1. Rodney O. Trower

    Rodney O. Trower New Member

    Mar 15, 2008
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    I have a couple questions for you guys. I am installing a bruno and there are little to no real instructions that came with this thing. (new) First there are what appears to be 2 electric solenoids on the side of the bruno. I assume the are the line lock? but why are there 2? One of them takes CO2 thats easy enough to understand but, do you wire them together? what amperage do they draw? will a standard 2 step button hold the voltage? Or do I need to put a relay in the wiring? The wires in a 2 step button are pretty small compared to the wires comming out of the solenoid. Ok next there are 3 fittings on the bruno one is to the oil trans cooler and the other is the return from the cooler to bruno, both are labled no problem there, however there is a third fitting located on the top of the bruno that is not labled, what is it supposed to be plumbed into? and what is it for?

  2. 23T Hemmee

    23T Hemmee Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    I'm not sure of the amperage draw but I have both solenoids wired to my transbrake button, with no problem. If you're running through a delay box you probably need a relay. I run with a no-electrics assocation so I don't know that answer for sure. The fitting on top is for your vent line to a catch can and the two on the right side are for your tranny cooler if you run one. You have to have line between the two fittings whether you run a cooler or not.
  3. Flyboy68

    Flyboy68 Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    Rodney, the first solenoid (towards the back) is a normally closed solenoid which keeps the co2 blocked off. The second solenoid (front one) is a normally open solenoid which bleeds the co2 off. Put power to both at the same time so co2 goes through the first one and applies the trans brake band because it can't escape out of the second solenoid. Take power away, sol 1 stops the air, sol 2 releases the air so the trans brake releases. Let us know if that's not clear.

  4. tafccrewguy

    tafccrewguy New Member

    Jul 11, 2008
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    Just started running a Bruno also.Mine came with a check valve on one of the cooler lines.Is this needed to operate ? or just an add on.I also found out that you MUST run a catch can with a Bruno.No matter the fluid level,it would puke some out.
  5. lowcountry71

    lowcountry71 New Member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    bruno ???

    call bruno - he has the answers + more. i run 2 brunos and don't use a relay with the brake. if you use a delay box you will need to put a switch on it to bypass it or it will cycle after your burn out. make sure you ground the brake solenoid - it is sealed via o rings not giving you a good grounding.
  6. Rodney O. Trower

    Rodney O. Trower New Member

    Mar 15, 2008
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    Sweet, no delay box and thanks about it being a vent, I was thinking I was stupid as a stone. I ran a B&J conveter drive a few years ago and it also puked (a lot) on the trans brake. guess I should have remembered that one.

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