Mag setup help?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by jody stroud, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. jody stroud

    jody stroud ZOMBIE Top Dragster

    Sep 3, 2007
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    Need to see if did this right.... set motor(on compression stroke) to top dead center, then went to 25 deg advance (MBR motor). Set mag in and lined rotor button up with number one cylinder plug terminal(small cap).Installed the MSD checking cap and spun motor with no plugs in it to check rotor phase...looked good. Lined up my Lehey crank trigger pickup with the nearest magnet on the crank wheel and fired it up. Checked timing with light ( Bob Miner set up the pointer when he put the motor together) it was a little off (appox 23deg) so I slid the pickup down a little and re-checked timing, now right at 25 deg (what Bob told me to run) while running a appox 2000 rpms. I'm running a 44 amp MSD with a sixshooter and lehey timer. Do I need to switch it over to mag only ( no crank trigger) and check timing on mag only. And if so how do I kill it after I start it.... I kill it now with the six shooter( cut power to it and the motor dies). On mag only will I have to just close the fuel shutoff and let it run out of fuel? Thanks Jody Sorry for sounding like a cherry (which I am) but all I have ever run before is the Digital 7, msd 10, and msd7al 3 stuff and a reg dist.
  2. blown375

    blown375 New Member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    Jody, Kill it with the fuel cut ;)

    and make sure you pull the chip out of the number "ONE" hole of the six shooter when you check the timing :D
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2010
  3. lowcountry71

    lowcountry71 New Member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    jody - i run same mag 44 - 6 shooter - lehey switch on my 481x. i check the timing on both sides of the lehey switch. i have a kill switch and a small toggle switch on the + side of the 6 shooter - but i always kill the motor with the fuel shut off. i try to get the mag and crank trigger the same on the timing light - but if its off i can make up the difference via the six shooter. andy b.

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