Chute Mounting

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by SCO1035, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. SCO1035

    SCO1035 New Member

    Dec 2, 2007
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    I am currently changing my car from one chute to two and am after some input regarding mounting of the shroud lines to the rear of the car.
    Car is a 125" Jerry Fritz moly altered with a blown bbc, glide, MW modular rear end.
    The current mounting point for the chute is above the rear on a horizontal crossmember.
    I think that this mounting point is too high on the chassis and if the chutes blow around after they are launched they may also hit the turtledeck and cause some damage as there is not much clearance between the two. Hasn't happened yet but remains a possibility.
    My question is this;
    Where is considered the best mounting place for the chute lines? I have read elsewhere on this forum that some of the TAFC guys have their chutes mounted on the bottom anti- rotational. On a previous car l had the mounts directly on the rear end but with the modular rear this is not an option.
    Also if mounting off the bottom anti-rotational is the preferred option will it not lift the rear of the car off the track, given it's low mounting point, upon the initial hit of the chutes?
    Long winded l know, but is probably as important a part of any vehicle as anything else.
    Thanks in advance.


    Dec 2, 2004
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    Proper location for attacment would be inline with the Crank Center line at the back
    of therear end housing, if thats not possible then Yes use the lower mounting point of the rearend at the anti rotational mount, If you have the right chutes for the speeds you are traveling threw at the trapps then no you shouldnt lift off the ground, but it does sometimes happen with all 170 mph plus race cars, have two chutes so I assume you are running faster than 200, what about throwing one, and then the other split second later insted of both at the same time.

  3. SCO1035

    SCO1035 New Member

    Dec 2, 2007
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    Thanks for the reply Vic.
    Haven't run the car with the new motor yet, but all indicators say that it will run 200-210 mph. I would like to put both chutes on one lever and perhaps l should shorten one cable slightly so they don't both deploy at the same time. Thanks again.


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