rod bolts

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Don Onimus, Aug 29, 2010.

  1. Don Onimus

    Don Onimus New Member

    Feb 28, 2009
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    I will be nice on this site. I WILL NEVER say another word here. I was just trying to help out. I will leave it @ that. Don.


    Apr 18, 2005
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    stuff happens

    and like we didnt have a problem with a certain manufacturers oil causing bearings to self laminate a few years ago. same people wouldnt pull their heads out of the sand. got zink anyone? and a certain batch of bearings werent so hot were they? i guess thats why they have big wallets to keep people in business selling crap. geeeeeeez.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2010
  3. rob s

    rob s s

    Jul 15, 2005
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    don friends of mine both got bad batches of rods, which blew the motor. also 1 friend blew his motor, only to find out the rod bolts werent hardened. they were by passed for some reason. took it to the university to check them, then ran a file across them, sure enough. not hardened. good to keep people on their toes. at worst.
  4. chopperdan

    chopperdan New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Caution Rod Bolts

    Caution Rod Bolts. Please stop the bashing on here. I tell everyone that ITA is the greatest site ever for racing. Other sites that I visit constantly bash one anothers chassis manufactuers and all other aspects of their operation and offer very little tech support for fellow racers. ITA members go out or their way to help their competitor. In reference to Don, no way did I take your comment as an accusation against ARP. You merely stated what had happened and gave info as where to start looking for a problem. I am involved in repairing a lot of parts for racing machine shops, and I can say that I have seen, and repaired, many parts from a well known manufacturer. I will not mention their name, but there are many blogs on the net about their parts and their poor customer servive. They will not stand behind a defective part, even when it is still new. No warranty on race car parts! Even when it's clearly a manufacturing defect? Don, thanks for the info. To all other ITA members, thank you for making this the best site on the net, and continue to inform us of any and all problems that arise so that the intellectual racers on here can help us (myself) less informed racers get to the bottom of a potential problem. Thanks again Don for your input, and thank you ITA. chopper dan

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