Possible demise of TAD in Europe

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Andy Bissett, Jun 16, 2005.

  1. Andy Bissett

    Andy Bissett TAD 4

    Jun 15, 2005
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    Hi folks,

    I thought some of you may be interested to read this;


    Top Methanol Dragster is what Top Alcohol Dragster is called in Europe in an attempt to break the link between alcohol consumption and drag racing. Judging by the piles of empty beer cans in the spectator areas and pits at the end of every race this has not been very successful...


    [ June 16, 2005, 12:46 PM: Message edited by: Andy Bissett ]
  2. Dave Snr

    Dave Snr New Member

    Nov 21, 2003
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    Thanks for the post andy i was going to inform people myself but you saved me the job.this is the pro stock truck deal again but this time its TAD and in europe and we need your support
  3. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    Hey Senior (and I DO mean SENIOR!);
    You can count me in for all the support I can muster.
    I see that you got some action from Avon Park (easier to speeell) on the guardrails, helps me to sleep better. Now I hope you get your races back.
  4. It's Fixable...

    It's Fixable... New Member

    Jun 20, 2005
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    Hey Andy,

    Good post to alert all the guys in the US about this issue, but everyone should be aware that this could be just the tip of the iceberg.
    Admittedly in the European context car counts in TAD have been pretty dire in the last few years although they are set to rise this year.

    What everyone in the US should be aware of is that this issue has been driven by the FIA Drag Racing commission (which is chaired by Carl Olson). FIA are the world governing body of motorsport. NHRA are affiliated to and are ultimately subject to FIA control.

    Given that from what we can see from Europe is that the US TAD racers are growingly concerned how the NHRA views them (exclusion from the Sportsman Nationals, limited National Event exposure etc) against a rise in interest in ProMod, are we in Europe the testing ground for a situation that may carry over to the US ?
  5. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    Dave and anybody concerned;
    I just spent 45 minutes with Carl Olson. Better all go to Eurodragster.com to find the link to the petition, although it sounds like the panel already has their minds made up, but are still up in the air.
    Dave, I know you also talked to Carl this morning, I guess you'll have to promise to bring out the good car too with Jr. at the wheel.
    Seems the ProMod guys think they car run their cars for half price !
  6. Dave Snr

    Dave Snr New Member

    Nov 21, 2003
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    Bob, thanks for the post and for pursuing our problem with carl. you do have a point maybe jnr should get the good car out (the one i built) and somebody else should be in the other good car(the one you built)and maybe evan the other car that i think a mr hansan built,but all that does is to eliminate some other race class and that "aint why i go racing". BTW i dont think the panel were in possesion of all the relevant facts when they made there decision so there is time and reason for them to reconsider
  7. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    Dave; I think you are younger than Knut, and he can run four T/F cars. It should be a piece of cake for you to run four measley TMD's!!
    Andy, you'll probably have to go home though!
    Andy, can you provide a direct link to the petition and post it under a new heading.
    I think the rest of us yanks will help out if they can. I did it, but can't see any results.
  8. Andy Bissett

    Andy Bissett TAD 4

    Jun 15, 2005
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    Hi Bob,

    There's no going home for me now; your government was silly enough to issue me a green card and a California driving licence last week! At least my green card shows I only became a permanent resident in June 2005 so I can physically prove I didn't vote for Bush...

    I'll put a link to the petition on soon when it has a couple more signatures. The top 2 right now are pretty bizarre and I'm sure it won't help the cause if that's the first thing US racers read if they go to sign it.

  9. nitrohawk

    nitrohawk New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    I've heard Bush blamed for a lot of things but didn't know he was responsible for this problem!!!

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