Keep stalling on 2 step

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by moparchris440, Jul 3, 2010.

  1. moparchris440

    moparchris440 Member

    Jun 8, 2008
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    BAE 526 hemi convertor driven 3200 lbs door car. I got a .80 jet in the 2 step lean out with the six shooter were pulling 14 degrees and when I hold the trans break and start applying the throttle it hits 3000 were the rev limit is set starts poping then stalls? We tried to sit on the 2 step with all of the timing (26 degrees) and it doesnt stall but then it blows the tires off cuz its now building to much boost on the 2 step.
  2. outlaw02camaro

    outlaw02camaro New Member

    Oct 1, 2009
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    hey, i'm new to the blower world, but i've been told not to leave on a 2step. set your throttle cylinder at what you want to leave, then put a few hundred rpms on your 2 step over that just for in case you went over your set point. hope this helps, i'm sure someone else with more experiance can help you more than i can!
  3. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Have you tried less than 14* retard on the two step? I think your rotor is going out of phase and the spark cannot jump the gap. What ignition system do you have and do you have a crank trigger?

    Outlaw02camaro, there are a lot of racers using two steps with great success. Yes there are some that use a two step with throttle control so tnot as much boost is made on the two step.
  4. moparchris440

    moparchris440 Member

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Its a mag 44 with a 6 shooter and a Lehay control box with a crank trigger. That makes sence what u said! We did try to sit at 26 degrees full timing on the 2 step then when I let off the trans break we then instantley pulled out 14 but it held to much boost while on the 2 step with 26 degrees and blew the tires off! Were gonna try to pull 10 out on the 2 step then when I let off the button pull out 4 more then after it hooks start putting it back. Oh Im running 10.5 w's too that's why we gotta kill so much timing if you were wondering.
  5. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Are you using a wide tip rotor in the promag or a pointed tip rotor. If it is a pointed tip then try switching to a wide tip. The wide tip allow the spark to jump when out of phase. The other thing to do is to re-phase the rotor is the mag. Put the wide tip rotor on and pull out 4 degrees so you are at 22* and phase the mag then put it back at 26*. That will give you a wider window.
  6. Danny Humphreys

    Aug 4, 2003
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    i just sold my 10.5 car. I had a boost controller on it. Consists of a Tial wastegate that goes to the burst panel provision on the back of the intake and is controlled my an MSD boost controller. Allows you to ramp boost in as well as timing. I don't need it anymore, if your interested, give me a call. Danny Humphreys 214-724-1056

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