Crankshaft problem, need advice!

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by blownfastback, May 29, 2010.

  1. blownfastback

    blownfastback New Member

    Jan 18, 2008
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    Here's what I have. Crank is a brand new Velasco billet 4.5 stroke, BB Ford main, Chrysler rod, going in an aftermarket Ford block. This has been at the machine shop since 2007 and they are dragging their feet working on it. Well, 2 weeks ago, machine shop calls me and he tells me that he mocked up the engine and found that the rod bearing clearance was 6 thousandths and the mains were 4 thousandths, so basically WAY too loose. So, I say that I want to come by and see the crank, and he tells me that he already sent it off to be turned .010/.010 which really got me fired up. I paid $3,350 for this crank from C&C Motorsports, and I can't imagine that it was that far out of spec. So, now the machine shop is going to charge me for turning the crank also which I think is totally unacceptable. Not to mention I already have standard rod and main bearings, so I get to eat the cost of those too. Machine shop said that he did "micro polish" the journals with 400 grit paper to eliminate some "small lines" the journals get from the balance job. Just wanted to vent and see what everyone thinks I should do. It seems to me that the shop probably screwed up the crank and sent it off so I couldn't see what really happened. At least should have waited to see how I wanted to proceed. Thanks, Chris
  2. Don Onimus

    Don Onimus New Member

    Feb 28, 2009
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    Man, I am truly sorry for that! I really don't know what to do say. But the machine shop would have a face full of me, and a phone call from my lawyer. May not do any good, but all I can say in print is REVENGE IS SWEET.But I would pursue all legal actions as soon as I could. Don
  3. blownfastback

    blownfastback New Member

    Jan 18, 2008
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    So, do you think its out of the question to tell the shop that I want a NEW crank, not one that is .010/.010? 3 grand is alot of money for a turned crank now. Chris
  4. pat Iley

    pat Iley Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    I agree with you but at the same time i would never leave anything at a shop for that long of a period of time . I have had several friends lose a lot of money due to being shafted from losing parts and one guy lost a whole car.I never take a piece in until i can afford to have work done and i keep in touch with the shop to insure they know what i want and require. Why did this machine shop have to sent crank out to be machined, and why the delay in doing your work.
  5. blownfastback

    blownfastback New Member

    Jan 18, 2008
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    I have been in contact with the shop about every 3 months and he has just been doing a little bit at a time, very frustrating to say the least. I have had the money to pay for the work but it just has not been completed. The shop made it sound like the crank was out of spec as delivered, and that he discovered it when he recently mocked it up. All of my parts are brand new, Brooks rods, Eliminator block, Velasco crank, Arias pistons, no reason for wear or anything else to cause them to be out of spec, especially the crank. When he called to tell me about the clearance issue, he told me that he had already sent the crank out to be turned, before I had a chance to see it in person. The reason for it being out of spec is unknown, but I am speculating that the shop did something to cause it. Cant imagine a Velasco crank being that far off as delivered. Chris
  6. pat Iley

    pat Iley Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    As far as asking machine shop for a new crank is that you would have to prove to them that the orignal machine work that was done at time of purchase was not wrong. and that would be between you and the seller, and the time delay is going to go against you as three years is a long period of time to have it checked .
  7. pat Iley

    pat Iley Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    What i might suggest is picking up your parts from this shop, paying the bill otherwise you will not get your parts and finding a shop that is better equiped to finish your project. The bad news is that their is a chance that your expensive crank may have been machined wrong right from the original shop. to fight this will cost you money with small claims and there is a good chance of not winning and then you have a legal bill to pay.
  8. blownfastback

    blownfastback New Member

    Jan 18, 2008
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    I bought this crank new in box, from C&C Motorsports in Virginia, and it was machined by Velasco Crankshafts, who is the company that made it. Chris
  9. pat Iley

    pat Iley Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    I would not like to be in your situation. However i am sure that if other racers read this post you will hear that they did not get pieces that they ordered were correct. Every shop will have done things wrong however they correct the problem and customer is happy. If the shops are busy mistakes will happen no matter how big or small the company is. The response they give to their customer is the difference in how people view how they will deal in the future doing business with that company.
  10. Cisco AA/FA

    Cisco AA/FA Member

    Mar 15, 2010
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    That sucks dude. I know the feeling. I have a few friends that do machine work, and one owns a machine shop. I asked them to do some work for me they tell me yeah bring it by. how much, they say dont worry about it. Months later nothing was done and all I got was excuses. I went and picked up my parts and found another guy that did some work for me in the past. 2 days later I had my stuff back, done.
  11. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Chris, I don't want to upset you more but if using aluminum rods with 60 wt or 70wt oil then .006 on the rods and .004 on the mains is correct and that is the way C&C Motorsports sets them up unless otherwise directed. That is what we ran our BBF hemi at and that is what BAE's are set at. When I first found out I was upset also and did some investigation and found out that the rods actually close up after a couple of runs.

    Did you talk to Carrol Carter at C&C about it first?
  12. Scouder

    Scouder New Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Sounds like your machine shop just bought a crank.

    There are only two choices here:

    1. The crank was correct at 6 and 4, and they just screwed up by cutting it.

    2. The crank was wrong at 6 and 4, and they just screwed up by cutting it because now you can't send it back to the manufacturer to make it right.

    There is no defensible reason to cut a brand new crank. Just like there is no reason to have somebody's parts for 3 years. Although you can win this in small claims court, you bear some of the blame for not taking your stuff out of that shop 2 3/4 years ago.

    That being said, I'm guessing they damaged it and are covering it up. If they are that slow, then all of a sudden they are so quick about sending it to be cut that you don't even get a chance to see it, something is amiss.

    Either way, you need to get your crap out of there, and tell them they compensate or you will file a claim against them.

  13. Bottlefed

    Bottlefed New to Blowers

    Feb 20, 2008
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    If they really did what they said they did, then they have no experience with engines of this type and just trashed a brand new crank, on top of that even if machine work was needed, they had no business sending out a new crank to be machined unless you gave the O-K.

    On the positive side,

    Get your parts out of there quick and don't look back, God only knows how much money you may have saved by finding out now, that they have no idea what they are doing. Imagine if they had assembled the entire motor, it probably would have destroyed a lot of parts.
  14. T.A.D. 776

    T.A.D. 776 New Member

    Oct 12, 2004
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    Yes again to .006 rod clearance & .004 main clearance being the correct numbers. In fact Right On the perfect numbers.
  15. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    After all that time are you sure it's the same crank?
  16. Dale Finch

    Dale Finch Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    You may be right Randy!!!!!....... Henry's stuff is always perfect. I shudder so think someone could look at one of his new cranks and take a crank grinder to it without asking why? Doesn't make sense to me.
  17. Chuck Stevens

    Chuck Stevens New Member

    Jul 7, 2004
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    Not to start anything but...the last 3 cranks I had Henry do, 2 went back because they cut the thrust wrong (they would not go in the block, which they fixt OK now), the third was rough as a cob and filthy when returned. I've stopped using Henry for those reasons.

    REEHL EQUIPMENT Authorized Merchant

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Maybe you should call Henry Velasco and refresh his memory regarding your problems.

    I showed him your post, and he doesn't recall these problems.

    His number is 562 862-3110.

    Call him.
  19. Chuck Stevens

    Chuck Stevens New Member

    Jul 7, 2004
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    Thanks but I'm happy the way we do things now.

    REEHL EQUIPMENT Authorized Merchant

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Imagine that.

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