opinions bruno/lenco or lencodrive

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by MIKE REYNOLDS, Apr 29, 2010.


    MIKE REYNOLDS New Member

    Dec 3, 2007
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    ive heard good an bad about both people have been fast with both. just wandering what the top alky gus think i have a brad 5 with a screw on it in a outlaw 10.5 car thanks
  2. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Both have worked in that application. I don't have any experience with the Bruno unit, but if you go with the Lencodrive, you won't be disappointed.

    The main difference between the two is the operation of the transbrake. The Bruno uses an air operated band to hold a drum. The Lencodrive uses a fluid pressure piston to apply pressure to a clutchpack, which grabs the input shaft. The Lencodrive is a fully integrated unit, while the Bruno is a separate unit that you bolt a trans to.
  3. 23T Hemmee

    23T Hemmee Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    The Bruno gives you the flexibilty to run a CS-1 or CS-2 where the L-drive has to use a CS-2 if you need to add a second unit to run a 3-speed. Only issue I had with the L-drive, the trans-brake unit had a bad habit of falling in to the pan occasionally and seemed to release a little more inconsistently with heat buildup. Mine was a fairly early unit (2003) would guess they've fixed that by now. Probably would still have it but sold it with a RED. I'm running a Bruno/3-speed CS-2 in my altered, primarially because I gave up on a clutch and nobody wanted a coarse-spline CS-2. Got to say I've been extremely pleased with it though, transbrake is rock solid and has been totally consistent, only real problem I've had is reverser, which can pretty much be blamed on operator malfunction.
  4. AFC357

    AFC357 New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    Had a Bruno and give it "2-thumbs up" also. Also killed a lot of forward/reverse drive gears but I think from not letting it roll to a complete stop. Then if it wouldn't catch you would have to get on and off the trans brake quick to edge the car ahead.
  5. Cdn526

    Cdn526 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    I've run the Bruno / Lenco CS-2 for 3 years, 6.2 @ 225, no problems (except, ya, the reverser, but that is the driver).
    Having said that, I believe Brandon Booher runs a Lencodrive in a 2500 hp+ TAD...and he's been trouble free.
    Just my $0.02 (cdn funds) worth.
  6. BigB

    BigB New Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    Not to hijack a thread but can you guys explain a little more on the problem of the reverser.
    What should we be doing that we need to learn?
    I am about to learn this and would rather not ruin any gear sets.
  7. lucky devil

    lucky devil Member

    Apr 14, 2008
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    I have a Bruno , and yes I had the same problem with reverse. You have to get a "feel" for it. Luckily I have only broken it once!!
    Apart from that its been great , 1.01 sixty foot in a 2700lb door car.

  8. jeragsters

    jeragsters top fuel sand

    Apr 12, 2005
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    The thing will not want to go into gear while the motor is running. On mine,I could do the burnout and find reverse almost all the time.However,alot of the time I can't find forward after that. A little shake from the crew and we have it. It seems after you use it for a while,that problem will start to go away. Is it the driver? Is it the gear box? Seems like the drivers want to take the blame. I have a pedal clutch but,I think most racers with this reverser have had to deal with this. If don't wanna go,don't force it.
  9. Iron Mike

    Iron Mike New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    Havn't had the reverser problem with a clutched Lenco but many months back it was discussed and most said "don't blip the throtle to try and get it in to reverse" or they would break it.
  10. Danny Humphreys

    Aug 4, 2003
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    200 plus passes on lenco drive screw blower 3000 lb door car had a few issues, mostly due to improper installation or converter has never broken, we have replaced the reverser gear, this is more about the lenco reverser itself and not the bd or ld
  11. underby6

    underby6 Active Member

    Sep 28, 2006
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    We've been running a Lencodrive for around 9 years now and never broken it. We've had them behind blown small blocks and hemi's with roots blowers, and now behind a hemi with a screw blower. I'd say the most common mistake is not checking runout on the converter. You have to bolt it up to the flexplate and put a dial on the neck; if you get more than .010, unbolt it and turn it to the next set of holes. If none of them measure out less than .010 you have to machine the feet so it measures accordingly. Also when people take the reverser out with the trans in the car....BAD BAD BAD RACECAR PERSON!!!:) Feed it Mobil1 Syn. ATF and absolutely nothing else regardless of how rich you are and the fancy racing tranny fluids you can buy. The only thing I've "dinged up" on them is the gear in the reverser. When you press the transbrake button, give it a second before you put it in either forward or reverse. I know several guys who run the Bruno, they could have owned 2 Lencodrives for the money they've spent fixing them.

    Brandon Booher
    NHRA TAD #35
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2010

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