Blown Cars running in Profuel

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by youngtuner, Jun 27, 2010.

  1. youngtuner

    youngtuner Member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    I saw that in Canada over the weekend NHRA Blown legal dragsters were running in Profuel. Thought Profuel was for A/fuel cars only. are they not getting enough cars to enter so they opened it to blown cars?
  2. Darren Smith

    Darren Smith New Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Maybe it's because they didn't have a full field? That is a Long tow for several of those guys anyway. But given the fact that the A/Fuel guys can run unlimited, why would a blown car waste it's time???
  3. Greg Sereda

    Greg Sereda New Member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Rocky Mountain Nationals

    Ashley Bart and I were the 2 blown cars that had an opportunity to run with the Pro Fuel cars this weekend at the Rocky Mountain Nationals. The A fuel cars may have struggled because of the Altitude but they definitely did not have the performance advantage over the blown cars this weekend in Edmonton.

    I would like to Thank Castrol Race way and the IHRA for allowing us to run with the Pro Fuel cars this weekend and I think allowing the Blown cars in the field would help insure full car count in the future. Stay tuned to see if they consider this for future races.:)

    Greg Sereda
  4. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Let the blown cars run the "C" PSI with no overdrive limit, more cubic inches, and Powermist. 4 seconds?
  5. youngtuner

    youngtuner Member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    so are they planning on doing this for the future races?
    I dont know of any Afuel car running over there running wide open. Most of them are just taking there legal nhra car and collecting the xtra cash.
  6. Alkydrag

    Alkydrag Sr. Dragster

    Dec 24, 2003
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    Randy, don't get everybody started.
  7. Darren Smith

    Darren Smith New Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I would love to see a 500 CI with a "C" Blower at 125% over! Teens maybe???
  8. Greg Sereda

    Greg Sereda New Member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    I was able to get the opportunity to run in Edmonton by talking to the local track and offering to come in and help fill up the field. They were more than happy to accommodate Ashley and I when they seen what car count was coming to Edmonton. Anybody else running a blown car that has an IHRA race in your back yard and you want to run at your home town I would recommend the same.

    I also tried to plant the seed with the IHRA that they should open this up to Blown cars in the future, to help fill the fields seeing no races have yet had full 8 car fields. I know from talking to Bob Ottow he is not interested in having blown cars in his sand box but IHRA may look at this option.

    I did not like the fact that they had the 2 fastest cars of the weekend "blown cars" run against each other first round on Sunday so we could not end up with an all blown car final again on Sunday as I was hoping for redemption for my blunder on the Saturday final. Maybe next year...

    Greg Sereda
  9. ticker

    ticker New Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Greg remember that the fans picked the pairings for the racing for both days. IHRA had nothing to do with it.
  10. tjenna

    tjenna Top Alcohol

    May 15, 2003
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    This makes sense and only fair to allow alcohol dragsters to enter.

    NHRA's class is called Top Alcohol Dragster - but have cars that run Nitro too.

    IHRA's class - Profuel (assuming fuel means nitro) - only fair to allow alcohol cars too.

    Secondly, it would nice to have the feeling of being wanted at a race again versus being treated like we are at NHRA national events.

  11. Greg Sereda

    Greg Sereda New Member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    The IHRA treated our team excellent throughout the weekend. I was not aware of how the order was picked, and whenever I went to ask IHRA questions on how the rules were set out they clarified everything with me. Unfortunetly it took a lot of questions on my part and the final round on Sunday to understand the format.

    This was an excellent opportunity for the blown cars and I hope IHRA continue to consider this for future races. I sure hope other blown cars take my lead and show their interest in this format and pressure their home town tracks and IHRA to be allowed to run in the Pro Fuel class.

    Greg Sereda
  12. PROCOMP1

    PROCOMP1 New Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    The "Show" is called NITRO JAM... should be NITRO cars in my humble opinion. IHRA had a hard time getting 4 a/fuel cars to show up to Canada due to several teams not having Customs cards or passports.

    If IHRA can get some sponsorship for this show, and get a bit more $$$ to their teams to show...won't be a problem. Johnny Ahten got a nice little check for 4 passes in Salt Lake.... Better than winning a Divisional.. fewer passes.
  13. fueljet1

    fueljet1 New Member

    Jan 14, 2010
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    The IHRA venue in Salt Lake was a great event and the IHRA people are great people. It was definitely different but a ton of fun! It was great to see the fan interaction in picking the pairings. Watching the reactions of both Johnny Ahten and Larry Miersch as a lucky member of the crowd got to pick the pairings was worth the price of admission in itself. To see their excited expressions on their faces was priceless! The fans definitely love nitro!

    Automan came up with a great idea and many of the injected fuel racers will support the format in the future. It is a huge challenge to switch back and forth from 100 to 94% but it is still fun. We all love our NHRA venues as well but it is nice to have the opportunity to see what the AFD's can do on 100%. The fans love the nitro, the noise and the header flames! The next several NITRO JAM races should be awesome. From what I hear, teams/drivers such as Rich McPhillips, Jeff Hamelik, Robin Samsel, Bill Evans, Michael Manners, Guy Kelly, Johnny Ahten, Cherissa Griffis, Larry Miersch and others will attend.

    If you are an injected nitro racer and are interested in trying something different then make sure you contact Automan.

    See you at the races,
  14. Darren Smith

    Darren Smith New Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Did they mention anything about allowing Blown cars to run unlimited rules as well???
  15. blownracer/a-fuel

    May 14, 2004
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    100% nitro

    For youngtuners information there has only been 1 race that we have not ran 100%! It just happens to be the weekend we won both races. We are not racing over there to take the money. We are doing it to race and have fun.
  16. fueljet1

    fueljet1 New Member

    Jan 14, 2010
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    don't believe so...........

    I don't believe that anything was mentioned about allowing blown cars to run unlimited rules due the the fact that its an INJECTED NITRO class. According to the powers to be..........that was just a one time deal.
  17. Greg Sereda

    Greg Sereda New Member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    I am no different than any other team who wants to go out and have fun and have an opportunity to race especially in my back yard.

    To Procompi comments that IHRA will not have any problems filling the fields is wrong as to date not one race has full fields yet in USA or Canada.

    I believe the class will not survive if the participation is not there from the teams to attend these races. By allowing the Blown cars in this may help fill up the remaining spots so the car count is there.

    If you want to sit on the gate and say no to allowing the blown cars in and they pull this class next year due to poor car counts than what, everyone loses another venue to run there cars because of narrow minded thinking.

    Greg Sereda
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2010
  18. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    Maybe I'm not up on all the fan stuff, but I have a rememberance of Bob Otto using the car of one Don St. Arnaud from Edmonton to show his program to the IHRA ??
    If my memory is correct, why didn't he stay home to run the race, rather than towing all the way to Woodburn to run for peanuts ?
  19. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Because he felt slighted by The IHRA and Bob for not getting in touch with him to attend this race.
    (i bet you knew the answer before some sucker like me decided to take the bait Bob:D).

    Bob and Don had a falling out in vegas
    Don should have been the first car called for Edmonton in my opinion, because he did the deal last year.

    But he also could have gone there, instead of Woodburn. He chose not to.
    I do know he want to run the NHRA deal.

    And congrat's to him for the semi final finish there.

  20. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    Thanks Dean; It wasn't my intention to throw bait out there, was just wondering, but the light just turned on here, and I now completly understand.
    A man has to do what's right in his mind, peanuts or not.:cool:

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