What tire should I run?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by OutlawGBR, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. OutlawGBR

    OutlawGBR Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    I am putting together a TAD. Running 16x16 Beadlocks. I was thinking of running a M/T 34.5 tire. I have noticed though that I dont see a lot of people running the M/T tires. Any help would be great.

    Thanks Guys!!

    JP Gutierrez

    WANNABE New Member

    Jun 9, 2003
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    M/T's have a bunch of bite right at the hit. Some teams will try them on a junk track. But most have a deal where they like some wheel speed early, and the Hoosier seems to be the deal for most of the TAD teams. But don't take my word for it, go out and try them.
    Wish you were closer, I have a set of M/t's mounted and ready to try.
  3. alt 6153

    alt 6153 Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    Im not sure about a TAD, but several people tried the M/T 34.5's on Ta/Fc a few years ago. I was helping a guy that had to try everything, so we tried, and tried, and tried. I think we made maybe 6 or 8 passes with them. Everyone told us that they took 5-6 passes to come around. Seemed to have the new tire shake......every pass. They never really came around with our car. So last Qualifing pass in Pomona (out of the show at that time), went back to Hoosiers and made the show. I don't know of anyone running them anymore.
  4. Scouder

    Scouder New Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    I'm gonna put the MTs on my dragster for next season. I am told they are very sticky. Our track is poor, and my car is a converter deal, so the initial wheel speed isn't as much of a problem as the lack of bite. I spoke to the MT rep and got the following info:

    Softer than the Hoosier
    First burnout should be a good long one
    Successive burnouts don't have to be big
    First 2-3 runs are throw away runs
    Will take 1 pound more air than the other tires
    3187 Clutch car
    3186 Converter car (be sure to double check that I have these right)

    When I spoke to the Hoosier rep he said most TADs use their tires. 18790. He said the only difference between them and the 18780 was the 80 was narrower in cross section. He said some of the door cars use the 80.

    Like I said, I chose the MT just because of our lack of bite here. If I were racing a good track I'd have Hoosiers on it.

    Hope this helps somebody.

  5. OutlawGBR

    OutlawGBR Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    Thanks Everyone! I appreciate the help!

    JP Gutierrez
    Gutierrez Brothers Racing

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