looks rich, shows lean

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by rb0804, Oct 30, 2010.

  1. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    After looking at those bearings I would say the issue is mechanical rather than oiling. The bearings aren't burnt they are beat. I am wondering if the motor is close to the edge of hydraulicing and that beat the top bearing then after running the car with increased upper bearing clearance it allowed it to beat the bottom bearing. If its an oiling issue I would expect mains to be blackened also. And a close check of the wrist pins may show some bent if they are hard to get out. It truly sounds as though the motor is very rich. If it was mine I would get the fuel system flowed first. I agree with Tony Ramos- the pump is way too big without a pump loop. How big is the main jet? Are there other leanouts? High Speed? Gear jets? The original poster said this setup worked on a lower compression motor with a bigger bore- more room for too much fuel and now this motor simply doesnt have the room for that much fuel? How big is this motor? A Waterman 850 pump will flow enough fuel for a 540 ci motor with a screw blower. Dave Germain
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2010
  2. rb0804

    rb0804 Active Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    I am using a low gear leanout. I have a series of valves and can open them anyway I like. On the 5.80 pass I had two open, one closing at the 1-2 and the other at the 2-3. I couldn't get enough heat in it otherwise. The real issue is getting it lean enough at idle that it is not diluting the oil so badly and leaning the barrel valve enough to get the stage GPM down. It is quite possible that the diluted oil from the alky caused the lubrication issue. If this is the case did the too much fuel cause the mashed top bearing? What makes the bearing go black? I hear people mention they short shifted the car because it shook and blackened the bearings? I will check the mains as soon as I get a chance. The crank needs to come out anyways. Thanks for the replies so far.
  3. kosky racing

    kosky racing Comp Eliminator

    May 11, 2003
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    Have you checked the pin? Guaranteed its bent rod also too much fuel per turn.Beg to disagree but a 850 pump is not that big its how you use it. Learn how to use more fuel and go faster without hurting parts.
  4. JP

    JP Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    One thing to consider its the engine compression, It has been stated in the forum in past treads , i would double check as you have stated 60pds boost and that the engine ran well at 9-1 comp. I have never ran bbc with either that comp or boost to be of much help, but I know hemis at over 55 pds of boost don't like much over 9.5 comp.
  5. rb0804

    rb0804 Active Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    I am assuming that you are talking about the pressure post barrel valve at the nozzles and not at the pump correct? I just wanted to make sure that we are on the same page here. Thanks for the replies.
  6. Alkydrag

    Alkydrag Sr. Dragster

    Dec 24, 2003
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    No, I was assuming at the pump. That's where you should be checking fuel pressure. Whenever a fuel system is flowed, it's always checked at the pump. Ralph Gorr has done plenty systems for me. All nozzles and jets are flowed at 150 psi. That's why you need at least that at the pump.
    Also, the oil issue. Oil acts like a cushion between the bearing journal and the bearing shell. Oil needs to create a wedge between the two. If the oil is diluted real bad, you lose this cushion, and you wind up with the bearings looking like they do now.
  7. rb0804

    rb0804 Active Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    hey, thanks again for the reply. This truely is a great site! I have more pressure at the pump then post barrel valve. I have pressure sensors at both, I normally pay attention to whats going on at the ports. I will look at the data recorder when I get a chance. Hopefully I will get the chance to pull the mains and the crank this weekend. I will keep you guys updated and thanks again for all the replies.
  8. AnimalCrew

    AnimalCrew New Member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    We run a big chief KB 526 with a K-11 superman and 50+ lbs of boost. Waterman 750 with a loop. I can probably help with the tuneup if you can give me some specifics on the current one. We have been 3.80's in the 1/8 mile with 30deg timing. You shouldn't need to run 36deg. That would scare me to death on our motor with that much boost. Stay with 30 deg. You need put a pump loop on there and maybe dump some fuel while on launch RPM. If you have a delay box, you can use the line lock to feed a solenoid with a pill to control flow.

    I have built a virtual flow bench which is amazingly accurate if you have some data to start with. SHoot me an email if you are interested. tgotschall@openoutlaw.com.


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