14.5x15 slicks

    badtoyzz racing
  2. Andy C

    Andy C Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    I would not run it with a 1 gal fuel cell in the front... you will need at least a 3 gal in the front... I ran a simular set up a while back. had a 8 or a 10 gal in the back. BG 280 pump and 2 fuel bowls mounted on the front tank. Do a burn out and turn everything off and check you front tank, tell us how much fuel you have in the front tank.
  3. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    i had a surge tank with the holley fuel bowls when i sent everything to spud to be flowed..he told me to get rid of it [said fuel bowls restrick fuel inlet from rear tank..said couldn't get a big enough needles to keep front tank full]and go with a straight 1 gal[least i should run]fuel cell then feed it from rear tank using a aeromotive A2000 pump[said that was only one he was sure of flow ratings and it was size i needed..also said i don't want to pressureize front tank so i was to modify front tank where inlet from rear tank was level or slightly lower then the return from front tank to run back to rear tank;;said the rear pump would run non stop keeping front tank full dueing a 1/4 mile past..but didn't tell me how much fuel i'll use or need for each pass
  4. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    let me reask this i guess;;;with my combition[build] how much alcohol will i average using in a normal 1/4 mile pass??

    found couple good buys on fuel cells and going to buy one this weekend while i still have the money but i don't want to buy one why bigger then i need..i'm already on heavy side with car so need to start thinking of weight saving where i can safelly
  5. Fuel Cars

    Fuel Cars AA/AM

    Aug 20, 2003
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    I'm no expert, but with the setup you listed, I would think that you're going to burn up a minimum of 5 gallons on a run and a couple more on the burn out so you are looking at around 7 gallons per run. As you start pushing for more hp, you're going to burn more fuel.

    I would think that a 10 gallon tank as a minimum and you don't have to fill it up all the way.

    I would rather have fuel left over in a bigger tank after a run than running out of fuel from a smaller tank, your motor will thank you for it.;)

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