The truth

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Reeves Racing, Dec 5, 2010.

  1. Reeves Racing

    Reeves Racing New Member

    Jul 12, 2010
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    How well Will a class c motor home on a ford chassis with a v 10 pull a 32 ft. tag trailer with a dragster and the normal stuff to run top dragster? No joke, i sold my truck and now have my goose neck for sale. Going to buy a tag and guess i did not do my home work. I had no idea that a toter home or motor home took so many $$$$$$$$$. I dont need to pull 100 mph i just need to pull. We run div 2. I got tired of the motel deal with a family, ya know?
  2. rattler

    rattler AA/Fuel Altered

    Feb 22, 2008
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    I pulled over 400,000miles in a crewcab doolie converted to a motorhome pulling a 44 foot tripple axel tag running a funny car and trailer full of parts.weighed out at 32,000 plus lbs. the trick to having the power to pull the hills is we had a 4:56 rear end with a gear vendors overdrive. We did install a second radiator under the vehicle for sufficant cooling. and the Doug Thorley headers helped a bunch. only go about 5 mph, but saved all the $ on motel rooms and eating out all the time. Made it real easy to travel long distances. Carried 200 gallons of fuel also.
    Hope this helps, since it sound like you are already moving in that direction.
  3. Moore

    Moore New Member

    Mar 10, 2008
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    A crew cab & goose neck w/living quarters would be better than a "C" w/v10. The "C" w/v10 has trouble pulling a 20' w/jr. dragster. Spend some time looking, you can find some good deals on toter's which is the way to go! MPG will be better than a "C" or crew cab and you don't have to work them as hard. Just my 2 cents!:D
  4. wcolantuoni

    wcolantuoni Jr. Dragster

    Feb 9, 2005
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    That is the worst tow vehicle i ever had. E450 class C with a V-10. The overhang behind the rear tires made it impossible to tow anything. Keep looking.
  5. Reeves Racing

    Reeves Racing New Member

    Jul 12, 2010
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    Thank you!

    Thanks for the info guys. The truth , sad but true most people dont share it with you when they are selling you something. You may just have saved me a nightmare. Thanks and God Bless, Clayton Reeves
  6. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    The overhang part wants me to suggest adding a trailer toad to your numbers list.
  7. Reeves Racing

    Reeves Racing New Member

    Jul 12, 2010
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    So if you ad a trailer toad to the deal how well will one like this tow?Anyone ever tried it? Here is the deal. I found a mint 2003 31 ft class c with v 10.Super low miles. I can buy for way less than half of the cheapst toter i can find that is not near , i mean anywhere near as nice inside or out as this "c" .But hey if it want pull a 32ft trailer to be honest i dont need it.But if one of these toad deals would work that may change things.I dont need to pull 100mph.But i sure dont want the rear end to fall off either LOL.Thanks so much for any info that helps. God Bless, Clayton reeves
  8. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    Let's put it this way. I switched from a dually crewcab to a small class c for all the same reasons. 32 ft trailer. On the first day I took the combo for a test cruise around the loop to check things out. When the first Chevy van came to pass me it threw me in the ditch more or less. Totally almost soiled my pants.

    I had never experienced that before. After many stops, adjusting and trying things I arrived back home drenched in sweat and it wasn't from the temperature. The term white knuckle is a very real thing here. I thought something, perhaps the empty trailer was throwing me a curve. I hooked the dually up and made the same trip. No sweat. 1 finger driving. Came back and started looking things over. The C hitch was 1 1/2 foot further away from the rear end than the dually.
    That's all it took to make the tail wag the dog.

    Installed 2 friction bars in addition to the lift/sway bars and got through the first season. Better but you had to be on your toes at all times to compensate for the "push" from the trucks. Was not the least bit fun to drive. No relaxing,..ever.
    I wound up making my own version of the "toad" before the toad existed and that solved all sorts of problems. Now it pulls like the dually.

    Bottom line. For any motorhome call Jok and get a toad. It will be the cheapest support item you buy that actually works. Driving to and from should not be constant ongoing 4th quarter 2 minute drill. Keep your stuff and your family safe.
  9. Moore

    Moore New Member

    Mar 10, 2008
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    The toad will prevent frame damage. Just remember the overhang does something else, it puts the tail of the vehicle and the front of the trailer in the other lane when turning in close quarters. I've watched more than one sideswipe because of that, it will be different than what you have been driving. Good Luck with you search.
  10. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    Come to think of it. You might talk to Jok as I am wondering if there is a way to use it with your fifth wheel and save the cost of a new trailer. Perhaps a modification or two would do the trick. A couple of other toad types are capable of this.

    Another version.
  11. Reeves Racing

    Reeves Racing New Member

    Jul 12, 2010
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    Thank you!

    Thanks guys i am really thankful

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