Fire Bottle exhaust time: Help

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by chutedragger, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. chutedragger

    chutedragger Member

    Dec 21, 2010
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    Knock on wood,

    I have never had a I dont have any clue how long the a 10 lb. bottle takes to exhaust. Can some body tell me the approxiamte time with 2 nozzles and 3 nozzles.

    I have to add a second 10 lb. bottle to our Nostalgia "a" fuel car...and am considering running two seperate systems. The original is in the nose (2 nozzles to the engine 1 in the cockpit). I have previous mounting in the cockpit (which I like, if the car breaks in half), and have thought about running a second system with just two nozzles in the cockpit.

    My thinking is, If the first bottle (that has been good enough for the last 10 seasons) doesn't put out the fire...I am in trouble. At that point...screw the car, I want me to be put out!

    I front engine injected car may be a little different (easier) to contain than a funny car, or even front motor TopFuel. That is my thinking.

    The rule says I need 20lbs, 1 nozzle in the cockpit, 2 on the engine. Thats it.

    Help or comments would be appreciated.
  2. FEDowner

    FEDowner Member

    Feb 4, 2009
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    I remember seeing Tony Pedregon on TV at Pomona, The body was gone, Car was on the gaurd rail, he was walking away from it and the bottles were still going off. Hope this helps.
    Also your old bottle may be out of spec. I think the SFI 17.1 is only good for 5yrs. Others on this site could verify that. If so you can always sell to an NE1 guy.
  3. rb0804

    rb0804 Active Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    Depends on which fire bottle you have. Some have internal bladders that will deliver 100% or what is in the bottle and others do not and will leave some in the bottle. You need to call around and see what your manufacture has and how long they bottle will disperse fire suppressant. Make sure you check your lines and nozzles every year before you start the new season incase something gets in there and clogs up the nozzles. Now your bottles have to be DOT approved as well as have the SFI sticker and needs to be re-certed every so often. Hope this helps a little.
  4. chutedragger

    chutedragger Member

    Dec 21, 2010
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    Thanks guys,

    I have a 17.1 that is out of date. We haven't run the car for 2 years. In the process of recerting everything....Funny, just like you say, my DJ bottle that was new in 07, was flat on the guage. The lines were plugged up with pasty cream substance, and the valve on the bottle was leaking. As I tip the bottle back and forth I get half an once every rotation. I got bored and the point by the the time I took a pint out.

    Any one else dealing with this!

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