Time for an alcohol/NHRA reorganization?

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Blown Chances, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    I've had this idea kickin around in my head for a bit. Will, you like to throw crazy stuff like this out every once in a while so here goes.
    This whole thing is based on the question of : How much does everyone like the current format of having to run 16 races (8 and 8) to compete for a national championship each year?

    I personally will never be able to do that, not running the cars as hard as we do now, and keeping up with the maintenance involved. I just mocked up a 10 race schedule and it looks heavy but possible and fun. Last year, between 5 different cars I worked on or raced, I went to 25 out of state events... I'm still tired. Haha.

    We all complain about the pay being stuck in the early 90's and Divisional races providing little to no exposure for sponsorship. (Possibly because the $$$$ is being spread across approximately 50 events and 7 division title chases) I don't know the specifics, but TF and AAFC used to run divisionals but no longer do. Did they reach the point we are at now? In a sense, tracks don't want us at divisionals and we kind of don't want to be there either but we have to for points. If there's no alcohol at these events, they can run them in 2 days instead of 3 and their back door races that they want are complete.

    Here's the glimmer of an idea that needs refinement, but may be a new direction that everyone (TA Racers, NHRA, and tracks) may agree on. The 16 event national schedule remains the same. The Divisionals we no longer have to worry about running at all. The Sportsnationals will be expanded from 3 to 7 (1 located in every division) with Alcohol cars being the headliners (16 car fields just like at the nationals) (As a side note, the classes below us would like additional chances to earn national points as well since each class keeps being allowed at fewer and fewer national events). The tracks that are willing to promote these events to attract spectators, and can provide safe conditions for the more powerful cars will recieve these events. For example, Denver's Divisional in D5 which always has a huge crowd will be exchanged for the D5 Sportsnational. That track appreciates the show Alcohol racing provides and is willing to promote it. They deserve a larger field for that event.

    So now with 16 nationals and 7 Sportnationals to earn points at (23 total, half of the current number of races), the $$$$$ that Lucas puts toward paying the top 3 in 7 different divisions would go toward the purses at the Sportsnationals and increasing the number of places paid for the national points standings. (Ex: Pay the entire top 10)

    Now the points system would need to be altered to where the championship is determined by the first 10 events a competitor attends where Sportnationals and nationals count for the same amount. (Imagine, a round 3 loss being worth the same points at every race...) Or we could count the best 10 of 14... or however the majority decides would be best for the class. We still count 10 races, but the competition at those races should be a higher quality since having to run fewer races should result in greater attendance. (IE: no more 3 car fields at divisionals rewarding someone who won 1 round with the same points it takes to win the US nationals...) (Sidenote: That's not directed at anyone. It just seems to happen alot with the current system)

    I see alot of teams get burned out by deciding to run for a championship. It takes a grundle of effort and time and $$$$$ to run 16 races and half of those events we feel like we shouldn't even be there. I know we get treated like second class citizens at nationals but we are second class citizens at nationals. Most of us don't do it full time. It's not our job. When it becomes a job it isn't fun anymore. In the last 10 years the cars and equipment have evolved to where running a full 16 race schedule with a crew of 4, that you basically have to have (Unless you're an asshole like me and you can only find maybe 1 friend to help), has escalated the costs to unsustainable levels.

    I guess the question is, since these are the only heads-up classes NHRA offers to non-professionals on their big stage, and it doesn't seem like they want us to become a professional class, and most of us can't afford it to become a professional class, would restructuring the points system and event schedule to sustain reasonable car counts and competitive fields help the class to thrive?


    Cody "Flash" Perkins BSME
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  2. tvp

    tvp Member

    Jun 27, 2007
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    I just don,t get it ?

    Like most Pro sports there is the learing curve to reach the top, like in Hockey or Baseball there is the Junior level that trains and developes players to move up to the pro ranks. In Pro Drag racing ( Top Fuel and Funnycar ) you think NHRA would get there new crop of drivers from the Alcohol Ranks TAD and TAFC. The Training Ground ! the Farm team ! Makes total sense.....

    If this source of talant in the TAD and TAFC dry up... do to lack of Support in the class by NHRA were are the next crop of drivers comming from ?? That is just stupid thinking by NHRA...What is Don Prudhomme going to come out of retirment or John Force will be driving at age 80 ?

    The natural Stepping stone is to fill the TF and FC seats with Drivers from the TAD/TAFC ranks .....NHRA wake up and smell the coffee, you canot keep treating the TAD/TAFC class as second class citizens.

    I can not belive how much money it takes to run on of these cars to be competitive , not counting the endless hours of time. Why has the payout money not been increased, why has Pro Mod leapfroged over the TAD/TAFC Class for exposure ?? ( not that there is a problem with Pro Mod Class but who came first !)

    I just Don,t get it !

  3. JustinatAce

    JustinatAce Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    One word.. Money. There are very few instances anymore where the best driver for the job actually gets the job. About 80-85% of the Pro ranks are driven by self funded or family funded drivers. There may be sponsors on the side of the car, but don't fool yourself into thinking a sponsor(s) is picking up 100% of the tab. Its a very rare occasion anymore where the proven talented racers from the Pro Sportsman and Sportsman ranks are given a shot in the Pros unless the driver has substantial financial backing.

    Pro Mod to some degree is still treated like Alcohol, they just get more recognition because they have a class sponsor who happens to also drive.
  4. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    and now back to the original question .......

    Sounds like a really good idea Cody. I will be interested in seeing feedback from other racers, but it makes sense that if you really wanted to go after a championship, it might become somewhat affordable. I don't necessarily agree that the divisionals should lose the alcohol cars, maybe those that still want them, or typically have high alky car counts, could still bring them in. Maybe no points, but a higher payout?
  5. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Get Wal*Mart to sponsor the alky series with some seriously huge $$ and watch the love fest in hot rod land begin.

    BTW, Not taking anything away from Lucas. Lucas is a great sponsor for the sportsman series.

  6. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Your plan is similar to what I have discussed over the past few years.

    Problem is there is so many different agendas within the classes, it's impossible to get anyone to agree. You will have people who think its a really great idea and people who think it's a terrible idea and you're the sorriest MF out there because you want to take their back yard event away from them.

    As long as Lucas is happy, NHRA is happy.

    I can't find documentation anywhere, but I think Division Champ is $8500, 2nd is $3500 and 3rd is $1500. That's $27,000 per division. $189,000 over 7 divisions. Total payout for both alcohol classes at a national is $67,000. That's a few thousand short of covering 3 nationals payouts...I think you would want to divert that money to the national points fund.

    If you take that 189,000 and split it up to the two classes, that's 94,500 a class. Considering the existing prize purse for the National Champion is $43,000 you could make a nice top heavy prize like $100,000 to win the championship or spread the money out. The question is would Lucas feel like they were getting the same value for that money being concentrated on the top ten instead of spread out over 7 divisions.

    I don't know if there are 7 tracks out there that have the promotional ability to make an alcohol national event profitable. Denver and Norwalk come to mind pretty quick, then you have to really think. When you start off at $67,000 purse you can have an event costing well over $100k in a hurry once you factor in operational and promotional costs.

    SO let's take the guys who have a proven track record at drawing a crowd at divisionals for the alcohol cars. Denver, Norwalk, et al. Now you tell them you want them to get rid of that $16,000 purse alcohol divisional show and pick up the tab for this $67,000 purse....hello...hello...are you still there...damn phones. I think they just hung up on me.

    My deal last year was to combine the divisions for the alcohol cars. Maybe 3 regions with one or two divisionals from each of the 7 featuring alcohol cars at the tracks that want the show. You could still have a regional champion and take the national championship deal down to 10-12 races vs 16-18 as it is now.

    I'll be honest, I don't see the alcohol cars staying at the divisional level for much more than a year or two. If they do it will be with significant entry fees to help underwrite the purse.

    I've tried to get racers to listen that the current system is broke for years. However, most racers get mad when you tell them the tracks aren't going to continue to bear the burden of the alcohol purse. I get accused of putting the little guys or the guys who just want to compete locally out of business if we go national only or go to a regional system.

    Lucas is happy right now, but the tracks aren't. With the economy hurting car counts and track's week in week out bottom line, they just don't have the extra funds to support a 16,000 purse that doesn't bring in that much spectators. Sure we've all chimed in the tracks need to promote us, but those are days gone by. The reality has been for some time a divisional is a back gate event, and that big alcohol purse is a burden to the entry fee revenue the other classes generate.

    IF you don't think the tracks won't eventually get together and tell NHRA enough, we'll I got some Ocean Front Property in Arizona...

    Back to the original topic, I'm all for something that makes it a bit easier to pursue a national championship. I'm all for ideas that put us racing at venues where we're wanted and promoted. Getting many outside of a few younger guys like you and me to embrace change, good luck.
  7. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    Thanks for the initial comments,

    I got a message from Mike Rice today basically agreeing 100% with your theory. I like the regional series as well! I think the unsubstantial event payout concern remains with that or is even multiplied since then you still only have 1 track burdened with the cost of a field that would've been dispersed over 2 to 3 events. (I hope that makes sense. You cut the # of games in half but still have the same # of players. Are they still runnin for $2500 but just with stiffer competition?)

    I didn't get into specifics because it is just the beginings of an idea. This class has grown past the point where everyone has a race in their back yard. When everyone has a race in their back yard only a few can come play... The # of quality alky cars can not be spread across 50 + events a year.

    Maybe #'s will turn up some spirits?

    As for the $ for the 7 additional events coming from the existing 40+ events I have some ideas. I did run the numbers before and looked at the shortages. Page 62 in the Nov. 26 issue of ND shows the current pay structure. Nationally its $37,500 win $15,000 RU/ class. So that's $105,000 for both classes. Divisionally its $8500=1 $4000=2 $2500=3. So $30,000 per division for $210,000. Giving us $315,000 to redistribute for both classes.

    Paying a $67,000 Alky bill for the track that gets the Sportnat would be a tough pill to swallow. That being said, hopefully our costs of running a Sportnat would be more reasonable than a national event so if the payout isn't as impressive then we can live with it. ($85 per ticket per crew memeber/ family member/ business associate... adds up fast) If, out of that $315,000, $175,000 went to help event payouts this could possible be the new pay structure. Each event now gets $25,000 from lucas and the track gets twice the show, they should be willing to go for $28,000. (75% increase in $$$ for AT LEAST 2X the show. Turning what many tracks feel is like flushing 16k down the drain into a serious show that should be able to pack the grandstand.) Now we have a total of $53,000. $26,500 per class. (4000=Win, 2500=RU, 2000=Semi, 1500=R2, 1250 to qualify) Not as much as a true national event, but remember, you didn't have to buy 8 tickets at $85 a piece to get into this event...

    So the remaining $140,000 is distributed among the top 10 in each class...? The total for each would be $70,000 (35k=#1, 15k=#2, 8k=#3, 4k=#4, 2.5k=#5, 1.5k=6-10) I know it's not amazing, so I'm going to focus more on the event payout which seems to be the bigger complaint?

    Where does the Divisional level contingency money that's promised to the alky cars for 40+ events go? If we take all that purse and consolidate it to 7 events I see no reason why we can't reach national event levels. If winning a Sportnat receives a $300 check instead of a $50 or $100 then it would be totally worth it. (Side note, the classes running sport nationals now receive national event contingency)

    I truely believe a 16 car field of top quality TAD and TAFC each would be a very attractive show! If the radio add can say NHRA National event competition, it will draw a crowd. If the tickets are priced right, they will come back.

    The Denver Divisional rarely has a full field but regularly has a packed grandstand... Lucas would be getting 10x the value of what they're getting now if just a couple more events could bring the exposure that one does.

    This change wouldn't require a restructuring of the NHRA's divisional system. It wouldn't require a new series sponsor to step up and raise the purses by investing more money. It simply would restructure how many races ALCOHOL compete at, and by doing so create a stronger class.

    I'm just a dreamin' I suppose...

  8. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Keep in mind the current "Sportsnationals" are Nationals In Name Only...they are a divisional that you earn national points at. Same entry fee driven business model. Belle Rose road the coat tails of the Cajun Nationals title for a while, but I think even that gravy train is dried up. Keep in mind Louisiana is just one of those places you say drag race and folks show up. (Probably because they threw a party and a drag race broke out...)

    When playing with numbers keep in mind the tracks pay the event purse. While I can't say completely, I would be willing to bet the majority of the year end purses are underwritten by the Lucas sponsorship.

    I think Lucas values the participant exposure they get as much if not more than the spectator exposure. It damn sure doesn't hurt they are drag racers and the alcohol classes are one of their favorites (Morgan grew up crewing on Ruperts TAFC).

    Speaking of Lucas and alcohol cars, I was told by a reliable source that Lucas was disappointed more alcohol cars don't run their product with as much as they support the series.

    The current Lucas title sponsorship runs through 2012.

    I can just about guarantee you the deal gets shaken up when they renew the series sponsorship, if not sooner.

    One problem with the regional deal is the majority of the divisional tracks that would want the alcohol cars are the marginal tracks nobody wants to race on. Denver has problems with car counts because unless you run D5 or have a back pocket mountain tuneup, you have to have a completely different set up to run 'up there'.
  9. Cal Bellamy

    Cal Bellamy New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    We have been discussing the costs associated with traveling to Divisionals vs National events,in our case their is barely any difference at all. The up side is if you qualify at a National event you have a chance of ESPN TV coverage for your sponsor. If you qualify for a divisional you recieve National Dragster coverage and regional media coverage.We feel the best benefit in our situation is National events,offering the best bang for the sponsor with a better pay out structure. If NHRA reduced the divisional to a one day race, the reduced expenses for hotel and food etc. would certainly improve our will to attend these races. Many will not like this but if the promoter scheduled the race for a Saturday only affair It may improve their fan counts. Lets say 2 Qualiying sessions one at 10:30am the next at 1:00. finals 4:00,6:30 and 9:00. When you think about Nitro races in the 60's and 70's many had similar formats.Remember " Saturday Night Under The Lights". Saturday traditionally has the largest fan count any way. Maybe if Top Alcohol was treated more like entertainment NHRA may prefer to enhance the ESPN programming. In the end it may come down to racers not having the resources to do both National and Divisional events. As everyone recalls 2010 had low car TAD /TAFC Car Counts in all divisions.
    Best wishes for the New Year
    Cal Bellamy
    Kenny Gilmour Motorsports
    TAD 6121

    Dec 2, 2004
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    I hear Morgan Lucas is building a Nostalgia Fuel Funny car,.....hmmmmm

  11. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    This is probably unlikely to happen but...

    What if NHRA pulled alky cars from all divisionals and put them back at all national events...

    National Championship= your best 8 out of the first 12 nationals....
  12. Cal Bellamy

    Cal Bellamy New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    Will I Think your "What if" NHRA cancels Divisional races could be a reality, How about NHRA restores ALKY at all NHRA National Events giving the program a larger geographic area with less travel travel costs. We were thinking the same idea,but I am glad you said it first.
    Cal Bellamy
    Kenny Gilmour Motorsports
    TAD 6121
    Calgary Canada

    Jul 3, 2005
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    I like Will's Idea

    I like the idea of us being able to go to all of the national events and claiming the best 8 out of 12. I think it is a little disadvantage for a west coast car since there is less races on the west coast then back east.
    Another downside is chance of winning a division championship. Cars like us and alot of others have a chance of winning a division championship but not really much of a chance of ever beating Manzo for a national championship.

    All in all I do think something like this would be a good move for the future of alcohol racing.

    Doug Gordon
    10 TAFC
  14. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Dam Doug, You lost before you even started. ( Manzo statment) :(
  15. duane shields

    duane shields New Member

    Apr 23, 2007
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    Your right on target

    Cody, I commend you for putting this out there. I think your right on target with what needs to happen. The divisionals have lost there appeal to fans, racers and track operators. I believe that the operators that have the regular division events should maybe pay into a fund that is then at these sport nationals. Maybe $2500. they would be money ahead for not having a payout session to alcohol that most don't want.The track, with the sport national could pay the rest. Haven't done the math. But the number one thing is make it back to where it's competitive and a good show and not insult the racers by charging us, and giving us a $600. payout. The national program is working ok. We would see better turn out at those events because we won't have the overlaps we have now that makes people who need divisionals go to them and not be able to go to the Nationals. It used to not overlap like it does now. We need to try and get this going early so that if it was to happen in 2012 it has been presented to operators, racers, and NHRA. But something needs to happen. I have voiced this idea for quite some time. I'm told most don't want it, but when you talk to most of the actual racers who are showing up to races they like the idea. You have to go to the active racers and give it more weighted average than a person who runs once every three years.

    Duane Shields
  16. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    mark your calendars folks

    All is right in the world, me and Duane agree on something again :)

    If we were to have a sportsnational or regional or whatever, there's two economic realities:

    Either you go with 8 car fields and better money to qualify or you get about the same 600-700 for a 16 car field. The 16 car deal is a double whammy budget wise because it's less money to qualify and one more required run to win.

    Of course it could just stay the same divisional payout/structure.

    I just can't see this broken divisional system sustaining itself. $16,000 is a lot of money for the tracks to eat. Truth be told it might boost their profit by 40% or more. If the track wants a booked in show they can book something suited to what they are going after crowd wise.

    Another thing I've brought up is most of the divisionals are not set up for entertainment. They are a race. Run order is king of the day. So lets say they do a give away and bring a crowd. It's just not a fast paced show. If you're just an avid gear head and like watching something go down the track, maybe, but having your only heads up classes run at noon and five is too strung out and too much down time in between. Then you throw a short field on top of that, it's just not a winner for the track.

    That said the tracks and NHRA play into the short fields with scheduling conflicts and entry fees and the like.

    I think we all enjoy chasing the divisional points. I think thats about the only thing that keeps most of us going to these races. Unless it's a race in your backyard, it damn sure aint the money or facilities in many cases.

    One thing that's a fact is we're all in this together, and we need to work together to make it work for everyone. It gets old racing where you're not wanted for peanuts. But we all need those "Valuable Lucas Oil Points."

    Here's another one to chew on: One good divisional/regional/sportsnational per division. Plus one 'wildcard' race somewhere for the 8th spot. Winners get seeded into the Jegs All Star race.

    Maybe the All-Star race gets moved to Norwalk and is a prestigous stand alone event. Its sad to see the stands empty every year in Chicago for such a big event.

    Thanks for the comments everyone!
  17. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    i like it!

    I am for anything that gets us out of the Divisional races. I really like the idea of one good regional event per division though and then kinda like Will's idea of using that to determine the allstars and having that be a stand alone race that is a big deal. Norwalk would be ideal as they already bill thier Divisional as the "Cavalcade of Stars" and promote it well and get the biggest dang crowd I have ever seen short of a National event (sold out the place and I'm not so sure that is the case at their National).

    Opening up alky at all Nationals is the only other bitch I've got. It sucks that we get screwed out of a couple events out West. It would be the only fair way to do it. Let us race at all of them then your best 6 of ten or 8 of twelve or something that geves everyone an more equitable shot at the National Top Ten. Pay out bonus to the top ten for the Nationals and the All- Star race for the regionals. No going to crappy race tracks just because we have to to keep our free National entry status etc.etc.

    I think it is a great idea.
  18. bryanbrown

    bryanbrown Member

    Dec 21, 2003
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    I know this is probably going to be the only option down the road, so I guess it's good to go ahead and get it out there, but I don't like it. To me, it has nothing to do with payouts or championship points, it comes down to time away from work. To go to a national event already requires a lot more time away, and if add in the extra travel distance, it's makes it worse. On the contrary, we leave after lunch (or later) on thursdays to go to divisionals. If/when this happens, (I think)I'll have three races within 450mi, then it's 750, 880, 880, 900, 1050. That's a lot of miles, and when you're leaving work on Tuesday, it pretty much means 5-6 full weeks from work, which could easily be the deciding factor on whether many people could go more than three or four times a year. Realistically for us, there would be one person doing most of the driving, and others flying in. The added purse will not even come close to covering the added travel expense, and more importantly, that doesn't sound like as much fun. It will be the only option, I understand that, and I'm sure we'll still go. Personally, though, I'd rather pay entry fees and even take a purse cut at the divisionals, though that's not going to get the fields full, which is extremely important right now. Maybe cutting divisionals back to 3 races with alky would get the car count back up? Scratch the divisional championship payouts and use that money to subsidize those three race payouts? There'd only be a plaque waiting for you if you won the division, but at least there would be three races relatively close with hopefully full fields.
  19. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Much of this topic I agree with, but there are some issues.
    I am going to play homer here for one main reason. Division six gets the shart end of the deal because we only have one National. Yes I know there are not enough facilities capable of hosting a national here. I get that.
    But there are three pretty good tracks that host divisionals and have decent crowds as well. Could they host a Sportsnationals, two of them likely have enough space, but the third is too small. Likely there would not be three Sportsnat'ls up here anyway. Payout is the biggest issue for some of the tracks across the seven divisionals even though the payout sucks for the two TA classes, and safety is also an Issue. Maybe a modified version of what we have now. Truly good tracks with decent crowds and top notch safety and track surfaces could be part of the mix.
    Payout does have to increase for sure. Tracks willing to look at the payouts and improving the whole Top Alky scenerio should be included in whatever changes are made.

  20. Blown Chances

    Blown Chances New Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    I guess one of NHRAs big stumbling blocks is that, like Will said, Lucas needs to approve of any changes to the status quo.

    Jeg's is the major sponsor of the sports nationals.

    I think more than just racer or NHRA backing, we would need to convince both of these companies the value our class offers. Right now, the fields at divisionals are not strong enough to put on a good show on a regular basis. We are just spread too thin.

    Dean, you should see exactly what I mean by being spread too thin. The car counts in D6 were pretty sad last season. Now in the same breath you have to say there are a few cars from that area that are consistantly top 10 players. If there are fewer races that I had to run in D7, I would travel up there to run both the seattle national and whatever sportnat. was hosted there. Montana was my favorite race, we made all but one of their events. I always wished it had a full field.

    I doubt any of us are racing this class to make money. I race for the pride that comes with saying I beat the best in the sport. When only 23 races are held in a season, each with 16 car fields, the level of competition at each event would be elevated and the satisfaction of holding one of those big wallys would be even more meaningful.

    Will, I love the idea of the allstars qualifying being based on the winners of each divisions sport national! It was disappointing when dad and I were allstars that the scheduling of that event has literally no one in the grandstands when its run. Jegs really does put on a great program that deserves better scheduling.

    I appreciate all the comments. I just want everyone to remember that the main goal of our discussion isn't just to get out of divisional events. Im sure lucas, the NHRA, and the tracks would be perfectly fine with us staying home. The point is to RESTRUCTURE the divisional system that is not promoting our class, our sponsors, and the series sponsor up to its potential.


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