STD Helix vs Hi-Helix Roots

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Blownalky, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. Blownalky

    Blownalky Top Sportsman

    May 9, 2005
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    All things being equal, what will be the performance difference between the Std and Hi-Helix roots?

    The reason I ask is that I just had the rotors replaced in my old 14-71 SSI "B" Std rotor to "F2" Hi-Helix rotors. I was spinning it 44.4% over and pretty much had the tune up dialed in. I did run it at 50 over before and picked up over a tenth at the 1/8 mile race I was running so I know there was some more left in that combination.

    The goal is to make this go quicker but not sure if I need to reduce the overdrive or just leave it and throw more fuel at it. If I left it the same, how much more fuel? Calculated flow to motor now is 12.93 GPM. Working on installing a flow meter.

    526 KB Olds AJPE Heads
    8600 Shift
    11.5" top opening
    Full open bottom with pie in setback plate


  2. Don Onimus

    Don Onimus New Member

    Feb 28, 2009
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    Try 9000 if you are comfortable.
  3. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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    iam with don 9000 what trans? I run a mert hihelx retro spinning it over 50% with way over 40 # of boost
  4. Blownalky

    Blownalky Top Sportsman

    May 9, 2005
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    Appreciate the replies but I'm not sure how revving it higher will tell me how much more fuel I'll need to put in this. I can run it higher but what I was wondering is if I keep the same overdrive, will I need to put more fuel in it to keep it safe and how much. The only change I've made so far is the pair of rotors. I figured with the better rotors it'll have more flow and will need more fuel. I was looking for a ballpark area to get me started because I wasn't sure what the difference in flow would be between these two sets of rotors.

    I had 38 LBS with the old rotors.

    Dave, the trans is a Turbo 400 with a 1.86 1st and 1.31 2nd gear.
  5. SoDak

    SoDak Active Member

    Dec 29, 2006
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    Call SSI and ask how much more air you will get from that F2. It is way way better than the B.
    This will help you figure how much more HP you'll make. Use this to see the increase in % and increase your GPM by that amount.
    It won't be perfect but it will get you close enough so you have some confidence.
    Good Luck!
  6. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    that dont sound like enough fuel to 12.9 gpm but what do i know i spin mine 57.7 over
  7. DQUES

    DQUES Member

    May 20, 2004
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    How did you get the F rotors into the smaller diameter B case , did you bore the case out or have SSI make the rotors a smaller diameter ? . I am pretty sure when they replaced the D rotor with the then new design F rotor they made the rotors a larger dia. to the maximum allowed by the nhra/ihra rule book . Also the "V" angle of the pie opening is different from a std. rotor to a HH rotor in the SSI cases , I know yours is a full open bottom but i figured I would mention it .
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2010
  8. crdafoe

    crdafoe Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    Does the "B" case have a Delta output? Or are you using hi-helix rotors in a case with a full size rectangular output?
  9. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    The high helix rotors make more air, and push the air towards the front. Hopefully you are running port nozzles, If you are running 55's in the front two cylinders, I would put 65's in, and richen the whole system .020 on the main jet. Just a rough guess, maybe someone has an exact setup for you.
  10. SoDak

    SoDak Active Member

    Dec 29, 2006
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    Yes the F rotors are larger. I assumed SSI bored his cases.
  11. LeWhite

    LeWhite BB/Alt

    Jan 23, 2008
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    Its my understanding that a hh moves the air to the front slower thus angles the air more into plenum and away from the panel. With your full bottom and 11 inch top I can see a lot of leakage. But should run somewhat cooler.
  12. Blownalky

    Blownalky Top Sportsman

    May 9, 2005
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    Called and they weren’t quite sure of the difference. Probably have to get it on the blower dyno to compare. We talked about adding 10% more fuel as a start.

    Yeah, have the pulleys to go 57.7 and SSI said the top opening would work just fine for that. Will have to sneak up on it, may be looking for a bigger pump.

    The rotors were turned down on the edges by .045" so it was a total of .090" taken off. The "B" case is .090 smaller inside than the "F" series.

    The case I have is a full open so I used my setback plate to put the "pie" in. SSI gave me the schematic for the "F" case a few years back and I programmed in the dimensions into a CNC and cut the plate. I was using that all along with the STD/60 degree "B" rotor.

    No (in the plate) and yes, full size.

    Thanks Ken, have a 59 in 2 and 62 in 1. I'm all for richer now as I can back it down. Just didn't want to start too lean.

    I'm hoping it to be cooler. The other rotors had tons of strips in the rotors (more heat), more for a fuel car that alcohol so Rich told me.

    You may ask how I got to this concoction. It started out last week when I broke the coast rotor's front shaft on the burnout. I was weighing my options because I was looking for a new blower anyhow to try to get this car down the track faster. I took it apart and with the exception of the rotors being goofed up from banging in to each other, everything else looked pretty good. Was going to have SSI weld up the rotors as they were not that bad and replace the shaft. The shaft broke right at the internal lightening hole and where it registers in the bearing, the thinnest area. Rich said that if this one broke the others would probably follow as all the shafts are machined the same. This design was changed in the newer stuff so this would not happen.

    He said he had a pair of F2 rotors that he could machine to fit the "B" case so I took him up on it. I guess you could call this a poor man's Hi-Helix with a delta opening if you use the plate.

    It’s a door car that weighs about 2700 LBS with me in it. It has gone a best of 6.64 @ 210 MPH. I’m really looking to shave some off of that time so I can be competitive with the group I’m racing with.
  13. Bjs344

    Bjs344 Member

    Sep 10, 2013
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    I know this is ridiculously old but I’m curious how much difference the rotors made?

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