What onboard lightweight battery will do the job?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Shoebox, Dec 17, 2010.

  1. 23T Hemmee

    23T Hemmee Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    Guess I should have said a Tilton Mopar starter won't clear the oil galley, at least on a Stage VI block, quite possibly the Meziere 400 series is configured in a way that it will clear the inside of the starter pocket. I've never physically seen a Stage 10 but I've seen a few pics and it almost looks like they have re-routed that oil galley, or at least have moved it farther inside the wall of the block. Geir, it looks like the 168 tooth is the way to go to get the starter pinion out away from the block a little, although I was able to squeeze the Tilton in on a 130tooth plate on the dragster I used to run. I had to bang on the oil pan more than a little, though. If I can make and reindex a nose piece for the Tilton, from what everyone is saying I can apparently do without the on-board batteries as long as I have at least the small battery for the trans-brake and just continue to use the golf cart battery pack.

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