Need to Take Some Timing Out

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Mac, May 21, 2010.

  1. Mac

    Mac Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    I need to take some timing out at the hit so the car isn't so vilolent. Was thinking a Six Shooter and Electrimotion 8 channel timer(if I can ever get ahold of them). I have read the horror stories on the MSD pn 8973 programable box. Have the problems been solved with the 8973. Any other ideas?

    125" altered,3.90 gear,2200lbs,34.5 tire
    blown alky BBC,470ci,14-71HH,MSD 20,Coan XST 2 speed,bolt togther converter
  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    These "horror stories" about the 8973 are myths or people using a crank trigger without a shielded cable or just racers not understanding the features and how to set them. There are lots of racers out there that run the 8973 without any problems. I have helped numerous racers that have problems with the Electrimotion Timer and a Six Shooter. Those problems were caused either by not wiring it up correctly on not setting it up correctly just like with the 8973.

    One of the big advantages of the Electrimotion timer and a Six Shooter is that you can also use the timer to control fuel solenoids. The 8973 can only control one fuel solenoid but the 8973 has unlimited timing control. Some people state that it is a pain in the butt to breakout a laptop to change timing in the staging lanes with the 8973 but how many people really do that. There are simple ways to do that with the 8973 and a couple of small toggle switches.

    Either way is good it just depends on all that you want to do. The 8973 does very well on staging with its Two Step and its Launch Retard and it is a lot smoother ramping back in the Launch Retard in a selectable time frame. The Electrimotion timer is a choppier and more abrupt because one is limited on how many degrees and how much time selection so you have to be real careful if you are pulling out a lot of timing because you can break the tires loose bring it in too fast..

    I can answer any questions on the 8973 either on this forum or you can email me directly at The other option is to do a seacrch on this forum on 8973 and you will pick up a ton of info because it has been heavily discussed on numerous occasions.
  3. Don Onimus

    Don Onimus New Member

    Feb 28, 2009
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    Listen to Mike. I don't know anything about the MSD Controller, But the Leahey stuff is just fine for what we do. Just my opinion. You will need to e-mail him about your parts needed. Just remember this stuff is not really cheap. go to leaheys web site to learn more. Good luck Don
  4. Blown540

    Blown540 Blown Alcohol Dragster

    Aug 21, 2007
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    MSD 8973 works great for us!

    The MSD 8973 has worked great for us for over 3 years now, and we run a crank trigger with the shielded/grounded wires and run them away from everything else, and we can run 3.80's with a powerglide and launch really consistant; we use the launch retard funtion only and it works great for us, let us know if we can help in anyway! Jim 931-607-5408 anytime
  5. AJ Powell

    AJ Powell New Member

    Dec 4, 2008
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    why are guys using the 8973 instead of running a 7531? I know that has worked very well in the little tire car we were running.
  6. Mac

    Mac Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    I didn't know you could use the Digital 7 Plus with a Pro Mag? It has alot more features than a 8973?
  7. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    I don't believe the 7531 has a lot more features than a 8973 with a ProMag. If you have a 7531 available then use it.
  8. GTPerf

    GTPerf Member

    Oct 22, 2006
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    the 8973 has the timed based timing control that is wonderful and the 7531 does not and that is all most need that are using this on there mag BUT! the 7531 will work and has some wonderful features on its own
  9. blown375

    blown375 New Member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    Mac, stick with the six shooter and The Electrimotion timer!
    Ever hear the phrase ....KEEP IT SIMPLE ?
    There are some people that will defend the 8973 and have had good luck with it but .... The problems with the 8973 are "not myths"! There are some VERY smart and computer savvy guys out there like Mick Snyder and Will Hana and a bunch more that had the broken parts to prove what happens when their 8973s went haywire!
    If your going to gamble do it in a casino where if you loose you don't put a hole in the block and hit the wall!

    Another thing to look at is this... If you are sitting in the lanes and all of the sudden you notice the track gets loose, or you notice it got better you can push a few buttons with your EM timer or take your sixshooter chips out of the golf cart and change them in seconds , if you have a 8973 you need to hook it to your laptop and reprogram it :mad:
  10. Danny Humphreys

    Aug 4, 2003
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    Like Mike said, with a couple of toggle sitches, you don't even have to bust the chips out. i use the 7531, it has a slew rate limiter, which i've never used. It has a rpm based timing curve instead of a time based as previously stated, however, i prefer rpm based, because it puts the timing exactly where you want it based on rpm, my converter likes to tug the motor down, so i can throw and extra degree at it about 100 rpm before it happens and keep the curve headed in the right direction, time based might hit a little early or a little late, the 7531 has a metal case and is a little heavier, seems that promods and door cars have less probs with the 8973 than dragsters and fc's

    I personally use both the rpm curve and the launch retard ramp. infinitely more tuneable, but more compilcated, once you get your head wrapped around it, you're better off

    since your bracket racing, i'd say the six shooter might be a better option, imo
    for heads up though you need every little bit
  11. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    There is zero evidence that a MSD 8973 has ever gone haywire. Will Hanna had it setup wrong and took it off before anyone could help him. Will Hanna always quotes that Mick Synder had a problem but that was something that happen over 5 years ago and we have never heard any details about it so it may also have been a setup problem or something else happened and it was blamed on the 8973. Guys, there are a ton of racers out there using the 8973 with zero problems. I talk to them all the time. the 8973 has the same basic software as the Digit 7 and that works great also.
  12. KennyKeller

    KennyKeller New Member

    Nov 10, 2008
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    I've been using the 8973 for 3 years and I have had no problems with it.
  13. crdafoe

    crdafoe Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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  14. Mac

    Mac Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    I've seen one similar but on the crank trigger. It was on a record setting AA/Gas car
    Last edited: May 26, 2010

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