Help me understand costs involved

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Milan, May 22, 2010.

  1. Milan

    Milan New Member

    Sep 13, 2008
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    I am very impressed with this forum. I am a muscle car guy FWIW. I'm sure there are many guys who are sensitive to this type of question but here it goes anyway... I am curious about getting into this game. What is the start up costs and what is your yearly expenses??

    Thanks in advance for a great forum and website
  2. Scouder

    Scouder New Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    You are going to have to be more specific as to what game you intend to play. For example, do you intend to compete for a national championship in TAFC or TAD? Just goof around in those categories? Compete in TD?

    It comes down to what kind of car you intend to have, how hard you intend to run it, how often, and where.

    For example, I bought a used Fuel head Hemi TD with pretty good parts on it and data acquisition. After replacing all the consumables in the engine, having the blower re-done, buying a tuneup, 44' trailer, tools, firesuit, boots, Kestrel, etc... I'm in it just under 50k. I don't run it hard, and intend to make about 20 passes per year in the 1/8 mile shooting for 4.30's. I figure it's going to cost about $200 per pass to keep it going year after year if I just run it as is. That doesn't include entry fees, and assumes I will be racing local only, no travel. (The racetrack is less than a mile from my house :D)

    If you want to win a championship in TAFC, TAD, Pro Mod or such, I would guess, and maybe somebody will offer some more accurate numbers, but I would guess you'd spend 750k minimum on car, toter and tools, and another 500k in parts, travel and people to get the trophy. I'm just guessing because those guys live in a tax bracket I admire from afar, and I don't get invited to the same parties they do!

    Post what game you want to play and I'm sure somebody will have the data you are looking for.

  3. FCDR58

    FCDR58 New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    Lots of dollsrs and no cents
  4. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    if you dont know what your doing a whole lot but there are some competitive cars out there between 100,000.00 and 200,000.00 then you need a truck and trailer and some deicated help that knows what there doing which is hard to find unless you have the money to pay them
  5. Don Onimus

    Don Onimus New Member

    Feb 28, 2009
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    I am not going to get onto dollars but if you need to ask and haven't won the million doll lottery, stay away.
  6. Milan

    Milan New Member

    Sep 13, 2008
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    The draw for me is immesurable!!!

    This is in my blood and Its my heroin!! I have an advanced level of automotive/mechanical knowledge and experience (and tools). I admide you guys!! You are doing what you love to do. I would be open to any part of "the game" I can manage or budget. I guess I am trying to find out where I can afford to play. I have an inventory of BBC parts. I will fit in somewhere, I just need to figure out where. Please keep the replies coming...
    Thank you
  7. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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    Don hit it on the nail head...and I do remember one year and it was a bad one for us..we spent around $100.000.00:mad:..Dave
  8. vwsamba

    vwsamba Member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    If you can do all your own work and search for the bargains out there you can do it for peanuts. i did. Running mid 6's won't hurt anything. Much faster than that and it will cost a lot more especially running a bbc. If you can go hemi do it and save a lot of trouble and money.

    $10,000 rolling car
    $20,000 engine and trans
    $3000 90's truck and open trailer
    $500 per race weekend

    WANNABE New Member

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Yeah, gotta know a little better of what you are looking to run.
    If you want to run a BBC and a top dragster or altered type of deal, you can buy a decent roller with some parts for 15K. Then build the engine and tune everything yourself. Get on the track for around 30K total. If you run light and safe you can run for $500 per weekend. (Including feeding your volunteer crew, race entry fees, etc.) Plenty of adrenalin, plenty of rush, and tons of fun running low 7's to mid 6's. And that is a pretty decent car.
    If you want to get involved in politics, NHRA roulette of rules, play with the biggest of boys and finish in the top few of your division in TAFC or TAD, you will pay more than that on getting a crew and crew chief to run for the year. Then add on the few hundred grand on the truck and trailer, car, spares, etc.
    We go back on this deal all day long around here. "How fast do you want to go? How much do you want to spend?"
  10. alcohol altered

    alcohol altered New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    I run a altered with a blown bbc (all aftermarket parts) and a 14-71. My start up on car alone was around $40,000-$50,000 (just parts) Everything was new except chassis and rear end. Last year I upgraded and then blew my flexplate apart and it averaged out to $1000 a run in the 1/8 mile not counting consumables or travel. (I made 17 passes last year). I do all my own work in house except for machining

    But, you can build a "budget" car with BBC parts. You will not rotate the earth but you will have fun. Buy a used funny chassis and a 6-71 build a good glide and run 7.50's all day long and not hurt much. If your smart and buy GOOD used parts you can probably have a car for around $20,000

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